Session 200703071

Shifting From Productivity to Self-Acceptance


“Shifting From Productivity to Self-Acceptance”
“Creating Friction With Contrasting Preferences”
“Allowing Exploration Versus Productivity”
“Generating Unknown Experiences That Are Difficult to Translate”
“How Perception Influences Identity”
“Creating Focus Guidelines”
“The Art of Living Without Trauma”
“Pooling Energy Can Be Tricky”

Session 200703071 (2216)
“Shifting From Productivity to Self-Acceptance”
“Creating Friction With Contrasting Preferences”
“Allowing Exploration Versus Productivity”
“Generating Unknown Experiences That Are Difficult to Translate”
“How Perception Influences Identity”
“Creating Focus Guidelines”
“The Art of Living Without Trauma”
“Pooling Energy Can Be Tricky”

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 (Private)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Katrin (Duncan)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

KATRIN: Good afternoon, Elias!

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss?

KATRIN: Well, first of all I want to thank you for your suggestion from the last session to wear an amethyst or to look at one frequently. It has been quite a magical experience, I must say. (Elias laughs) Thank you so much.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

KATRIN: Thank you. I want to talk about some imageries and some communications I have which seem at first not to be related, but I have a feeling they are. The imagery is that I've crashed two cars belonging to other people in the last couple of weeks, and I damaged my daughter's car, a third car, even a bit more. I translated it as forced energy. The other thing is a communication I noticed where there’s much [inaudible], but I have a feeling it has been around most of my focus. I have to tell an experience to explain it.

My daughter met an old love of hers who I liked, and I wished that she could make up with him again. I got body signals when I thought this. I tried to get the communications and all the steps how I have translated the communication.

First, this man would be good for her and her son. Then the second was I assume she is not capable of being good to herself and to her son alone. The third communication was a life without a partner must be not her fate, and then came the thought, I need a partner to have a fulfilling life. The last communication I had was I like to live with my partner to share; that seems to be a preference of mine. The body signals disappeared. To live with a partner is enjoyable for me, but what surprises me is the communication about fulfillment for another individual.

I can't see the commonality and the imagery in the communications, but I feel that one thing I can see is how I touch, symbolically speaking, other people's lives. I seem to have a fear to be alone, and I force with my energy to be recognized or to join in, but the way I express it sometimes doesn't please me. Therefore the body signals, and I wonder what you have to say to this, what I just explained to you.

ELIAS: I would be acknowledging of you first of all, in quite accurately translating the imagery and also your own assessments of yourself. And in this, I would express you are correct that the imagery is interconnected with what you were presenting to yourself in regard to relationships and your preferences.

And another manner in which it is interrelated is that in the interactions with other individuals, it is significant and important for you to remember that your guidelines provide a comfort for you and you express your preferences within them, as in the situation with the subject of relationships, but that does not necessarily hold in the same manner with other individuals.

It is quite common for individuals to want what they perceive to be good or healthy for other individuals that they care about. But in that, what is overlooked, many times, is that what YOU perceive to be good or comfortable or a preference, or healthy, another individual may not. And therefore, although your intention may be for the greatest good for the other individual, in expressing your preferences and not genuinely connecting with the other individual's preferences, you create friction.

And in that, you can create disappointment, frustration, irritation, conflict, for it becomes, as you have identified, a forcing of energy in association with yourself and with the other individual, for you begin to force your energy to accomplish some action that is not necessarily your place to accomplish, and you force energy in relation to the other individual in the attempt to force them to comply to your direction. And what actually occurs is not what you intend, and that can create significant confusion.

In this, the imagery of the vehicles would be quite accurate and interrelated to what you are presenting to yourself, for that friction creates what you may term to be a scar upon the surface, and in that, it has created an irritation. Therefore you create the irritation yourself within your own body consciousness, but you are also generate that in imagery in some physical expression outside of yourself as the reflection of both elements, the inward and the outward projection of energy.

But in this, I would be quite acknowledging of you, that you very accurately evaluated what you were presenting to yourself and genuinely allowed yourself to view that and pay attention. And this is a significant movement, for this allows you to be more aware of your energy and how you are projecting it within any given scenario, and it also alerts you to moments in which you are generating that want and that intention for good or helpfulness with another individual but based upon your guidelines. (Chuckles)

KATRIN: That’s the [inaudible] part. I understood very well, ja. Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

KATRIN: I do have another imagery. I generated another car imagery yesterday while I was driving my daughter's car again and the clutch cable broke. I had to organize a recovery service. My immediate communication was that she wants to be more involved again with her parents’ lives, because it happened to me with her car and I had to organize it because I had done it or it happened to me. Thinking about it brings up [the question], might it be ME again who wants to be involved? I'm not sure about this, because communication was very instantly and the thinking came much later. Could you help me with this along?

ELIAS: Yes. I would express that it is both, that your initial impression was correct and was accurate. But you also subsequently offered yourself an identification of your own want in that situation, which would be similar.

KATRIN: Mm-hm. And the funny thing is, afterwards we met. We had a quite nice exchange of our problems in life. It was pretty pleasant, and similar to this conversation afterwards, I was always aware of the imagery I had presented myself with. So it helped me the other way around to know that she probably wants to share more with our lives and I wanted to do it as well, so this was pretty nice.

ELIAS: Correct.

KATRIN: I don't mind that the car broke down anymore. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: And I am acknowledging of you once again. In listening to yourself and paying attention to the examples that you are offering to yourself, it allows you to be more relaxed and to allow that expression of relationship with this individual and therefore creating a much freer-flowing energy between you.

KATRIN: It is true; I have recognized that already.

Okay. Since my last session with you, I feel like starting a new adventure. The information you have provided us with is getting less labeled by me; I’m not that interested anymore whether somebody might be intermediate or thought focused or belongs to a specific family of consciousness. I'm now more accepting the differences, which of course has something to do that I have assimilated the information. I can't say I have experiences for me that are being [inaudible], for example, but I actually know now that I had the experiences and different focuses of attention. Would you agree that this knowing is one direction between many to experience non-separation?

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree.

KATRIN: But this non-separation feels differently than I had expected. Somehow, I translated non-separation in former time frameworks as joining in, but I don't feel like this. As an example, I’m aware of previous focuses and I don't feel a connection with them. I was able to feel into them to find out who they are with your help, but at this point my interest in them almost stops. I appreciate what they did, because sometimes in this focus I had ideas to follow a similar professional road as they did. Many of my interests and actions I have in this focus seem to be a kind of complement to what other focuses are doing, and I'm happy about not to put much effort in self directions anymore. This is new for me. I’m now more interested as an observer who doesn't have to be a writer or a scientist. I'm writing, and I'm interested in science more as a hobby. My abilities in certain fields might be worth to follow up, but I see it more as being interested in, because I can recall some experiences and other attentions. I don't put pressure on myself to perform in certain directions anymore, which is a kind of freedom for me.

The second excuse for myself not to produce a physical product is more of an indication to myself that I have changed my association in regard to productivity.

ELIAS: I would express to you it is NOT an excuse, and it is a widening of your awareness and generating more of an allowance for yourself, and you are generating less separation, which allows you to know that you are experiencing and that you ARE generating that productivity and at this point within your focus that is not necessary, and that you can move in other directions and allow yourself to generate more of your own exploration of your preferences and creating your own comfort and satisfaction, which has become more important than productivity. Therefore, you also are shifting your perception in association of more allowance of yourself, which I am acknowledging of, for this is a considerable movement.

KATRIN: Ja, and then I come to these new adventures I’m into, which are quite new to me, and I want to ask you for some support here. Some individuals, you say, can generate a slight resistance and new neurological pathways or activities in the brain and have headaches for a short time framework. Is that a similar action when I noticed, next to this headache, a different feeling in my body consciousness? It's usually occurs after a day of assimilating more information of yours than usual. I wake up the next morning and have this headache and this body sensation which gives a feeling of being wider, [inaudible], but with some pain attached.

ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.

KATRIN: And I want to talk about these new experiences I have. I have more, for me, unusual movements in my body consciousness I want to talk about now. My difficulty is I can't really describe those experiences, but they are powerful. What I notice during the day after such sensations – I mostly have them in the morning – is that unknown ideas to me enter my mind but I can't describe them. They are so foggy. I can't use my imagination, because it seems so foreign to me what I'm experiencing, but it is very exciting. I mean, I’m in that exploration of myself now in a stage where I don't experience trauma anymore, which gives me more energy for other things. I recall dreams where I’m [inaudible], which I believe is related to this desire to do something different. But I experience with those sensations a lack of imagination or daydreaming. I feel that the body sensations are part of me, a preference to play with, but how can you play with it with no imagination what you want to do with it?

ELIAS: You can, eventually. This is a temporary situation, so to speak, for what you are doing is generating new unknown experiences that initially – you are correct – are difficult to translate objectively and difficult to attach imagery to, for imagery is known and what you are presenting to yourself is not. And therefore, there is almost a requirement of a time framework in which you can assimilate, and in that, you will subjectively generate some type of translation that can be offered objectively.

In this, I would express to you the suggestion that for this temporary time framework you merely allow yourself to relax, generate the experiences, be playful, allow yourself the expression of excitement, even if you are not clearly aware of what you are excited about (laughs), and in that, know that you will translate and you will create an avenue in which you can objectify what you are experiencing.

This is an action that many individuals are experiencing presently, and one of the difficulties with it in the aspect of translation, beyond what is known and what is unknown in your experiences, is the lack of language that can accurately be applied to the experiences. And in this, collectively – of which you are participating in – you are creating expanding language to accommodate these new experiences which are being inserted into your reality.

This is another aspect of the objective aspect of this Shift, objectively inserting this Shift. It is not inserting a thing; it is generating differences within self, widening your awareness, expanding and allowing for new explorations, discovering abilities that you already incorporated but were not necessarily aware of and did not necessarily engage previously. Now in opening and widening and becoming more familiar with yourselves, you are also allowing yourselves to generate new explorations and different types of experiences. And in that, your language, in a manner of speaking, is attempting to catch up to your experiences.

KATRIN: Sometimes it's almost overwhelming. I think that's why there’s a time framework needed to adjust to it.


KATRIN: That’s what I sometimes think, because it's so different.

ELIAS: Yes, I would quite agree.

KATRIN: Thank you so much for the explanation. I’ll try to be excited. (Both laugh)

I do have another thing from our last session. We discussed my automatic association with duress or fright before I generate a more calm association. Since you told me, I notice how often this automatic response is occurring, more related to my daily life. My impression is that I doubt myself, but I don't doubt myself in those personal expressions such as to the environment [inaudible]. Could you help me a bit along here, what I'm doing in these automatic expressions to generate first the association to lessons? I mean, you have explained that I'm feeling comfortable when I'm in the action to do something, but still this automatic response is now so visible. I can see that so immediately now since the last session, but I really don't know how to deal with it.

ELIAS: I am understanding. Let me express to you my friend, this is associated with identity. It is associated with perception and how that affects or influences identity.

When you are engaging what you would term to be personal expressions, such as interactions with other individuals, or even at times interactions with yourself and not with other individuals, if there is an expression that is different from your perception of yourself, it becomes a threat.

Now; this is not unusual, and I will express to you that there are many other individuals that are addressing to this subject presently. In this, your identity as an individual is strongly linked to your own perception of yourself, and what is very familiar is when any expression is presented to you that prompts you to question your perception of yourself or even of a situation, that includes a branch, so to speak, that touches that self-identity.

For you generate a particular perception of yourself. You can list qualities and criteria as the makeup of yourself and who you are and what you do and how you express and how you present yourself. This is your own perception of who you are, and in that, it creates your attachment to your own identity. When differences of perception are presented that influence you to question – for not all differences influence you to question, but when some differences are introduced to you that influence you to question your perception of yourself, that creates an automatic response which may not necessarily be entirely overt – and many times it may be unnoticed objectively, but it is expressed, in which the identity of self becomes threatened, for it is called into question.

Individuals are very familiar with being very absolute in relation to certain expressions with themselves, their environment, their world; and when that is questioned, there is an element that questions your very identity.

When you can express within yourself a confidence and a satisfaction in which you generate a position with yourself that you are clearly objectively aware of how you perceive yourself, and you can present a different perception to yourself about yourself, and you express enough comfort and trust within yourself that you can accept the difference of the perception and not question yourself, you will not experience this type of automatic response any longer.

As an example, hypothetically: Let us incorporate an example of a parent and a son. And the parent expresses a confidence and generates considerably little conflict within their focus, and is generally quite comfortable with themself and quite satisfied with themself. The son may incorporate the perception that some of the actions of the parent are selfish and insensitive and perhaps even inconsiderate at times.

Now; if the individual that is the parent is genuinely aware of how they perceive themselves, and let us say that this individual perceives themself as being a kind, a giving, an understanding individual, they perceive themself to be helpful and generally, in your terms, a good individual. These words of “inconsiderate,” “selfish,” or words that incorporate what you generally attach a negative association with, could influence the individual to question themself. For if their son is expressing this perception, and if the individual incorporates the awareness that the other individual's perception is quite real and this is how the son is viewing the parent, the son must incorporate some evidence to generate that type of assessment, and therefore the parent may question their own perception of themself.

Once that moment of question occurs, there is an immediate automatic response underlying which is a threat to the individual identity. But if the individual of the parent is genuinely aware of their own perception of themself and how that can be construed through different perceptions in different manners, and expresses that trust and knowing and comfort and satisfaction within self, it will matter not that the other individual, the son, is expressing these identifications, for it will not diminish the individual's perception of themself. The individual can accept [that] this is the manner in which the son perceives, but that does not mean that it is true, and it does not change the parent’s perception of themself.

This is what you are presenting to yourself now, those differences of perception and allowing yourself to become objectively aware of your own perception of yourself and allowing yourself to honor that to be accepting of another individual's perception as real for them but also recognizing that you disagree and that it is right for you to continue to hold to your perception of yourself and not allow [that] other individual's perception of you to threaten you. For it does not change who you are in how other individuals perceive you.

KATRIN: I mean, yeah. I have understood, yeah. Very good examples of those feelings as a mother, or I suppose that you can relate to it easily. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

KATRIN: I've just read in one of the transcripts that [while] essence does not really have an intent, it has a theme too, and I tried to get an impression for myself. I came up with “consideration” in a wider sense, not only towards people, more to consider how things tick, work, fit together, which includes people. Am I right with that impression?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

KATRIN: And you frequently say in transcripts that personal guidelines are more unlikely than likely to change. Where is the point where you create those guidelines for your focus?

ELIAS: You begin creating those guidelines at the point that you enter this manifestation. You are already creating those guidelines and developing them from the time you emerge, and it already becomes evident, even as a small one, before you can even express within an actual verbal language.

KATRIN: Is there an average number on how many guidelines one focus’s attention has, or it’s just very random?

ELIAS: I would express generally speaking, individuals incorporate approximately, in varying degrees, between ten and fifteen, but with one main guideline.

KATRIN: With one main guideline.


KATRIN: It is quite important to find that one main guideline. (Chuckles)


KATRIN: And what about preferences? They are more likely changeable?

ELIAS: Yes, preferences do change, and they can change quite frequently. You may –

KATRIN: And therefore they can be almost numberless in one focus. You can have many of them.

ELIAS: Correct.

KATRIN: And in a sense you can have many of them.

ELIAS: Correct, for you can incorporate some preferences throughout the entirely of your focus, but you can also change preferences quite frequently, quite often, and you can incorporate many, many, many different preferences simultaneously. And in that, some preferences can even change from moment to moment.

KATRIN: Yeah, it's true, I've noticed that (inaudible). Thank you. Is it correct to say that you enter this dimension as a focus of attention with certain qualities such as guidelines and preferences, family of consciousness of belonging and so on, and qualities you are not aware of yet, and the art of living without trauma is like a vision of those qualities and playing with it. I mean, you actually do that, but with a greater objective awareness it can be more of a play when (inaudible) with those qualities of an individual focus and having fun with this. Is there something in it?

ELIAS: Yes. I would agree, and I would express that this is quite accurate.

KATRIN: Thank you. I want to talk about the confusion I have with perception. I have to give examples, otherwise I don’t know how to explain it. For example, I face heavy traffic which could delay my arrival to a certain time. I'm aware of what I'm creating more often than not. It’s more often than not I do face less traffic; how it works is still a mystery to me, but it's fun.

In a slightly different experience, I’m in the car again with my partner, and we can't make it to reach a flight or a weekend break abroad. We even gave two hours more than usual to drive to the airport. We created real heavy traffic, we missed the plane. What I’m confused about is that when another person is involved, it makes it less obvious to me how I create. When I’m on my own I can change my perception easily, or somehow easily, nowadays, but when another person is involved I find it more difficult. In one of the last sessions you said that there is an association to co-creating. I believe I have lessened that association.

The question I think is, when we are two [people], it is not as easy for me to see how I create what I want as when I’m on my own, but when I’m on my own I have circumstances and situations too, though. There is a second part related to me. I can’t even phrase the question properly. I think I mean when there are two or more individuals involved in the same action, I can’t see how I create the outcome fully to my liking. It is a matter of practice to focus completely on your attention. But if my partner didn’t want to make that trip but I wanted to, how does it work as a theoretical example when you sit in the same car driving to the airport? Two individuals with the same intentions have a different perception.

ELIAS: And this is quite possible, and it occurs very frequently, in which two individuals are participating in what appears to be the same reality, the same event, the same physical proximity and they generate two entirely different perceptions and therefore two entirely different realities, and they are both valid and very real. And in this, I am understanding your confusion. I am also understanding your identification of lessening the association with co-creating, and I would agree with you and acknowledge you that you are generating less association with co-creating, but it is a valid point in when you are involved with other individuals generating any particular activity or direction.

One of the factors in this that can be influencing in generating less ability to create what you want is that generally speaking there is more distraction. You are not as focused upon self and creating what you want as you are when you are generating that action alone, for including another individual, or more than one individual, generates a distraction and your attention becomes divided. And when your attention becomes divided, you’re not as focused.

Another factor is that you and the other individual may be expressing different energies. The energy itself can be distracting, for if you are projecting energy in one manner and the other individual is projecting energy in a different manner, you are participating with each other, and therefore the energy itself can be distracting and interrupt your stream of focus. In this also, when you are participating with another individual and you both want to create the same experience, recognize that pooling energy is very effective and creates a greater strength in energy and therefore allows you to accomplish what you want easier, but pooling energy can be tricky at times, for in doing so it is important that the individuals participating are actually focusing in the same direction.

KATRIN: And actually it could be when we are more accomplished and noticing what we are doing that actually it can be a very nice game to play when you are two or more people and want to accomplish a certain task or to go to a certain place to be (inaudible), but I think this could be very playful.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. But it is also important to be specific and to be pooling that energy specifically in the same direction.

KATRIN: Thank you. You have given me quite an insight about this confusion. (Inaudible) Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

KATRIN: I don’t know, I have a couple of minutes. The last couple of weeks I have noticed at the moment that I can’t hear as clear as usual and my eyes are running occasionally. Hearing and seeing are a different form of (inaudible). Additionally, I have throat problems occasionally which disappear when I practice your suggestions. And now I [inaudible] teeth problems too. Is all of this block between throat and eyes? Could you comment on this, because I have no impression apart from that I am blocking a natural flow, but I don’t know why in this part of my body.

ELIAS: I would express that in this particular area of your body, you generate your strongest association with physical senses. It is the most concentrated in this area of your physical body consciousness, and what you are doing is interrupting the input of physical senses, or partially distorting the input of the physical senses.

Now; this in actuality is a significant experience, for you can alter that. This can be a valuable experience for you in what you are providing to yourself in relation to what you would term to be control – but not control in the manner in which we have discussed previously, but control in a manner of generating the ability to intentionally manipulate certain expressions within your physical reality, generating the ability to alter the input of the physical senses in any time framework. Defocusing them creates a motivation, for you begin to notice.

Remember: all that you do is interconnected. And in this, it is all driven by your desire, which also drives your intent; and in that, one of your greatest desires is to become more and more aware and to be objectively, intentionally, physically manipulating your reality in the manner that you want. Therefore, you present different avenues to yourself to experiment and to expand. If you are generating interruptions or distortions with your senses, and you notice that is generally associated with a particular area of your physical body which you pay attention to, this will gain your attention and you will become curious as to what is occurring. And in that, you will seek out information to address to that, which is precisely what you are doing.

In this, it is offering an opportunity to intentionally pay attention and to manipulate energy, but to focus one area in one time – not generally, but to specifically focus your attention upon one expression within one time framework and intentionally manipulate that energy to generate a different expression such as hearing, or in another time framework sight, or your eyes, or one eye, or your throat, or your head but in a specific area of your head – allowing yourself to streamline your energy in a manner of speaking, becoming more precise and less general.

KATRIN: Ja, there’s scatteredness involved sometimes in my (inaudible), so this could be related to being more [inaudible]. Thank you so much, because I think there are some things coming up. I do surprise myself. (Both laugh)

I think have to stop for today, and even [inaudible], but thank you so much. I do appreciate that, as usual.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. You are very welcome, my dear friend, and I express my appreciation of you also. In tremendous friendship and in great lovingness, au revoir.

KATRIN: Au revoir.

Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.