Session 202307091

Identity; Dealing with Temper Tantrums


“Dream Interpretations”
“Time Travel Projections”
“Dealing with Temper Tantrums”

Sunday, July 9, 2023 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Paul (Paneus)

PAUL: Good morning, Elias! How are you?

ELIAS: (Laughs) As always. And yourself?

PAUL: Continuing my explorations.

ELIAS: Very well. Which explorations?

PAUL: Well, I still explore some time travel aspects and projections of consciousness, I should say – and we’ll talk about that if I have time – work stuff and dream stuff. I have a quick question. So a few days back, I had a work dream and it was all about big success and a form of recognition. And I think, if I look back at my dream notes, it was a company was going through a shuffling of their upper management, and I was in this one meeting with some top individuals of the company. And I remember one of the H.R. people said, “Well, why are you here?” I said, “I was asked to be here.” And then later on, I got in a scene where I was in like an office, and I was getting a – what’s interesting in a dream is I was getting an employee of the year award, but they misspelled my last name. (Laughs) So can you relate what the imagery might be? And why was my last name misspelled, which I thought was a kind of odd, almost comical thing in a dream? So those two elements.

ELIAS: And your impressions?

PAUL: Well, I think, I think it’s the fact that I’m well recognized at the company. I’ll say I’m getting positioned for a promotional opportunity, if I stay in my current role. Why they misspelled my last name on the employee of the year award, I can’t fathom yet what that related to.

ELIAS: I would say that it is imagery that is acknowledging of yourself in relation to your present employment, and that you are liked there and that you have established yourself well. I would say that the piece about spelling your name wrong is an interesting piece of imagery for you, because it’s about identity and how strongly people associate with their identity with their name.

PAUL: Just that? Just identity?

ELIAS: Yes. No, that’s more important than you think. I have been discussing the subject of identity recently.

PAUL: Oh. Yeah, I remember that, some of that discussion. So that’s what it’s related to. So…


PAUL: Past topic of Elias – I’m writing notes – of Elias’ talk on identity. Okay.

ELIAS: Yes. And it’s important because it touches everyone.

PAUL: The concept of identity.

ELIAS: In one manner or another, it touches everyone. (Pause)

PAUL: I have a… Speaking of work, I know you’re not able to predict the future but what…? Do you have any thoughts, about whether you’d consider it being more positive staying in my current job or potentially pursuing that merger and acquisition strategy opportunity that we talked about last time?

ELIAS: I would say that that is definitely an interesting opportunity for you, and it’s—

PAUL: The strategy thing?

ELIAS: Yes. And that it’s interesting that you have presented that to yourself. It may be an interesting exploration for you.

PAUL: That’s a pretty strong hint. You don’t have to hint anymore. I’ll… I don’t know if the opportunity’s still there or not, but I’ll talk to the guy this week about it, see if it is, and then talk to him about whether or not I might be a candidate.

ELIAS: Excellent.

PAUL: Or, or, or, if not, then potentially circle back with the guy in the future, because I do deal with the guy indirectly now. So… Another quick dream one. I had a dream a few days back about being in Germany in the later part of the war or something, going up to Adolf Hitler and I think it was Goebbels or one of his other deputies, I don’t remember, and greeting him and shaking his hand. And I realized his hand shook so much, and telling him not to worry about death, you know, we’re all going to die eventually anyway. Was that just some type of imagery? Or was that actually a past focus of mine that actually had that interaction with him late in the war?

ELIAS: That was another focus.

PAUL: Do you know which one of mine?

ELIAS: I would encourage you to investigate, and to genuinely pay attention to what resonates with you.

PAUL: Well, I’m pretty sure it’s the one that was… Oh gosh. I can’t remember. Was it an OE or was it a regular focus of mine?

ELIAS: A focus.

PAUL: Okay. I think I know who it might be, but it’s a… It’s a soldier. I’ll have to go back and look at my old notes on that.

ELIAS: Very well.

PAUL: My daughter wanted to ask about her new relationship, her new boyfriend relationship, and how you’d characterize that. Do you see that as potentially a positive situation? How do you view that? If you can cast any commentaries.

ELIAS: One moment. (Pause) Very well. I would say that this individual is, in relation to her, definitely more positive than the previous relationship. They’re not necessarily complements to each other, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be engaging a relationship. I would say that it’s a matter of genuinely recognizing what she is comfortable with and what she isn’t. And what I would say in that is be aware of whatever you’re not necessarily comfortable with and recognize that you cannot change another individual.

PAUL: Okay. We’re talking about her current boyfriend that she’s been dating?

ELIAS: Yes, I am.

PAUL: Okay.

ELIAS: Yes, I am. Which I expressed, he is definitely more positive than the previous one. But I’m merely reminding her that this may be a stepping stone, in a manner of speaking, in relation to moving in the direction of a genuine complement.

PAUL: Okay.

ELIAS: In that capacity, I would say that it’s positive. Not necessarily permanent, but positive.

PAUL: Okay. Do think there’s any downside if they moved in together? Cause they’re starting to talk about that as an option, living together.

ELIAS: I would say actually for her, in knowing that it’s not necessarily a permanent relationship, that this actually might be, if she’s aware and if she’s paying attention, a positive step because it might help her to move in a direction of being more self-sufficient and also learning how to trust again. I would say that her previous relationship was somewhat devastating in relation to her trust factor, and it may be a direction with this individual of rebuilding some of that trust in people. And therefore, it could be a positive move, but it could be a positive move if she’s paying attention to her.

PAUL: Okay. Okay. But you don’t see, you don’t see any immediate aspects of being negative if they moved in together?


PAUL: Okay. That’s all I want to hear. (Elias laughs) How are, how are my lungs doing? I was wondering about that the other day, and I’m still wondering if there’s still any mold or other type of negative health stuff in my bedroom that I would still need to clean? I cleaned the room pretty well, vacuuming and kind of dusting off the walls, but is there anything in my bedroom that might still be a negative effect to my lungs and the healing associated with my lungs?

ELIAS: Mm, I would say that there are some spores in the air. THAT was somewhat inevitable and unavoidable. When you clean mold, you inevitably release spores and therefore in that, that may be what is bothering you still, that—

PAUL: Even though I have the window open as much as I can in the evening?

ELIAS: Yes. It’s, they’re in the air. And in that, you can’t very much avoid them.

PAUL: Okay. Well, do I need—

ELIAS: But I would say that they’re not living. Therefore, they’re not attaching to anything.

PAUL: Okay. Do I need to do anything to my room, other than what I’ve currently done, to make it healthier?


PAUL: Okay. How are my… Are my lungs still improving each month?


PAUL: Okay. The reason I ask, I had a real bad cough like three, four weeks ago and went to the doctor. They actually wanted to do a chest X-ray and they saw a little spot on my lung. And I think that’s the same spot that was talked about previously, and I think you said it was residual from a past infection. I’m assuming that is the spot that needs to be healed up?


PAUL: That will heal up over time? Because as long as I’m making progress each month, which is what you’re saying, I am—


PAUL: Okay. That’s all I want to know. I’m going to Egypt in September, do some sightseeing for about ten days, and I wondered where my focus Ashanii lived, what general area? And would it be a positive thing for me to try and get to that area and see if there’s any connections that I have?

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say that that’s your choice. Generally speaking, visiting certain areas will spark a feeling of familiarity and connection. In that, I would definitely encourage you to follow your intuition.

PAUL: Okay. Follow my intuition, but—

ELIAS: To lead you in the correct direction.

PAUL: Okay. Is…? Well, did she live in a current, like in its current…? I know she lived in the past, but was that in a…? Is that location in a current urban area or is it more remote, removed from the… a main city?

ELIAS: No. In, in the main city, yes. In Cairo.

PAUL: Okay. Well, the reason I’m saying that is I have some free time. I’ve got almost a full day of free time when I first land with nothing scheduled. So that’s why I’m trying to think, well maybe I’ll connect with maybe something that, where she lived. So you’re saying just follow your intuition and… Well, Cairo is a big city. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I understand, but I would say that if you follow your intuition, you will lead yourself in the correct direction.

PAUL: Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore, even at the airport you can simply stand and feel into the city, and you will give yourself a direction to begin with. (Pause)

PAUL: Okay. I don’t have to wait to get to the airport. I can potentially do that now, right?

ELIAS: Yes, you could actually. But once you land in the country, it will be stronger.

PAUL: Okay. Let’s talk about this time travel projection of mine. To recap, you told me in the past that eventually I could make these, instead of being projections these could be physical projections as well, right?


PAUL: Okay. Because it seems like I… Well, let me ask a question. Sometimes I’m laying down in my room, like when I’m taking a power nap, whether I’m on the floor or on my bed, I get… I get… When I wake up, I’m really kind of light-headed. Is that because my body is still running into that projection of consciousness operation?


PAUL: Even though I’m not remembering it. So maybe I should just start remembering what first thing that passed my mind when I get up from a power nap?


PAUL: Okay.

ELIAS: That would be a beginning. And I would say write it down, because generally speaking you will forget very quickly. Therefore write it down immediately, and later it might actually return to you in the recall.

PAUL: So even if it’s a… Even if I’m not doing my formal meditation, if I’m just doing a power nap in my room, you know if I—


PAUL: Okay. Okay. Okay.

ELIAS: You don’t have to be doing meditation to be projecting.

PAUL: Well, it seems like I do it often, Elias, because I get this light-headedness fairly frequently from even a power nap.

ELIAS: Yes. And I would say that that is actually not unusual, that that would be a time that you would be generating that action more consistently.

PAUL: Oh, a quick side note. My daughter yesterday had created two situations, once at her work and once when she was out at a bar with her boyfriend, where people threw up right in front of her. And she was wondering, since she has such a strong fear of throw-up from a past life association, why did she create that, those two events yesterday?

ELIAS: I would say that was actually in relation to not being entirely comfortable where she was.

PAUL: Really? (Pause) So she wasn’t being comfortable at work, and wasn’t being comfortable at her boyfriend’s bar?

ELIAS: At the time, yes. It doesn’t mean that in general she’s not comfortable. I’m saying at that time she wasn’t comfortable where she was.

PAUL: We talked in the past about my grand-daughter’s temper tantrums and I think you gave me some type of recommendation. Is there anything else you’d like to add that would help my daughter and I to best manage those outbursts of hers, of my grand-daughter’s?

ELIAS: Now; how have you been engaging with that precisely?

PAUL: Well, I try the best I can, try to not succumb to what she wants. Let’s say, “Well, I’m not going to give you this, do this, whatever, because you’re in such a temper tantrum mode, but if you calm down I’ll consider it.” That’s one of the approaches I’ve taken, and the other one is, “If you,” let’s say, “If you’re doing this outburst, we’re going to do no talking” – or I’m not going to do any talking with her for like ten or fifteen minutes.

ELIAS: And how has that been accomplishing?

PAUL: Not as well as it could be. (Laughs)

ELIAS: (Chuckles) That’s not surprising. (Chuckles) And in that, when I expressed not to give that attention or to remove yourself, I didn’t express to you to tell her, “I’m not going to engage you for fifteen minutes if you keep expressing in this manner.” THAT, it has already defeated you.

PAUL: Oh! So you’re just saying just remove yourself, not giving her any attention, but —


PAUL: — don’t say, to say that, just walk away.

ELIAS: (Inaudible) Yes. Because you’ve already defeated the purpose by expressing that, by explaining and expressing, “I’m not going to do this until you do this.” In that, you defeated yourself immediately by expressing that.


ELIAS: In that, she’s, she already knows that she’s got your attention and you don’t like it.

PAUL: Why does she just...?

ELIAS: And let me say to you, that’s the point. It doesn’t matter whether your attention is negative or positive. What matters is the attention.

PAUL: Yeah. I could see that. She—

ELIAS: You could scream at her, and it would be the same as you explaining to her. It doesn’t matter.

PAUL: Because she wants that—

ELIAS: She’s still getting payoff.

PAUL: Yeah. She wants the attention.


PAUL: And why does she…? She does all this stuff—

ELIAS: In that—

PAUL: — because she—

ELIAS: Now; I also expressed to you that she also is having difficulty in (pause) directing her feelings. This is not unusual with many children. They have difficulty in relation to their feelings, that their feelings might be strong at times and they don’t know how to manage them.

Now; when she’s NOT expressing in that manner, because you don’t want to attempt to explain anything to her while she’s in that expression. It won’t matter what you say. She can’t process when you’re talking to her in that situation. Therefore when she’s NOT in that mode, so to speak, then you can talk to her and offer her some manners to direct herself, in how to express what she’s feeling. Because children can’t always explain what they’re feeling.

PAUL: Yeah. Hey Elias, in general, because I’m running out of time, is this overall, in general, kind of like just a phase that she’s going through and then she’ll grow out of that phase?

ELIAS: Yes and no.

PAUL: Ha! Okay. Okay. Okay, well—

ELIAS: Perhaps at another time we may discuss that further.

PAUL: I will do so, maybe at our next call.

ELIAS: Very well.

PAUL: Elias, as always, I definitely appreciate our interaction. And I believe you were playing with my headlights on my car a couple times in the past month. Is that right?

ELIAS: (Laughs) And I would say, thank you for paying attention.

PAUL: (Laughs) Yep. I appreciate it. Thanks, Elias.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I express—

(Audio ends after 30 minutes)

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