Session 1781
Translations: PT

Seeking and Not Finding


“Seeking and Not Finding”
“Why Do I Drink Too Much?”

Tuesday, June 10, 2005 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Bernie (Geraldme)

(Elias’ arrival time is 18 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

BERNIE: Morning.

ELIAS: And how shall we proceed?

BERNIE: Well, in my first question, what can you share about my essence name, essence family, alignment, orientation, and other personal aspects such as tone, focus color, which may be useful to me?

ELIAS: Very well.

BERNIE: And how many focuses do I have in this dimension in this timeframe?

ELIAS: Very well. Essence name, Geraldme, G-E-R-A-L-D-M-E (jer AHL may). And what is your impression as to your essence family and your alignment?

BERNIE: I don’t have the faintest idea.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Essence family, Sumari; alignment in this focus, Vold; orientation, common; focus type, political. Do you incorporate an impression as to your color?

BERNIE: A kind of a blue, perhaps? (Pause)

ELIAS: Sea foam. And your impression as to musical note or tone?

BERNIE: (Inaudible)

ELIAS: (Laughs) Musical note, D. Total numbering of focuses, 872; numbering of focuses in this time framework, 5.

BERNIE: What can you share with me about my life intention in this focus and my peculiar outlook in the dimension? Why do I gravitate to an esoteric explanation of reality and find myself open to embracing any unconventional theory while eschewing authority and conventional wisdom? Why do I continually seek but fail to find?

ELIAS: In actuality, you are presenting several questions.

Now; as to that of your intent within this focus, I shall express to you in like manner that I express to other individuals, in an encouragement for you to be examining the entirety of your focus and your experiences, not merely now but throughout your focus. In that examination, allow yourself to discover the theme that is associated with all of your experiences. It is significant that individuals engage this exercise themselves, for this offers you information and also offers you a method in which you may become more intimately familiar with yourself and what your desire and your drive is. Therefore, it is important that you incorporate a time framework in which you may engage this type of evaluation.

As to your other questions as to your association with authority and your fascination with esoteric philosophies and concepts, and as to your question concerning why you are continually seeking but not finding, these may somewhat be associated with your intent, but also there are other reasons that are involved in this direction that you incorporate.

The element of the response to authority is associated with shifting. One of the actions of shifting, in relation to this shift in consciousness, is to be shifting your attention from authorities to self and allowing yourself to be directing of yourself, not looking to other individuals or groups that shall dictate your choices, but shifting your attention to you, in which you become the director of yourself and of your choices.

This is one of the most significant aspects of this shift in consciousness and one that is being, and shall be more so futurely, tremendously altering of your reality in how you interact with each other and how you interact with yourselves, which eventually shall also be quite affecting in redefining your societies and the structure of them — not incorporating the separation of governments in the manner in which they have been expressed previously and to this point, for it is unnecessary to be incorporating that type of structure if all of the individuals are directing of self. Therefore, your rebellion in relation to authority is associated with that aspect of shifting yourself.

Which, remember, this shift in consciousness has been being expressed for more than one of your centuries now. Therefore throughout the entirety of your focus, you have been participating in this shift and have been shifting yourself but may not necessarily have incorporated a definition for what you are doing.

As to the continuous seeking and not finding, that is not necessarily accurate. Individuals within your physical reality, generally speaking, incorporate a tendency to view different elements of their reality in black-and-white terms, either/or. In that, in certain situations or in relation to certain subjects, individuals generate a perception that they either have or do not have. It is a matter of how the individual perceives possession. They either possess or they do not possess, which is quite black-and-white and is not actually accurate.

As an example, an individual may express to myself that they do not have money, which is generally not accurate. They may perceive that they do not incorporate ENOUGH money, but what they are expressing is that they do not incorporate any, which is inaccurate. Other individuals may express to myself that they do not have information, which is also inaccurate. They may incorporate information but generate a perception that they do not incorporate ENOUGH information.

In this type of perception, what is occurring is that the individual, such as yourself, is not acknowledging what they actually are expressing or what they actually do possess or what they actually are presenting to themselves. This creates a frustration and difficulty for the individual, for the individual thusly generates a direction of continually striving and continually discounting themselves, for they never appear, in their perception, to attain what they seek.

Now; in association with that action, it is a matter of altering the perception. In this, if you are actually acknowledging the information that you have presented to yourself and allowing yourself to appreciate the information that you have presented to yourself, this generates more of an acknowledgment of your own accomplishment, rather than discounting yourself in what you have not accomplished, what you cannot find, what you must continuously be seeking. It also allows you to recognize that you incorporate a tremendous capacity for information. It is not a matter of seeking the one true aspect of information, but it is a continuous process of exploration. All that you are exploring serves to expand you and your awareness. This is the nature of consciousness.

It is not a matter of continually seeking one ultimate truth and therefore incorporating the secret gems of consciousness and of existence or attaining to the perfection of enlightenment. You already are perfect in each moment in whatever you are experiencing. You are precisely and perfectly experiencing reality in every moment, regardless of what the experience is and regardless of whether it is comfortable or not comfortable or pleasurable or not pleasurable. You are continuously experiencing and offering yourself information, and that generates a continuous expansion of your awareness. This is the action of consciousness — continuously exploring, continuously expanding and simultaneously continuously folding in.

In this, as you allow yourself to acknowledge all of the information that you present to yourself and that you offer to yourself, that allows you a broader evaluation of what you offer to yourself and allows you to become much more familiar with you, with all of the aspects of you, with all of your truths, with your preferences, with your guidelines, and it expands your capacity to express acceptance of yourself and of all of your reality, other individuals and your world.

The drive or the fascination with esoteric concepts or philosophies is a preference. It is associated with your intent in what you are exploring in this particular focus, generating many different philosophies, offering yourself information in many different manners, and allowing yourself to create evaluations of them to offer yourself broader choices in relation to your individual preferences — to generate your own philosophy, incorporating certain elements of other philosophies or ideas or concepts, and choosing which elements of different philosophies or concepts move in conjunction with your own individual preferences, and therefore, which element of any philosophies you shall incorporate yourself and perhaps modify as your own individual philosophy.

BERNIE: Why can’t I change my reality the way I change the channel on my TV with my remote control? What energy blocks, for example, or limitations are blocking my ability to immediately create or change my reality based on my objective view of the moment? What am I missing in my avocation of understanding the mechanism and principals of how I create my reality? How can I overcome whatever obstacles I have to become fully accepting and trusting myself? How will I know when I accept and trust myself to the max?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) First of all, there is no maximum, for that suggests a finish line or an end point, and there is no end point. There are points in which you may be more aware, but in your exploration and in your experiencing and offering yourself information, you are continuously expanding, and therefore are continuously becoming more and more aware, which allows you more efficiency.

But why can you not change your reality as you change your channels with your television — you can! It is a matter of understanding the mechanisms that create your reality. In generating a clearer and wider awareness of yourself and of these mechanisms, you become more aware of how to manipulate energy to create what you want. In this, I may offer you a general response or answer to these questions, but I may also express to you that each situation may involve differences and may involve different beliefs or different influences of beliefs.

The general response to your questions is that the obstacles or what you may term to be the blocks that prevent you from altering your reality or changing it as you do your channels are your beliefs and your perception. Your beliefs influence perception. Perception is the mechanism that actually creates your physical reality and every element of it.

Now; your beliefs incorporate many influences. Becoming aware of the beliefs that you incorporate as expressed beliefs and also becoming aware of the different influences of each belief allows you to choose what influences shall allow you to accomplish what you want more efficiently.

Another element of this is being aware of your preferences. Many individuals are not objectively aware of what their preferences are. Being aware of what your preferences are is helpful to you in allowing you to be aware of how to manipulate your energy in conjunction with your preferences to create what you want more efficiently or more effortlessly.

But the most significant is being aware of your beliefs and the influences of your beliefs, for in not being aware objectively, what you generate is placing yourself, figuratively speaking, in the seat of the co-pilot. You generate automatic responses which are limiting, for they are precisely that — they are automatic. They require no thought; they generally do not incorporate any emotional communications. They are merely expressed. Automatic responses are one choice in association with one influence of any particular belief. Each belief, every belief, incorporates many, many, many influences.

Individuals become confused at times or frustrated or discount themselves if they generate a type of movement in which they begin to express what they perceive to be new or different behaviors or directions that are more satisfactory to themselves, but then subsequently generate behaviors or actions that they perceive to be or define as being old behaviors that they dislike. In that, they discount themselves and express to themselves and to other individuals that they are moving backwards, and that generates frustration.

In actuality, the concept of not eliminating beliefs for most individuals remains precisely that, a concept, not actually a reality yet. For that is also an automatic response that most individuals incorporate, automatically associating and attempting to eliminate their beliefs and generating what they view as a new association with beliefs, expressing to themselves and to other individuals that they are not actually attempting to eliminate their beliefs but attempting to change them. As I have expressed, you do not eliminate them and you do not change them. They are what they are, and they are an element of the blueprint of your reality. They are not being eliminated, and they are not being changed, either.

What is being incorporated is an expanded awareness. In being aware of the different influences of any particular belief, this is wherein your freedom lies. For this is the point of choice, in that you may choose which influences are more in keeping with your preferences and are more efficient in allowing you to create what you want. But this is the key, being aware and noticing, recognizing your own automatic responses, being aware of your preferences, being aware and identifying your beliefs and identifying the influences of those beliefs.

Now; that is a general answer to your questions. As to any particular specific subject, as you may obviously be aware, that would be more of an identification more specifically of beliefs and of influences. If you present an example of a particular challenge in which you want to change some element within your reality but do not appear to yourself to incorporate the ability to do that, we may examine the belief that is expressed and the influence that is being chosen and the other influences that can be chosen that are not being chosen.

BERNIE: In my boredom and in my lack of motivation, why do I drink so much alcohol? Should I reduce it or eliminate it? If so, how may I do so efficiently? What am I trying to get myself to be attentive to? How can I address my boredom and lack of motivation efficiently? How can I recapture my motivation for my work and life?

ELIAS: Once again, this would be associated with preferences.

Now; as to the element of boredom and a lack of motivation, with you this is directly associated with not being attentative to your preferences. In allowing yourself to express your preferences and generate action in relation to your preferences, that shall spark your motivation and shall present you with challenges.

You are not presenting yourself with challenges that stimulate you, and this also is an element of your intent — presenting challenges to yourself that you can incorporate as discoveries, or in a manner of speaking, conquests. This offers you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. You are not generating sufficient challenges for yourself to spark your curiosity and your natural drive, which is a natural flow of energy with you.

As to the consumption or the lack of consumption of this substance, it is not a matter of should or should not. I may express to you, what do YOU want? What is your association with this substance? What is your perception in relation to this substance? Do you like it?

BERNIE: Very much so.

ELIAS: Do you incorporate pleasure in its consumption?


ELIAS: Do you want to continue to consume this substance?


ELIAS: What is your question? What is your concern?

BERNIE: I drink too much.

ELIAS: And what constitutes too much?

BERNIE: My wife’s unhappy with it interfering with my daily activities.

ELIAS: And how do you perceive that it interferes with your activities?

BERNIE: I don’t have my mind available to do detailed analysis, for example.

ELIAS: And what do you want?

BERNIE: I want to be motivated and excited about doing something so that I would rather do that than drink.

ELIAS: Therefore, you are attempting to substitute.


ELIAS: I may express to you now that attempting to move in that direction of substitution incorporates a significantly high potential for disappointment and a lack of success. It is not a matter of substituting one action for another. It is a matter of balance and of genuinely paying attention to you and what your preferences are. What type of employment do you incorporate?

BERNIE: I sell nursing homes.

ELIAS: And do you enjoy this action?

BERNIE: At times.

ELIAS: Do you perceive it to be work?

BERNIE: At times.

ELIAS: What is your motivation to continue in this direction?

BERNIE: There’s a lot of money doing it. I’m not sure if I could find something else where I could make as much money.

ELIAS: What do you like?

BERNIE: I don’t know.

ELIAS: What actions do you like?

BERNIE: I like doing a successful business deal. I like being creative in bringing something to it that I feel is unique. I like to be outdoors.

ELIAS: Be more specific. You like outdoors in what capacity?

BERNIE: I like to be outdoors. I like to hike. I like to be in nature; I like to see nature. I don’t want to necessarily work in nature. (Pause)

ELIAS: How do you conduct yourself within a day? What do you upon awakening?

BERNIE: I go out to the forest about 4 o’clock, 4:30, and I walk around and sometimes I read. I enjoy being outdoors. I usually drink a couple of beers.

ELIAS: Very well. You express to myself, immediately upon awakening you move yourself outside. You incorporate no other action?

BERNIE: I take a cup of coffee with me.

ELIAS: Very well. You awaken; you dress — correct?


ELIAS: You prepare coffee. And what are you doing as you are incorporating those actions? Where is your energy? How is it being expressed?

BERNIE: Mostly intent in getting my coffee and getting out of the house.

ELIAS: Very well. What motivates this action in its intensity? I am aware that you like to be outside, but what motivates this intensity to immediately move into this expression of isolation?

BERNIE: Well, I need to do it in the morning because I need to get to the office, so that’s the only time I can do it. I could probably shift the schedule and do it at a different time during the day, but in the morning it fits my schedule because I just get up early and I can still get to the office by 8 o’clock, 8:30.

ELIAS: And once you move yourself to your employment, what do you incorporate in action thusly?

BERNIE: I check my email, I check my notes from the day before, and I start doing some work and usually grab a beer from the refrigerator and do my day, work my day.

ELIAS: Now; what are you actually doing, my friend? You are expressing to myself the physical actions that you are incorporating. What are you actually doing? Are you present? No.

BERNIE: Probably not.

ELIAS: No, you are not. Are you aware of you? No. What you are doing is you move to the outside within your morning hours and you isolate yourself. You camouflage this, expressing to yourself that this is a preference. But it is an action that you consistently in familiarity incorporate to set your energy that you are projecting each day in a particular direction. You isolate yourself in these early hours in preparation to be holding your attention continuously outside of you and to not be present.

The reason that you incorporate this liking of consuming this substance is that within your beliefs you choose the influence that this substance will create a particular effect physically, which shall perpetuate and facilitate you to continuously hold your attention outside of yourself. You incorporate this as a distraction. It allows you to be somewhat defocused but not entirely, and allows you to hold your attention outside of yourself throughout the entirety of your day.

Let me express to you as I have with many individuals, the substance itself does not incorporate any innate qualities that produces any particular affectingness. You incorporate the belief that consuming certain substances shall produce certain physical affectingnesses. You choose the influence of that belief that creates a specific physical affectingness. You may be choosing many different types of physical affectingnesses or none at all. But this is the effect that you choose, and as I have expressed, that facilitates you to hold your attention outside of yourself consistently. Incorporating philosophies, reading information, presenting information to yourself is merely surface and concept if you are not actually paying attention to you, if you are not listening to your own communications.

As you may be aware, I do not discount or advocate any substance, for it matters not. It is the choice of the individual to incorporate any substance or not in conjunction with each individual’s beliefs. But in association with this substance, there are many, many influences. The influences that you are choosing in association with your movement, some are efficient in producing a particular expression, some of them are also not comfortable and create some conflict.

Another influence of this belief is that consuming in excess is bad. Another influence of this belief is that consuming in inappropriate time frameworks or locations is not acceptable. Another influence is that if you are consuming certain quantities that it defines you as incorporating a problem or even a dis-ease. Another influence is that it alters your personality or it alters your behavior. These are all influences of one belief.

In identifying that and all these different influences, you can evaluate all the influences that you are choosing, and the manner in which you identify that is through what you are actually doing and what you are actually creating in your reality. If you are creating conflict with your partner, you are creating that in association with the influences of this belief. You can choose other influences, but this is the point — it is important to be aware of what your preferences are.

If you genuinely incorporate a preference of consuming a particular substance and it generates a genuine pleasure with you or serves some function that you value, you may be continuing to consume this substance but not necessarily choose the influences that create conflict, such as diminished capacity to be incorporating detail, or such as altering certain behaviors or altering certain elements of personality. These are YOUR choices; you are not victim to the substance. It incorporates no innate power itself.

What incorporates the power and the strength are your beliefs in association with it. But what is MOST significant is your allowance of yourself to incorporate a time framework in which you may evaluate what you actually want, what you do not want and what your preferences are — not what you should or should not do or express, but what you value.

BERNIE: Thank you, my time is up. I’m going to have to say goodbye.

ELIAS: Very well, my friend. I shall anticipate our next meeting. Be encouraged. You are incorporating no wrong actions. It is merely a matter of more clearly paying attention to your own communications. I shall be offering my energy to you in encouragement and supportiveness, and perhaps some reminders to incorporate some playfulness. I express to you great affection. In friendship, au revoir.

Elias departs after 59 minutes.

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Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.