Session 201701251

The Women's March


“The Women’s March”
“Interconnectedness on a Global Scale”
“Move Forward and ACT”

Session 201701251
“The Women’s March”
“Interconnectedness on a Global Scale”
“Move Forward and ACT”

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Phil (Patre) and Debbie (Tamarra)

“An invitation for individual voices to be heard and recognized”

ELIAS: Good morning!

PHIL: Good morning, Elias.

DEBBIE: Good Morning!

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what shall we discuss?

PHIL: Well, I’m going to just say, and just because I’m feeling it so much, I—and we—so appreciate being able to have these conversations with you and being able to do what we’re doing here, in great part thanks to you and the sessions you’ve had with other people, which has led us into our life and our lifestyle, and our ability, our allowing ourselves to really devote ourselves to shifting and to studying the material and assimilating and integrating as much as we can in a very, as we’ve said before, a calm and peaceful environment and manner. And we’re just so appreciative of everything that you’ve done for all of us here.

And we particularly are appreciative of the connection that we feel with you all the time, not just when we’re talking, but all the time. We always feel quite close to you and the other energies that are assisting us, and I wanted to thank you for that.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

PHIL: It’s very exciting. And it’s exciting for us to be out of the box here, really kind of away from a typical lifestyle, and to be engaging this full time, to really be working it and having so much fun in the process in discovering ourselves and how this is affecting us and our world.

ELIAS: Excellent.

PHIL: Yes. It is. We feel like we’ve hit the jackpot. (All laugh) So I just wanted to start with that and say that.

We aren’t particularly…there’s nothing particularly bothering us or that we feel particularly inclined to work out. My dear friend here—

ELIAS: Congratulations!

PHIL: Well, thank you! We’re quite happy and pleased and excited to be doing this, and maybe my dear friend here has something more.

DEBBIE: Thank you. I agree, and thank you for stating that, because I agree with you on all that, especially the emotional component of it. I do know, as we’re moving through, especially with these political things, I hear you laughing in my head when I do get quite preoccupied with others, meaning I hear you in my head going, “Well,” when I say I think they’ve really gained my attention (laughs), and I hear you laughing, Elias, which immediately calms me down and I’m able to look at it and what is actually triggering me, and finding more of a place to where my attention—I can still be participating and actually inviting in what I’m looking at, with these different individuals expressing differently from me, and choosing to stay in it even if it makes me uncomfortable, to find myself more in it. Does that make sense?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

DEBBIE: And it’s helpful too because then I tie it in with my intent and looking at the constructs, and allowing myself to feel my signals, and even though sometimes I do linger on what has gained my attention out there, it doesn’t take long for me to identify it and pull myself back to me, but not to blocking what’s—

ELIAS: Excellent.

DEBBIE: —what’s triggering me.

ELIAS: Excellent. And that is the point, not to isolate yourselves and put yourselves in a position in which you are becoming an island not interacting with other individuals, but in which you can interact with other individuals, you can listen to other perspectives, other opinions, recognize what you agree with, what you don’t agree with, and know that you always have choices in all of it.

DEBBIE: Yes. What came to mind when you were talking about that, I had a second recall of dreamtime last night when I was seeing Mr. Trump again. (Laughs) And it fascinates me, because I feel I’m not as close of an important subject matter on one hand as many other people are objectively with politics, yet I’m very interested, seeing how it’s such a huge component of our shifting right now and us being located in the United States. But what was fascinating about what I recalled from my dreamtime last night, I feel like that I was having a genuine experience of what an observing essence experiences. Would you agree with that?

ELIAS: Ah! Interesting. And in that, how would you define that?

DEBBIE: Well, what I noticed was the difference. Because when I think objectively, like observing essence, my first thing previously would have been like a fly on the wall, like more of like a remote viewing type of idea, like literally moving my consciousness to a room and observing this individual, where this was nothing like that. It was wider, in that I wasn’t observing what the individual was doing and then translating what I felt I was connecting with. It was wider, to where a lot of the beliefs weren’t there, and it was more of just a mergence, and it was a lot of clips, and I was merging with him from inside of him and observing. It was hundreds and hundreds of like movie clips where I had a fuller understanding of who he was and how he was operating, not from—

ELIAS: And what did you evaluate from that experience?

DEBBIE: Well one, I feel like from my awake state here, my Debbie state, I can DO that from here. It’s almost like shedding my own perception, my own filters to a slight enough degree where I can feel the difference of what it’s like to merge with somebody, jumping inside of them and looking out through their eyes—not influencing them, not looking for anything except just being open to the mergence, the information.

PHIL: Can I add something to that?


ELIAS: How does that affect your perception of the situation or of the individual?

PHIL: Well, I’m going to jump in here because...and kind of pigtail off of that. What we’ve discovered since the time we had spoken to you last—and I think this ties right into what Debbie’s saying—is we feel like we’re much more affecting of everything, right from our console, in other words right from where we sit, that we feel like we’re directing our energy towards these people in support, in sharing our ideas with them, and feeling back what they’re feeling, and that we are—I guess, to put it in a nutshell, it feels like we are being very affecting of all of creation, all of the collective, by directing our energy to various places and individuals.

ELIAS: I would agree. But what I am inquiring about is how you would express or define that that has affected your perception in a different capacity. For I would express that this is somewhat of an important factor in relation to sharing with other individuals, that in generating actions such as this, then you can also define how that has altered or shifted your perception of a situation or of an individual in a certain capacity.

Not necessarily in the capacity of changing your opinion, not necessarily in the manner of that it has altered your perception to the degree that now you agree with this individual or you agree with this situation, but that you are viewing the situation or the individual from a different angle, and therefore how that can affect your ability to move forward and to do what you are expressing that you see you are able to do in expressing your energy and affecting in directions that you choose, and how that has altered your perception of the individual and the situation in not being as bothersome to you. Are you understanding?

PHIL: Yes, yes.

DEBBIE: Yes, yes. Thank you.

PHIL: And I’ll just start, and then I’m going to let Debbie pick up. What it has done for me, and I will speak for both of us, but I know Debbie’s going to have her own angles on this, is it’s allowed me—us, I’ll use the term together—a great deal, number one, of compassion for these various individuals, even if we don’t agree with them or if we think they’re assholes or whatever the case might be, or if that’s the general consensus.

It’s the difference between being a third cousin and a direct family member, almost. When you’re a third cousin you have a sense of somebody, but when you’re a direct family member you really have a much greater understanding for someone, and even if you don’t agree with them you see more of the components of them that is driving them. And it allows me to, number one, not be so critical; number two, not view them as such a cardboard cutout, to really feel into this personality and understand their movements and understand their intentions and why those intentions are driving them to do the things they’re doing, and then offering supporting energy towards those various entities—that’s number one, to me, to help sort of soften their stances, to think more in terms of how their actions are affecting individuals and to help them, hopefully, make good decisions that will be beneficial to a great number of people.

So that’s just a real roughshod—not a conclusion, but a roughshod idea, evaluation, of how it feels to me. And I’m sure Debbie’s got her own on that.

ELIAS: I would express that that is an excellent example and is precisely answering what I was inquiring about in relation to offering that type of defining of what you are doing in relation to other individuals. For in that, I would express that this is an important component. It does not change your guidelines. It does not change what is important to you. It does not change your opinion or your direction in what you believe and what you are engaging. But it does incorporate somewhat of a profound affectingness in relation to your perception, in not seeing a situation or another individual as a concept and as some impersonal manifestation, but that you can actually recognize that interconnectedness even with the disagreement.

PHIL: Yes.


ELIAS: Which can be tremendously empowering. And one of the (inaudible) is that when individuals are viewing a situation or another individual, such as this particular individual, they incorporate a tendency to have no personal component involved in that observation. Therefore, even the individual as a person becomes a non person. They become a concept that you do not agree with and that you are in opposition to.

And in that, because that interconnectedness, personal aspect is not a factor, and the individual (inaudible) feel very disempowered—

PHIL: Yes.

ELIAS: --for then they are observing the situation and the other individual in that perspective of a concept that is, in their perception, bigger than them.

PHIL: Right.

ELIAS: Therefore, they feel disempowered, they feel powerless, they feel helpless, and that generates a tremendous influence in the direction of becoming angry.

PHIL: Yes. We’re seeing so much of that in our various connections on Facebook, the fear and panic and anger that’s being expressed toward this individual. And we understand how people got there, but what we’re not seeing is any of the…what I’ll call the fruit of human kindness or connection; that it’s as if an ogre landed here from another planet and is imprisoning everyone and forcing them to do his bidding. And we just—it really has helped us to soften our own perspective around that and to offer, hopefully, some movement in a direction of being an assistance to this individual to help him make good decisions. But the amount of anger, fear and disempowerment, as you said, that we are observing in other people is astounding.

ELIAS: And this is the reason that I asked the question, for in that, if you can see and define how this action that you engaged altered your perception, and if you can define how that has impacted you objectively, then you can express that and be an example to other individuals in encouraging that empowerment of them also, and simultaneously acknowledging their disagreement and their right TO disagree.

PHIL: Yes.

And in that acknowledgment of their disagreement, also acknowledging their power and their choices rather than merely echoing the disagreement, which adds to the disempowerment and the helplessness that individuals feel.

PHIL: Very good.

DEBBIE: Thank you.

PHIL: And hopefully in that, we can lessen some of the trauma of the shift, yes? (Debbie chuckles)

ELIAS: Precisely. Yes. For I would express that this is a situation that in itself has been creating considerable trauma.

PHIL: I would agree.

ELIAS: It is inciting a considerable expression of fear, and in relation to that fear it is generating a considerable amount of trauma for MANY individuals.

DEBBIE: That acknowledgement piece is huge, because I know with me, I want to sometimes offer other ideas around something, like this Women’s March. On one hand, it’s funny—I’ll just speak very rawly here—the idea of… It’s foundational to me. In my eyes, I am naturally supportive and I have my own opinions, and I get the empowerment that happened in this march, yet I felt very inspired that this was a great time to drop in, if you will, what you and I talked about a few months ago, that yes, yes, this can be an empowering movement, everybody having their own individual reasons and choices, and I had mentioned, you know, do your “yes, no and why?” Actually I did recommend it, I said this is what I did on it, and I’m going to pause rather than just automatically pool. And I thought, ooh, that piece where you had reminded us to be mindful too that sometimes some of these movements—not to discount this movement—but these movements can also go out into an extreme where you’re creating separation again, meaning in this case, I was referring to the point about the women’s movement, being mindful that it may create a separation between the males, in their move to be empowered as a group.

And when I didn’t get any response on it, I’m like that’s okay, I didn’t share this to fill my container, to say that it landed, and it was just interesting to me. So, that was two parts. One, I felt ooh, this is a great opportunity to share this, because this is what came up for me, and secondly, more important, that I didn’t think it was a good or bad decision. It was beyond that, because it mattered not that it was picked up as a…

PHIL: As a dis.

DEBBIE: No, as a fruitful idea. It was just kind of left out there hanging, and like that matters not. So, there it was twofold there. And most importantly for me, that I didn’t need my container filled out of what I was inspired to share, so that will help me in my movements to continue to share, even though it seems like it’s not getting received or landed, because that’s not what it’s all about.

ELIAS: I am understanding. I would also express to you in relation to that particular subject now, in that, I would express that was a significant mass event, and that in the manner that it was presented and executed, it was in actuality not expressing any exclusion of individuals in relation to any type of divisions. In actuality, the energy of that mass event was very inclusive and inviting of more support.

And what I would also express is it was an excellent reinforcement of two factors: one, that the majority of individuals in your particular country did not support the election of this individual. That was the first point, which was not necessarily expressed, but it was emphasized and displayed by this mass event of this movement. I would express that, in that, it displayed the support of individuals throughout your world.

And the other piece that was significant in this was that it was orchestrated by female individuals, by the WOMEN. And the reason that was significant in itself is twofold. One is that it was a presentment of, in a manner of speaking, generating considerable volumes of individuals to express one voice in the form of a mother, which in itself was tremendously powerful. Also, added to that (inaudible) and that invitation of EVERYONE.

But the other aspect, which is equally important, was in relation to this shift it was a display of that female energy and how powerful that is, and how much it is responded to, and that the energy of your planet has shifted.


ELIAS: I would express that you have generated female expressions previously—and what you would term to be mass movements—but not to this degree, not to this extent, and in a much more all-inclusive, broad spectrum. This was not about one issue.

I would express that pastly, in your history, you have generated a female movement that was significant in relation to the female vote—throughout the world, not merely in one country. But even that was not to this degree, and I would express that that was expressed in relation to one specific direction, one specific subject.

This movement was much broader and much more inclusive in association with a solidarity about EVERYTHING that concerns you, not one subject.

In that, what I would express to you is that that was an excellent display and an excellent demonstration of power and solidarity, but NOW is the time for the action of it. NOW it is a matter of what you do with it. For I would express that the individuals that organized this, executed it and participated in it were the initiators. But now is the actual important aspect of it: what will you do with it? Will we view that as one demonstration and forget about it, or become complacent? Or will it inspire you to actually continue (inaudible)?

And this is a tremendously excellent example of what I have expressed to all of you for a considerable time framework about yourselves individually. When you give yourselves revelations, when you expand your awareness, when you generate new understandings—in that, do you apply them? Or do you merely notice that and then continue in the same direction that you are familiar with?

PHIL: Right.

DEBBIE: Oh, excellent. (Laughs)

PHIL: Yes.

ELIAS: This is the example of that on a mass scale, on a global scale. And this is also an encouragement on a global scale in relation to shifting on a global scale, and that you ARE interconnected. And it matters not whether it is one country or another country, and it matters not that it is one president of one country. The world is watching. The world is participating.

Therefore, what will you do now?

PHIL: Very interesting. That tells me, too, that… Well, number one, we knew that it wasn’t any accident that Mr. Trump got elected, and number two, that he was really kind of the perfect foil to bring this type of… movement and solidarity, even if it was at his expense. I have to believe that we designed it this way, in a sense, to offer us the opportunity to have this type of experience of an interconnectedness.

ELIAS: I would express that this is how you change. You find a catalyst that will spark you, that will fan a flame, and then you become motivated, and then you move in direction to change.

But if you do not present something to yourselves as a catalyst—and generally it is something that is uncomfortable. Become uncomfortable enough, then you are likely to stand and move in a direction of change. You are not necessarily motivated to change if you are comfortable. Or even if you are not entirely comfortable, if you are not BOTHERSOMELY uncomfortable. (Phil and Debbie laugh)

If it is not interrupting your routines, and for the most part what you engage on a daily basis, or if it is not affecting your individual life, it may be somewhat uncomfortable but bearable. But when it becomes bothersomely uncomfortable, then you become motivated to act and to change.

But it is not enough to only raise your voice; it is necessary to engage steps. Just as I have expressed previously with you individually, it is not enough to think about what you want to do or what you want to change; it is necessary to engage a step, an action.

DEBBIE: Well, we’re looking forward to not only reviewing this and assimilating this, but we will be sharing this as well. Thank you.

PHIL: Yes. And to follow up with that. Now because this movement was catalyzed, as you said, around a particular individual, and because there wasn’t a particularly clearcut reason beyond kind of protesting Trump and Trump’s decisions, that I see many of the individuals who took part in this and who are sympathetic towards that movement who are still hanging on to the idea that the coming together was over this other individual. And in your talking about the action, it needs to move beyond that idea that they’re, say, opposing this individual but yet can be accomplishing based on…What I’m hoping to see—let me just back up for a second—what I’m hoping to see is a flourish from an idea of opposing one particular individual into becoming more of a movement of action, as you stated.

ELIAS: Correct. And I would express that (sighs) that was another piece of this movement that was different. That was a piece of this mass event that was different from other mass events, was that it was not directed in one subject. But that is what you are accustomed to, and that is what most individuals automatically move into, is attempting to categorize in relation to one subject.

And therefore, because this particular statement, this particular mass event, was much broader than that, most individuals (sighs) did not and do not quite comprehend what was being expressed, and therefore having translated in their perception is that it is a protest against this one individual. And that is not the point. And that is the reason that it is important to recognize that that was the invitation, that was the beginning, and now is the action. And the action is to be moving in ALL of these directions and expressing in ALL of these directions.

This was not simply and singularly a protest about this one individual. This was a movement and a statement and an invitation [very clearly and emphatically] WORLDWIDE—not only your country, but worldwide—for individual voices to be heard and recognized as important.

That EVERY voice, EVERY individual, regardless of their culture, their belief, their race, their religion, regardless of any of it—their gender, their size, whether they are adults or children, that all individuals are important, and all individuals have a voice that is worthy of being recognized, and that none are greater than the others, and none are less than others. And everyone incorporates their own perception and their own guidelines and what they individually believe, and that that is important to be accepted.

Therefore, this movement, this march as you deem it to be, was, in a manner of speaking, an enormous umbrella that encompassed every subject that addresses to what is important to individuals and all of those divisions and the acceptance in relation to them all. [Elias becomes increasingly emphatic and impassioned throughout this next portion] Whether you are an individual that supports what you term to be the rights of women and abortion, or whether you support religious expressions and are supporting what you term to be life; whether you support education; whether you support moving in directions of business; whether you move in directions of certain cultural expressions; whether you move in directions of idealism; whether you move in directions of isolationism—all of it, ALL OF IT—is an expression of individual importance and is worthy of acceptance, regardless of what the importance is. That one importance is not greater than another, that one importance is not right and other importances are wrong, that ALL of them are important, and that THEY CAN ALL COEXIST. You do not have to agree to accept and to coexist, and to cooperate.

DEBBIE: Or we don’t have to eliminate anything (chuckles).

ELIAS: Correct. You can incorporate very different guidelines, very different expressions of what you believe. You can incorporate very different, and you CAN cooperate and coexist in acceptance of ALL OF IT. You can express how you express, another individual can express how they express, and they do not have to agree. They also do not have to attempt to overpower each other. It is moving away from the mindset of debating, and replacing debating with cooperating.

Debating requires a winner, which by default requires a loser. Cooperation does not incorporate a winner or a loser. And THAT is the reason that I expressed it is a matter of what you do with it now.

The invitation has been set. The call has been given. Now it is a matter of how you will answer.

PHIL: Well that IS significant, isn’t it? (Debbie chuckles)

ELIAS: I would agree.

DEBBIE: Energy's changed on our planet—I would say that’s quite significant.

ELIAS: I would agree.

DEBBIE: Well, if it’s okay with you, I’m thinking we’ll take the last few minutes here, Elias, in speaking of these guidelines. And Phil and I have thought about our core beliefs and guidelines. Maybe we could take these last few minutes to discuss with you and kind of shape that and give us more of an idea of who we are within that. Would you help us with that?

ELIAS: Very well. And what is your assessment thus far?

DEBBIE: Well, I feel like both of us might have a core belief of loyalty?

ELIAS: I would agree.

DEBBIE: Okay. Phil, please feel free to jog in here.



DEBBIE: For both?

ELIAS: No. I would express consideration for you, and for your partner it is more respect.

DEBBIE: Ah! Gotcha. Which brings me to obligation or responsibility, along those lines? More for Phil?

ELIAS: Responsibility. Obligation is not a core belief.

DEBBIE: Obligation is not a core belief. I can find that. So, responsibility for Phil?


DEBBIE: And roles, for Phil?


DEBBIE: And image, for Phil?


DEBBIE: No. Would that be mine?


DEBBIE: Okay. I’m accessing what people have previously found, as well as seeing myself wide. (Pause) There’s something in it for me that I can’t define that has to do with the Sumafi family, that sometimes I can get distorted around it. It must be coming off of a core belief. Can you help me with finding that one?

ELIAS: Honesty.

DEBBIE: Honesty. Thank you. Was that for Phil as well, or primarily for me?

ELIAS: I would express more so for you.

DEBBIE: Interesting. Because in that truth wave, is that associated with that core belief?


DEBBIE: Okay. Because the truth wave was really Sumari driven, if I’m recalling correctly?

ELIAS: Yes. And what was your point?

DEBBIE: Oh! I didn’t know if you said yes or no. I was just… When I’m going pastly in information, who would get necessarily more triggered than others during certain waves. And I know that would be a wave, and if I would reflect back that I could see where I would create tremendous expressions to show myself that core belief, within that wave. (Both laugh)

Okay, good. I’m doing many things here, piecing the information together and gathering. I really like what I do. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Congratulations!

DEBBIE: Thank you. Which actually brings me more to Lazour and Otha and Zenthya. I’m still very curious and very open to understanding more their interactions with me. That somehow led me right to that again.

A few weeks ago I seemed, when I was especially doing that mundane action of playing the slots and was able to connect in or be in a relaxed, slightly altered place, to feel into that more, and that was very fulfilling. Yet I seem to not objectively be able to follow that movement as much as I would like to do. Do you have any comments on that for me?

ELIAS: Meaning what?

DEBBIE: I’m expressing this desire in myself and out of this curiosity of being objectively aware when I am interacting—well, it’s a continuous interacting—but when to be aware, to be open to those interactions from these other essences, and to see what that not only feels like but to apply what I’m considering to be a type of mergence with them, to create and to observe and witness my reality…

ELIAS: Which it is. But I would express that perhaps your confusion lies in it is not a matter of you waiting for them. It is not a matter of you looking for or attempting to notice when they are expressing or interactive. They are always available; it is a matter of when you initiate.


ELIAS: When YOU want to be engaging. When YOU are directing your attention in that capacity. It is not a matter of, in a manner of speaking, tuning in to them and waiting for them or noticing when they are expressing interaction with you—their energy is always present and available to be interactive. It is moving in the other direction, allowing yourself to recognize that you are the one that is orchestrating.


ELIAS: Therefore, it is in your time framework, on your terms, in your direction and how you want to engage. You orchestrate it, and they will follow.

DEBBIE: Ah. Thank you for that. I can do something with that. I’m getting inspired. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Excellent.

DEBBIE: Our bell went off. I have a quick question for Tracy, if you will. She had this great experience in Chefchaouen with Morocco with these gentlemen last week. One in particular was a picture that her and her friend Tim each took of that Moroccan woman? And they had very different visual outcomes from their photographs, one being more of an Eastern Europe—well, actually the lighter one was like an Easter European one, and Tim’s picture was more of a darker, Sephardic Moroccan one. And that was in itself noticeable, but Tracy was wondering if the one woman, she had such a recognition that it was either her or a pop-in of her, or perhaps her grandmother, Peggy? Could you comment on that for her, please?

ELIAS: I would express for her it was the latter.

DEBBIE: It was Peggy’s energy popping through for her?


DEBBIE: And for Tim?

ELIAS: I would express that that was the creation of an actually entirely different individual. (Both laugh)

PHIL: Very good.

DEBBIE: For his own purposes?


DEBBIE: Interesting. And just this group together, especially John, the mountain man hermit, he has quite an affecting energy on all of us. Even I didn’t even meet him, and for Darren as well and anybody who interacted with him. Can you tell us a little bit about this individual?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

DEBBIE: Um, well we really appreciated his innocence in that sense, his childlike wonder. We saw again the idea that you don’t have to be bringing this information to you in a certain way to be shifting. It was a feel of openness and wonder that all of us that participated with their visit felt. And I was just curious if you could just tell us something about this individual that maybe we don’t know. (Laughs)

ELIAS: What I would express to you is to appreciate what you presented to yourself and not to concern yourself with more than that.

DEBBIE: I understand. And we are, very much so. He’s made a nice, wonderful impact, I believe, on all of us that have got to know him through this, so I’m good with that.

ELIAS: I would express that in this, not to incorporate this as literal, for it is not, but it is similar to the angel stories, the presentment of an individual to inspire you to think and to consider and to appreciate.

DEBBIE: Thank you.

PHIL: And speaking of appreciation, one last thing, just that I am acknowledging and grateful and appreciative of your pop-ins for me in various public places and in my dreams. Thank you very much. I am noticing. I don’t completely trust myself in it, but enough to acknowledge it to myself and to then express that to you.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And I would express congratulations, and you are welcome.

DEBBIE: Thank you, Elias.

PHIL: Thank you so much. It’s such a pleasure speaking with you today.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friends. I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting. And I express wondrous lovingness to both of you, as always, and dear friendship.

In tremendous supportiveness and encouragement, move forward and ACT. (Chuckles)

DEBBIE: Will do. (Laughs)

PHIL: You got it!

ELIAS: Until our next meeting, my dear friends, au revoir.

PHIL: Au revoir.

DEBBIE: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 3 minutes)

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