Session 202304101

Outdoor Cats; The Three Genders


“Cats and Predators”
“Changing Importances”
“The Shift from the Intellectual to the Intuitive, Gender and Sexuality”
“The Three Genders in Your Reality”
“Simply Being People”

Monday, April 10, 2023 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Debbie (Tamarra) and Philip (Paetre)

ELIAS: Good morning!

PHILIP: Good morning, Elias.

DEBBIE: Good morning.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss?

PHILIP: Elias, I have a couple of things to cover with you that are up. And the first question I have for you is, last night we had an animal screeching in the yard while Zen was outside and we went out and Debbie started down there. We saw an animal and it was absolutely screeching and we saw its eyes. We couldn’t tell what it was, we just saw its eyes in the light, and it was screeching like in pain or distress, some sort of distress. And it turns out Zen was down there near it and we got him in. He was completely nonplussed and wasn’t injured, so… But this animal seemed bigger than him. My impression is – I’ll tell you my impression and then ask a question – my impression is that either Zen was messing with its young or it was a territory dispute. That’s my impression, but I am very curious what animal it was and what was going on.

ELIAS: (Pause) Let me say to you, you’re in the woods and in the woods is not necessarily an entirely safe place for a cat. What it was, a fisher cat.

Now; fisher cats will actually kill and eat a cat.


ELIAS: Therefore it’s important to not have him be in a position in which he’s potentially going to be prey to that animal.

PHILIP: Wow. We… I just… We try to have him not go out near dusk because he does like to stay out and hang out, so we try and let him out, you know, late afternoon at the latest. But sometimes he doesn’t come back, and, you know, before dusk. And… But yeah, we’re very aware that it could be dangerous for him. Yeah.

ELIAS: Very well.

DEBBIE: Well, there’s more there.

PHILIP: Yeah, please continue if you have anything more to offer.

ELIAS: I would say that that’s most of it. There are other animals that are also obviously predatory animals, and although a cat is also a predator, they are generally no match for many of the predators that they may encounter in the woods.

PHILIP: Yeah. Okay.

DEBBIE: This is—Yeah, please.

PHILIP: And to kind of put this out there, I’ve been working very hard at everything that I’m engaging and everything I’m considering, I try and look at it as imagery, and what is underneath the imagery. And in this, this of course tells me that without even looking at that obviously, that there are dangers here for him. And even though he wasn’t, he wasn’t particularly rattled or upset, I don’t… That doesn’t mean that we should just let him have his run.

ELIAS: Correct. And in that, I would say that’s not actually unusual that he wouldn’t seem upset or afraid. Because he also is a predator, and therefore because he’s a predator, it’s not necessarily something that he would be afraid of. Even though the other predator may be bigger, it doesn’t matter. Another predator would have to be considerably bigger, such as a bear, before the cat would actually be afraid.


ELIAS: Unless it is attacked by something. If it’s caught by an owl, it will be afraid, but it won’t be afraid of the owl until it’s caught.

PHILIP: I see. Sure.

ELIAS: Because it’s not in their nature to be afraid, because they’re a predator.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: And as I’ve expressed previously, cats are the one animal that you have as animal companions that cannot be entirely domesticated.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: They remain hunters. And in that, I would say that this is obvious in how they express themselves, that generally speaking in relation to other animals, they’re not afraid.


ELIAS: Look at a cat’s behavior with a dog.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: The cat knows that it can be out of the dog’s reach. It’s likely that the cat, or it is not unusual that the cat would be somewhat tormenting of the dog, not being afraid of it. In that, in relation to cats and other animals, they don’t understand that these are wild animals and that these are animals that are dangerous to them, and that these animals see them in the same manner that the cat sees a mouse or a mole or a bird or a squirrel, even possums. Even though a possum is generally bigger than the cat, the cat doesn’t see that as a threat and will see that animal as prey. And because it sees other animals, even animals that might be bigger than itself, as a prey animal, something that it can hunt and that it can kill, it’s not afraid of other animals. It doesn’t know to be afraid. And because it doesn’t know to be afraid of other animals, it’s not and it can become dinner.

PHILIP: Can I ask, what do you suggest we do as far as letting him outside here? I mean, do you think it’s okay to still allow him to be outside during the day and just cut it off way, way before he’s going to be—

ELIAS: Yes, I would say that you cannot actually take a cat that you’ve already allowed to be outside, you can’t take that cat and then turn it into an inside cat.


ELIAS: This is something that I spoke to Lyla about.

DEBBIE: Yeah. Okay.

ELIAS: And she was, or she still is, in the direction of finding new homes for her cats. Some of those cats are outside cats and she made the mistake of giving one of those outside cats to an individual that wanted an inside cat and in that, the cat was traumatized and terrified. And in this, your cat wouldn’t necessarily be terrified but he would be miserable and he would make you miserable.

PHILIP: He of course came to us from the outside.

ELIAS: Once a cat—

DEBBIE: Pardon?

ELIAS: Yes, once a cat has been allowed to be outside, you can’t reverse that.

Now; what I would say is, it is important that the most you can do is to make sure that he’s not exposed to other nocturnal animals.


ELIAS: Now; what I would also say to you is that that doesn’t mean that he’s out of harm’s way entirely.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: Because there are animals in the woods that will hunt during the day, and therefore he could succumb to that. But I would say that being responsible in relation to what you can do, because you can’t monitor him every moment of the day, but I would say that being responsible to him and to you, the best of your ability, would be to assure that he is inside at night.

PHILIP: Yeah. Okay.

ELIAS: Most nocturnal predators will hunt or begin hunting just after dusk.


ELIAS: Therefore if you can wrangle him in (laughs) around that time, then generally speaking he should be relatively safe.

PHILIP: Okay. Very well. Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

DEBBIE: What are we presenting ourselves with, having this kind of experience, as it pertains to our development right now? That’s what I have been myself considering.

ELIAS: I would say it’s a matter of being responsible to yourself in relation to what is important to you, paying attention, and being aware of what you’re doing. Making intentional choices in relation to what is important to you.

DEBBIE: Okay. (Sighs)

PHILIP: All right. Good. And I think we’ve been doing that, so we will continue to.

ELIAS: I agree. And I would say this is all about intentional choices. And in this, that’s all about the more self-aware you are, the more you DO move in directions of intentional choices.

PHILIP: Very good. Okay, I’m going to switch gears to another thing that’s up for us. I’ll just preface it briefly. Over the last year, we’ve been kind of going around and around with our camper, our travel trailer, trying to decide what to do with it, if we can get it repaired, if we were going to sell it. And in this past week, where we had it stored in Michigan called us and they have sold the property and they need it gone by the end of the month. And one of our options has been to allow this to… to surrender it back to the bank in lieu of the remainder of the loan on it.

And I think while that was one of our choices, it probably wasn’t our first choice under the circumstances. After evaluating all of our options and choices over the last year, that that seems to be our, to me, to be our best choice at this point, and to allow us to no longer be under that, have that to concern ourselves with, to worry about, to figure out what to do with, to try to sell it, to try to repair it. It seems to me that our best choice is to surrender it back to the bank. And I was going to begin to move in that direction. We talked about it and kind of decided that that was probably our best choice at this point.

And I just… And again, and I’m viewing this in trying to view it in terms of the imagery, and the imagery to me is letting go of things that are no longer beneficial to us. And even though we don’t like particularly the idea of defaulting on the loan, that under the circumstances that this probably is our best choice and that whatever consequences there may be to credit and that type of thing, that that’s not going to cause a problem for us in the future and nobody’s getting hurt in the process of doing this. So I did want your impressions and your ideas around that.

ELIAS: I would say I agree with you, that this is partially a lesson in letting go and partially it’s about evaluating what is important and not to keep something just to have it.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: That to keep something, you’re keeping it for a reason and you’re keeping it because you’re to use it, not simply because you can have it. That’s moving in the direction of collecting and collecting in THAT form of collecting is not beneficial, and it’s generally the result of an issue.

DEBBIE: Right.

ELIAS: Therefore it’s a matter of once again re-evaluating and recognizing that your importances change and that as they change, then situations and circumstances change also. And in that, your importances have changed and in relation to this particular object, it’s not actually important to you any longer. It’s not something that you’re planning on or that you foresee using significantly. Therefore, the importance with it has changed and it’s not necessary.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: And therefore, it’s something that you can move in the direction of letting go of, knowing that it’s not important to hold onto something simply to have it.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: That moves in a direction of toying with status.


ELIAS: And as I expressed, when you hold onto something simply to have it, then you’re beginning to move in that direction of collecting, and that type of collecting is generated because of issues.

PHILIP: Right. If I may, I think we got that part covered. I would have parted with it some time ago. Actually the thing that was holding me back was this idea that I took a loan and under contract, and that I’m not fulfilling that, and then ideas about defaulting on a loan, what it would do to my credit and those types of things. And I think I’ve worked through those—

ELIAS: Excellent.

PHILIP: — pretty well.

ELIAS: Yes. And I would say that none of that is tremendously important either. That’s what I mean, in expressing that importances have changed.

PHILIP: Yes. Okay.

ELIAS: Not only in relation to whether you are using this particular object or not, but the importances around it have changed also. Therefore, it’s not considerably important to be allowing the bank to absorb it. It’s not reflecting on you in a tremendously negative capacity. It’s simply a choice.

PHILIP: Right.

DEBBIE: Right.

ELIAS: That this is not something that is important to you any longer. It’s not something that you plan on using, and therefore it’s something that is somewhat obsolete in relation to you and your lives.


ELIAS: And as you don’t own it outright, you also don’t have the option of selling it.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: Therefore it seems reasonable to simply give it back.

PHILIP: Okay. Good. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

PHILIP: I appreciate it. We’re going to be moving. There’s a lot of movement here, and a lot of very good movement, a lot of movement in the directions of our new undertakings and we’re very excited about it. So I appreciate the hand on the shoulder in some of these choices and decisions.

ELIAS: You have it.

PHILIP: Thank you. (Elias chuckles) I’m going to turn the… turn it over to my darling.

DEBBIE: Well, I’m listening hard. As you know, we’re doing what you discussed together. We’re moving together. We’re doing that, I think, excellently.


DEBBIE: Moving together. And how that applies to me, and what I’m listening hard about it is about the letting go, and the situation in New York, which has all sorts of wonderful creations for me to look at stuff. (Sighs) Yes, go ahead.

PHILIP: I do have something around that.

DEBBIE: Please.

PHILIP: Elias, I feel like a caveman a bit, because I’m having trouble accepting, and I’m not quite sure I understand why, this choice of Debbie’s daughter to have this surgery. And I know it’s not my choice. It has nothing to do with me, but the whole thing just hits me wrong. It just… It just… I almost feel like it’s much ado about nothing or it’s unnecessary maneuvering. And again, it’s not my choice and it has nothing to do with me other than my support of my partner. And—

ELIAS: Meaning, in relation to unnecessary maneuvering?

PHILIP: What do I mean?


PHILIP: It… I have a feeling like a lot of these choices that people are making are… The idea that you would… that you would put your body in a position of having surgeries to remove things that aren’t necessary, in order to make a point.

ELIAS: It’s not in order to make a point.

PHILIP: Okay. Well, this is why I’m asking.

ELIAS: It’s definitely NOT in order to make a point. It has to do with the self-identity of the individual. Let me express to you that this is part of this shift.


ELIAS: The energy has shifted from the male-dominant energy to the female-dominant energy, from the intellectual to the intuitive. And what does that have to do with gender and sexuality? A lot.

In this, in the intellectual direction, the intellectually-dominated energy, what has been expressed through your history until now, has been a directive of conformity.

Now; that has been purposeful. It’s not bad. It’s not wrong. It has been very purposeful. It began, to use the words, “feeling like a caveman,” it began with them. (Chuckles)

PHILIP: Okay. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: And in that, throughout your history it has been significant and important to have that conformity. Because it, in a manner of speaking, ensured your survival and allowed you to develop and allowed you to flourish.

Now; this is only one part of this shift in consciousness, but it is a significant part.

Now; this will also perhaps help you to see or glimpse, let us say, some of the enormity of this shift in consciousness.


ELIAS: It’s not simply about being able to thin the veils between yourselves and death. It’s not simply about being more intuitive. And what does that even mean? It’s affecting your entire world and your entire species and how you experience yourselves.

Now; identity is a significant piece in this shift. Because if you’re going to thin the veils between yourselves and death, yourselves and other focuses, yourselves and other dimensions, it is significantly important that you are firm in your identity because there’s a lot that can threaten that.

Now; in that, it’s also a matter of recognizing that this shift in energy from the male-dominated to the female-dominated, it is not about men and women.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: It’s about a different type of energy, and it’s not about logic versus emotion. It has nothing to do with that. Intellectual doesn’t mean logic, and intuitive doesn’t mean emotion. In this, part of this shift IS about identity and one of the strongest factors of a human individual’s identity is your gender. You don’t only look at yourself as being Phil. You are embroiled in the mentality and the expression and the identity of a male individual. You are Phil as a name. You are a man, and that dictates your experience. You don’t have the same experience as a female. You can’t bear children. There are many expressions that you will not understand and not know because you are a male individual. You are not a female individual. And you’ve KNOWN that you were a male individual from the time you were an infant.

What is difficult for individuals in your present time framework in your generation and in older generations – not younger generations, it’s not as difficult for them – but what is difficult for you is that you have developed, grown up and become an adult in a time in which most of this shift was subjective. Therefore the objective expressions of a lot of it weren’t being engaged yet.


ELIAS: And even though they were beginning to move in those directions, they were also being hushed because they weren’t being accepted. They’re still not being entirely accepted, but the numbers of individuals that are moving in different directions are growing tremendously and therefore it’s not as much of an option to keep everything quiet. But it’s difficult for many individuals to transition, in a manner of speaking, into some of these changes that are occurring in relation to sexuality and gender, because you don’t understand it. Because what you understand is YOUR experience.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: Now; I would say that there are many people in your generation that might have moved in the direction that individuals are engaging now, had that been an option to them.


ELIAS: But it wasn’t.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: And therefore, what happened – and this is something that you may be aware of, in relation to individuals in your generation – that many, many, many individuals moved in a direction of thinking and perceiving and believing that something was wrong with them.

PHILIP: Ah. Right.

ELIAS: Many individuals don’t enjoy sexual activity, and think something’s wrong with them. The reason they don’t enjoy it is likely – not all of them, but a lot of them – likely that they would have been more comfortable and expressed themselves more naturally in the manner that many of the younger individuals are expressing themselves now. But that wasn’t an option.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: Therefore, what happened instead was the development of many issues that some individuals – actually, many of them – because they are in your generation, at this point, choose not to even address to them.


ELIAS: They generate the idea and the perception of what’s the point? At this point, it doesn’t matter to them anymore.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: Now; what I would say to you is, when I began my conversations with all of you, I did identify three genders. People have speculated about that and misunderstood that from the beginning. Now you’re beginning to see the evidence of it. What does it mean? You don’t only have two genders in your reality. You do have three. One of them is not actually male or female. It’s something else. And it doesn’t fall into the role of male and female.

Male and female are very clearly defined in relation to reproduction. These individuals are not moving in that direction. Reproduction doesn’t factor into their identity. And in keeping with development, not all of them know in a clear capacity that they may not necessarily fall into the category of male or female until they are slightly older. Meaning some of them may be aware of that around the age of twelve moving into adolescence. Some of them might not recognize that until they are fully into adolescence and they may not express anything about it because they’re afraid, because there are still many, many, many, many, many people in your world that are confused and oppositional. And there are many individuals that perceive this situation in a very similar manner to yourself, which is tremendously discounting, and it’s discounting because it’s uninformed. And it’s uninformed because you’re not asking questions. THAT is your responsibility.

In this, there are as many individuals in your world that are of the third gender as there are of the other two. That’s a lot.


ELIAS: Therefore what I would say is in actuality, if everyone was allowed to express themselves freely, this situation of being presented with that third gender would likely touch every single family. That that’s how prevalent it is.

Now; it doesn’t touch every single family because it’s still in its infancy of being able to be expressed. But I would also say that moving in the direction of physically altering their physical bodies is not extreme, and it’s something that is not inappropriate. As I said, this is not a situation of simply individuals moving in the direction of becoming what you identify as trans-gendered. Trans-gendered individuals, generally speaking, although it’s not a rule, but generally these are individuals that know at very young ages that the physical form that they inhabit doesn’t match their identity. Generally individuals know as young or even younger than primary school. They’re already expressing in capacities that are different from their physical gender.

What we are speaking of isn’t that black and white. Because those individuals are still moving in the direction of the two main genders.

PHILIP: And that’s been a lot of my confusion.

ELIAS: This is a different subject. There are more individuals that fall into this category than fall into the category of actual trans-gender. This is a new category, which this category they have given themselves a name as being non-binary.

DEBBIE: Correct.

ELIAS: Which binary is a computer terminology, but that terminology is actually quite accurate because it refers to zeros and ones.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: It only refers to two numbers, zeros and ones. Therefore, what they’re expressing is actually quite accurate. They’re not binary. They don’t fit into the either-or. They’re not a zero. They’re not a one. They’re not a male. They’re not a female. They don’t incorporate an identity in a clear capacity of either one. They lean in the direction of both. They recognize that they have qualities of both, but they also don’t want to be seen as one or the other. Therefore when they move in the direction of augmenting their bodies, what they’re doing is they are moving in the direction of generating an androgynous appearance, because that’s more accurate to their identity. They’re not trying to become a male individual or a female individual. They’re not attempting to alter their bodies entirely. They’re moving in a direction of altering their bodies in obvious manners, in manners that appear very obvious in appearance to become more androgynous.

Therefore individuals that are born male may incorporate hormones to alter that and therefore what they will change is the shape of their body. They’re not trying to incorporate breasts, but they do want to change the shape of their body so that it doesn’t appear to be so obviously male AND they will also want to be altering the production of hair in other places on their body other than their head. Therefore on their legs, on their arms, on their chest, on their back. They don’t want hair to be expressed in those areas because that’s something that is more typically male.

Female individuals or individuals that were born female may choose to be augmenting their body in relation to breasts and removing them. They don’t want to necessarily be a male individual. They simply want to be recognized in their appearance as being neither one.

PHILIP: Right. Elias, let me make this personal for myself.

ELIAS: Very well.

PHILIP: Let me just say a few things, and then I’ll have you continue. I knew when I was quite young, or not a child but perhaps as I was getting closer to puberty or in puberty, I began to realize that I naturally expressed qualities of both sexes I’ll say. At least I felt that I did, and I felt that… I felt different than other males. And I think throughout my life I’ve expressed, while I’ve expressed very male behaviors, I have also expressed what I would say are very female behaviors, and have an appreciation for… I always felt like I had an appreciation for that, and not being so stuck, at least in my mind not feeling so stuck in a male gender. That I felt like I could express what would be considered female traits, probably not physically but in my expressions, say.


PHILIP: That being said, let me find the next piece. Give me one moment. (Pause) Ah. And I noted, I was very, very much liked rock music as a teenager and ever since, but I was drawn, very drawn to androgynous characters in the music business, in popular music. I was always very drawn to androgynous-type characters. So again I took that as an indication that I probably wasn’t a run-of-the-mill male. So I have a… I’m a bit astounded that now, faced with this, these changes, that I have some resistance to it, because that’s not been my… I think I’ve been fairly progressive in how I viewed myself and how I viewed others.

ELIAS: I understand. And let me say to you, my friend, this is not unusual, and not only for this subject, for many subjects. I would say that an individual that has been severely abused when they are young may have less tolerance for individuals that have been abused but not as much. Why? Because they move in an automatic direction. They don’t even think about it. It’s an automatic direction of: “I survived, and I didn’t move in this direction or that direction. And why are you?”

(The timer for the end of the session rings)

If someone is moving in a direction of having difficulty with something and you have moved in a direction of overcoming something more, you automatically will likely move in a direction of having less tolerance for people that do different.

You’ve had your experiences, and I acknowledge that. And in a logical capacity, it would seem that yes, you should have more tolerance because you understand. But also, you managed to move through life and not alter your body and you managed to generate your expression and be yourself and still appear to be a male individual.

PHILIP: I understand.

ELIAS: But regardless of all of that, remember: as I said, there are a tremendous number of you in your generation that likely would have moved in the same direction as many of these individuals now, if it had been an option. But it wasn’t.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: And you may have been one of them. And in that, you might have chosen not to appear to be so masculine.


ELIAS: In this, it’s a matter of the times. And in this time framework, the shift is being objectively expressed and therefore is moving in a direction in which there are physical changes that are happening in your world, and this is one of them. That younger individuals, not only children but young adults, are discovering that there is much more to their sexuality than (pause) merely expressing sexual activity, and that a lot of them don’t want to. There are a significant number of young adults presently who are by choice (chuckles) expressing in the direction of remaining virgins. Not because they can’t fit in. Not because they aren’t attracted to another individual, but because they are simply choosing not to express in relation to sexual activity. Why? They don’t want to. They’re not entirely certain about how that fits with their identity, and until they are, they simply don’t want to engage it. And many of them don’t.

What I would say to you, my friend, is your world is changing and this is one of the changes. And it’s not what you think. And in that, what I would say to you, my dear friend, is when you have these feelings about what other people are engaging in relation to augmenting their bodies, and when you have these feelings about this seems ludicrous and you don’t understand what they’re doing, stop for a moment and remember when you were young.


ELIAS: And remind yourself that what you’re saying to yourself isn’t true. You do know.


ELIAS: You do understand. You simply didn’t have the freedom that the individuals have now. But that’s all part of the shift, isn’t it?


ELIAS: Moving in the direction of more freedom.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: You want more freedom in relation to what you do and your choices and your life. They want more freedom in relation to their choices and their lives also, and that’s what you’re all doing in relation to shifting. You’re all giving yourself more freedom. And in this, then I would say to you perhaps you might even be expressing quite the opposite and being happy for these individuals that they ARE allowed to express more of their freedom in which you welcomed that yourself, had it been an option.

PHILIP: Right. Right.

ELIAS: In this, my dear friend, what I would say to you is it’s very, very understandable what you’ve been feeling and thinking in these situations. And in that, now you can move in a direction of empathizing with these individuals and recognizing that they’re not moving in extremes. It’s not an extreme for them. They don’t necessarily want to be the opposite gender. They don’t want to be either gender. And what’s the first thing that you engage when you meet someone? (Pause)

PHILIP: What gender they are.

ELIAS: You engage their appearance.

PHILIP: Sure. Right.

ELIAS: It’s the very first thing that you are engaging and expressing when you meet someone is what they look like. And in that, these people don’t want to look like a male or a female. They don’t want to be categorized as a boy or a girl or a man or a woman.

What is quite ironic in this is the factor that individuals for a century have been fighting for the female voice, women’s rights, women’s voice, women’s empowerment. Which I have touched on this subject previously but have not actually engaged it fully, but there is a lot to be said about that particular subject. But in that, it’s somewhat ironic that as humans for the last century you have moved so strongly in the direction of women’s voices and women’s rights and turning your world upside down in relation to that direction and that fight, simply to arrive at the point of not having women’s voices or men’s voices, but simply being people.

DEBBIE: Right.

ELIAS: And I expressed a time framework ago to all of you about your sexuality, that you were much more akin to cetaceans and that it was much more natural for you as humans to be expressing in a manner that is much more akin to cetaceans. And most individuals understand that to be quite (inaudible).

DEBBIE: And be what?

ELIAS: To be lunacy. That that is ridiculous. There were some individuals that definitely ran with that and thought that was excellent, because it gave them permission to be expressing sex in whatever manner they wanted and whenever they wanted. That wasn’t the point. But in this, what WAS the point is that sexual interaction is something that is naturally expressed, not simply for procreation but for fun. But not everyone thinks it’s fun. And that is something that is quite befuddling to many individuals because many individuals DO perceive sexual activity as being fun, and can’t imagine that anybody doesn’t think that it’s fun. But there are actually (laughs) many people that don’t.

Therefore, in all of this, what I would say to you is this is actually a tremendous subject. It’s an excellent subject, and it’s somewhat of a complex subject in that it’s a matter of genuinely taking the time to ask a lot of questions, that this is not as simple as you think. And in that, I would say that it’s a matter of it’s important. It’s a very important subject because this is now and this is the future. And moving in opposition to it is simply going to generate grief for you – not for them, because they ultimately are the wave of the future. Therefore they will move in their direction. They already are.

PHILIP: Right.

ELIAS: And whatever opposition you might have to that won’t matter in the long run. Therefore in that, any opposition is only going to provide your own self with grief, not them. What I would say is it’s significant that you are expressing a willingness to understand. And how you understand is to ask a lot of questions.


ELIAS: What is important to these individuals? What is their perspective? What is their perception about sexuality? What is their perception about gender? What is their statement? Because you all have a statement. It’s your story. And everyone’s story is important. Therefore I would say, it is simply a matter of discovering what is their story. (Pause)

PHILIP: Very good. I knew when I was generating opposition to it myself that it was something that I needed to address to, because it’s not what I wanted. I didn’t want to feel that way, and I knew that there had to be more to it and I’m glad I brought it to you. And thank you very much for—

ELIAS: You are very welcome. And I would express, I’m glad that you did also. Because in that, I am quite pleased to share that information with you because it’s important.

PHILIP: Thank you very much, Elias.

ELIAS: You are very, very welcome.

DEBBIE: I would like to have more conversations with you on this.

ELIAS: Most definitely.

DEBBIE: And to share, to be shared.

ELIAS: Most definitely. And I would express to you, I am entirely in that direction with you and am entirely willing to engage.

DEBBIE: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

PHILIP: Very well, my friend.

ELIAS: I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting. And I shall be offering my energy to each of you in tremendous support and in great comfort.

In dear friendship and exceptional love and affection, au revoir.

DEBBIE: Au revoir.

PHILIP: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 19 minutes)

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