Session 202108031

Coronavirus Vaccines: Conflicting Perceptions


“Changing Tarot Cards”
“Coronavirus Vaccines: Conflicting Perceptions, the Influence of Suggestion, and Making Choices Based on Fear”
“The Next Step of Questioning Principles”
“Financial Institutions: Creating Circles of Building and Growth”
“Seeing the Bigger Picture and Not Villainizing Others”

Tuesday, August 3, 2021 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Jean (Lyla), Jean-François (Samta) and Jeff (Rogert)

[The transcript and audio of this session are a compilation from a two-hour session with a break in between, with personal information edited out]

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Okay. Just before getting to the vaccines, I want to ask you one tarot question. I think you’ve said to Adam before—I think it was Adam—where when you do a draw and cards are being picked, until the moment where we turn the cards over, they can still change.

ELIAS: Correct.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Which has been interesting to ponder over. But in the last year or so, as my relationship with the tarot deepened and my trust increased in the whole process, I started to do this little ritual where before turning a card over, I’ve been taking a moment to settle with the card, to accept the card. It’s like a little ritual of acceptance and acknowledging that whatever happened in the moment before, in this moment I’m taking the time to further clarify the energy, with this in mind that the cards can change in a split second. So, my question to you—

ELIAS: Therefore, in a manner of speaking, taking a moment to solidify the choice that you are making with that card in relation to what your intention is and what you are looking for. Correct?

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Yes, and what information I’m giving to myself. And you know, I think—

ELIAS: Precisely. Therefore, in what you’re looking for.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Yes, and aware that with a tool like tarot, being open to the answer is very crucial, because we can force, we can dictate, we can influence the tool in a manner where we just tell ourselves what we want to hear. But I think for me anyway, my idea is that I want to give myself the most accurate information possible. I don’t want that just to correspond to my whims and wishes necessarily, so that’s why I do that.

ELIAS: Yes, I understand.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: So, my question is, generally speaking, how often do cards change for me after I’ve picked them, when I read for myself. Say in the past year, what would be a percentage? How often has that happened where the card will flip after I picked it but before looking at it?

ELIAS: (Pause) In the last year?


ELIAS: I would say almost never.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Ah. Because the energy and the focus at the moment of the draw was solid enough that it’s not flip-flopping?

ELIAS: Correct.


Anything else you would say about this whole thing? This is a fascinating subject. We think it takes so much to change physicality (Elias laughs), but if a card can flip like that in a split second, I mean what does that say about how easy it is to change physicality?

ELIAS: It very much is (chuckles), but you perceive that you have to have much more complicated methods and actions and interactions and that you have to have more reasons. You have to be able to explain to yourselves what is occurring, and therefore, it can’t change that quickly. Nothing can change tremendously quickly without reasonable explanations—but that’s not necessarily correct. And when I say reasonable explanations, what I am expressing is explanations that are actual explanations: answers that explain why something happens in the manner that it happens, what is the process, and that you can understand that, that you can quantify that. (Chuckles) But that isn’t always the situation.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: All right. So, let’s talk about the medieval witch hunt in the making here within society, in relation to just this incredible push right now for the vaccine everywhere, or in many places.

ELIAS: I would say first of all, in like manner to you having this slight hypothetical conversation with the virus, and in a manner of speaking moving in a cooperation with the organism of the virus, in doing so, YOU are making choices, because YOU are aware that YOU are creating your reality; therefore, you are making choices in relation to that. But in relation to the vaccine, who’s creating your reality?

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. You got me there.

ELIAS: In that, you don’t trust it because you don’t trust the intentions behind it, but the intentions behind it are irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what the intentions behind the vaccine are—and, not all of them are the same; therefore, in that, even MORE so of a reason that it doesn’t matter that there are several intentions behind the vaccines.

And in that, I would say that regardless of what the intentions are, YOUR intention is what is important. YOUR intention is what counts, in a manner of speaking, in your terms, because it’s your choice, and you are doing it for your reasons, or you are NOT doing it for your reasons. But in that, they are YOUR reasons and it is YOUR choice, and YOU are the one that is creating your reality.

Now, in that, I would say that even in relation to what you might actually create with the vaccine as a reaction to it, this is an excellent example of the power of suggestion. And it’s not a matter of good or bad; it simply is the power of suggestion, that it is suggested that the vaccine will generate a reaction in relation to most people reacting in being ill.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Well, I’m not worried about the short-term effects.

ELIAS: I understand; that’s not the point. The point of me expressing that is not because you would be concerned about that or not, but rather that that is an example of people being influenced by suggestion, and because they are being influenced by suggestion, then THEY create certain expressions, certain reactions. In this, the point is that you are in this direction of being suspicious of what the intentions are in relation to the people that have created the vaccine. That’s also an influence of suggestion. (Pause)


ELIAS: Because it genuinely doesn’t matter, because YOU are creating your reality. And therefore, whatever the intention is, you don’t have to know, you don’t have to understand, and you definitely don’t have to concern yourself with what the intention is in relation to the vaccine, what other individuals are doing with it, what they want to do with it, how they are incorporating it. None of that is relevant. None of it matters, EXCEPT if you are allowing it to matter because you are accepting that suggestion and therefore allowing that to affect you.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: But the only reason that I might be going in that direction is because of public pressure or being ostracized, but I was telling—

ELIAS: Now stop. You are being ostracized, but these are your choices. And if you are evaluating your choices and your motivation for your choices, in their core are they because of your experience and ultimately what you want in relation to your experience, or are they because of other people’s perceptions and your fear of that? What I would say is, it isn’t about your fear of other people’s perceptions, that you’re NOT afraid of that. And I would say that even in relation to that statement about being ostracized, you’re not afraid of it; you simply don’t want to engage it.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Okay. Okay, that’s good precision. Yeah, it’s true, for the most part I don’t give a shit what people think about me. But I don’t want to go in a direction where I’m limiting myself in relation to participating in society.

ELIAS: Correct. Correct. Therefore—

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: You’re right. It’s not fear, it’s just I don’t want that for myself. I’m going in the opposite direction.

ELIAS: Precisely. And what I would say to you is that the only factor of timing which YOU can determine, the only factor of timing in all of this is the timing factor in relation to you expressing the choice with the awareness that the reason you’re expressing a particular choice is entirely because of you—not because of outside sources, not because you’re suspicious about the intentions of the people that created the virus, not because of what is acceptable and what isn’t acceptable socially, but because you [inaudible] inconvenient, which is a valid reason.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: And I made a very important choice in the last few days. I met with a potential roommate here. I met a woman, and there were many interesting points about her. We had many commonalities, but she was quite militant against the vaccine and the whole thing and going in conspiracy theory directions. And even though I share a lot of the same perceptions, I made the decision not to move in with her because I did not want to make that direction more important than it already is. I did not want to feed that. I did not want to live with that perception. I intend to go in a different direction. And so, I think for me—

ELIAS: I would be very, very acknowledging of you in that, my friend, and the reason being is that people moving in those types of expressions and directions, they say—they will tell you—that they are moving in that direction and that they express that because they are protecting their freedom.


ELIAS: And what I will say to you is, they are actually doing the opposite, because what is motivating them is fear.


ELIAS: And therefore in that, they are definitely NOT protecting their freedom—and their freedom doesn’t need to BE protected. And in that, they are actually moving in a direction of creating LESS freedom BECAUSE of that fear. They are limiting themselves and moving in expressions of restriction and confinement, not because they choose not to engage a vaccine but because they are expressing in the direction of fear.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: I hear you, and I can see that. At the same time, it’s uncomfortable to witness society, the masses, go in a direction of wanting to instill mass conformism. You know? Isn’t there something to be said about that in relation to freedom? That that is not a freedom direction either.

ELIAS: Once again, I will say this is a matter of perception. I would say that you can find equally as many individuals on both sides that will say that conforming is giving up your freedom, and then you have an equal number of people that will say that that isn’t conforming and it is expressing your freedom. It’s all a matter of perception. It’s not a matter of freedom or not freedom; it’s a matter of what you perceive and what you do with it—as with everything.

This is the mark of moving in the direction of addressing to principles. And that was eventually to be being played out, that eventually you would be addressing to principles, because you’ve already begun addressing to constructs—not entirely, but you have begun. You know what they are, to a degree; you are looking at them, to a degree; and therefore you are, to a degree, addressing to that. And from that, the next step would be to be also presenting to yourselves the questioning of principles.

In this, freedom definitely has principles attached to it. And there is much that people will express and defend in relation to THAT subject, but it still moves in the direction at its core of who is creating your reality, what information do you have, are you empowering yourself, are you making your own choices or are you making choices based in fear?

And this is what I have expressed for a considerable time framework now, that very much in like manner to constructs, you may make the same choices knowing what constructs you are engaging as you made NOT knowing, but the difference is that knowing what the constructs are, you are making intentional choices. Not knowing, you AREN’T making intentional choices.

In this, it is very similar. People stand on principles very strongly for the same reason. And in that, because why? Because they believe that they are right, and they believe that what is contrary to their principle is wrong.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Yeah, and I think for many of us, in our perception, conformism and choice are opposite expressions.

ELIAS: And I would say I agree with you, but I would say that is definitely a matter of perception, that that’s very black and white. I would say that conformity is NOT necessarily the opposite of choice; it isn’t the opposite of freedom—it IS a choice. And, it’s very narrow sighted to express in those definitions, because it doesn’t take into account all of the different factors of what may be involved in why you make the choice you make.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: And I would imagine that in a situation where we might perceive some conformism, actually the good part of that is that it also speaks of our interconnectedness.

ELIAS: Many times it does.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Yeah. Okay, listen, well I ended up having a whole hour session here. (Elias laughs) I will just ask you—

ELIAS: Let me express one final piece in addressing to a statement that you made earlier in relation to the medieval times and the witch hunt direction, and in that, the direction of the public. And what I would say to you once again, that also is another matter of perception. And in that, it’s also a matter of what you pay attention to and what you make important, and that it may not necessarily actually be a matter of medieval times or witch hunts or ostracizing people because they aren’t conforming—it may not be any of that. I would say that when there are such expressions, those are expressions that are very much born out of fear.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

And that brings us back to the beginning again, when we were discussing the virus and the mass event of the virus. And in that, looking at the vaccine from a different perspective—regardless of motivations, regardless of agendas or anything else that you may question—I would remind you that you created a global mass event, and within a very short time framework you also created an avenue to end it. But you are irritated that you created an avenue to end it! But you want it ended, but you don’t want to participate in ending it!

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: (Laughs) That’s kind of part of the problem. It was developed so quickly, it’s hard to trust it.

ELIAS: Ah. Because once again, anything that is generated very quickly is suspect, because you need an explanation and you need something that complicates the situation to trust it and to not be significantly questioning—just as with your cards.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Don’t you love how those two subjects connected like that? I didn’t plan that. (Elias laughs) Okay, this—

ELIAS: There are no accidents, my friend. (Laughs)

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: No, no, I’m starting to see that. Okay. Thank you, thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. (Chuckles) I express tremendous, tremendous love and encouragement to you, my friend, and an enormous reminder that YOU are creating YOUR reality. (Chuckles)

Until our next meeting, in tremendous encouragement—

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Oh, well we have another session with you just now, so… [meaning that after a break, they would go on to the second hour of the session]

ELIAS: I am aware.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Okay. (Both laugh)

JEAN: A lot could happen between now and then, JF.


ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well. (Laughs) Until our next meeting.


[Break follows, the session resumes]

ELIAS: This is a very strong perception—or one of the very strong perceptions—in your world today, that Wall Street, or people in the financial market and investors and that entire world and direction, so to speak, that the only thing they are interested in is making more money. That is actually incorrect. There are, of course, a few individuals, some people that are definitely motivated in that direction and that that would be their perception and that they generate a very narrow perception, but that’s not actually representative of the majority.

Now, everyone that is involved in and participates with the financial market and trade and exchange, they may not all be expressing in the same direction as you. They may not all hold the same perception or the same subjects of importances as you, but expressing a blanket statement that most of them, or the majority of them, are mainly only interested in making more money is definitely an incorrect statement.

Most of the people involved in this: yes, there is a factor that they want to increase the money that they are generating, but so do you. Everyone that is involved in these directions, there is a factor that you ALL want to increase your creation of money. But that may not be the main direction that you’re engaging, or it isn’t the ONLY important factor that you engage in the direction that you engage in. I would say, it definitely isn’t the only factor for you. It isn’t the only factor for most people.

Now, the interests and the subject matters that people engage and that are important to them are considerably varied, but money isn’t the only one. And I would say that actually, from its inception, I would say that the people that have been involved with the financial market and investments and the increase or the growth of expressions of money and all of the financial institutions—including all of the banks—their interest, yes, partially is to increase money, increase financial gain, but for what purpose? To increase building in many, many, many different directions in relation to many, many, many different subjects.

In this, even the banks, they are perceived by many individuals as being the source of evil, to a degree, and that banks simply want to create money and keep it. No, that isn’t the point. It is a matter of creating circles, which is what the financial market does, which is what banks do, which is what the direction is with all of it, which is also why YOU are involved in the capacity that you are involved. And in that, it’s because there are circles that are created.

There is the one part of generating increase in financial expression, but to filter that into growth, into business, into structures, into building in many, many, many different capacities and directions. And in doing so, then that yields also more financial income and growth, and that is then filtered back into the circle of the creating aspect of movement.

Now, this is all what has been created in relation to commerce in exchange, and exchange being centered on financial creation and development, and that has actually served you well for a considerable time framework. I would say that it’s STILL serving you, to a degree. But it’s incorrect to actually villainize establishments such as what you think of as Wall Street or the stock markets. In that, they are a very strong working mechanism in relation to your creations of exchange, in association with HOW you have developed your expressions of exchange, and that you have developed that in a very strong and singular direction of financial development as being the backbone, in a manner of speaking, of how you create in relation to your societal structures and even your individual structures.

Now, I would say, as I have already expressed many times, you are in the midst of changing that, but the point at this present moment is that you are not moving in a direction of creating or perpetuating the perception of that opposition that there are the good expressions and the villainous expressions, that there are the good directions to move in in relation to money and there are the bad directions, there are the good people and there are the bad people—because this is very incorrect, and it simply creates more of a perception and a perpetuation of division and separation and the reinforcement of the right and the wrong directions. Which in shifting, you are actually moving in an expression away from the right and the wrong in general, but moving more in the direction of when you evaluate in relation to right and wrong that you are moving that in a direction more associated with guidelines individually in relation to what may be right or wrong for YOU in your own choices and your own direction, not in general and definitely not in mass expressions.

And this is a tremendous shift in perception. And in that, you can evaluate with yourselves how many directions you still hold on to in relation to general expressions of right and wrong—what is right to do, what is wrong to do, which we were discussing previously in relation to what is the motivation with the vaccine.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Yeah, you’re just popping our principles bubbles today, Elias.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Which is the point. (Laughs) And my point is aiming straight for your bubbles. (Laughs)

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Well, that’s why we like you.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would say to you, my friends, that I am definitely expressing information to all of you to aid you in being aware of what you’re doing, what your perception is, and how you can move further, and therefore empower yourselves with your own intentional choices in relation to what you individually do. Now you can see you have presented in these conversations two subjects that involve mass expressions, in which you can very much depersonalize that and express that this is this general subject of a vaccine and of money, investments. And in that, both of those subjects easily can be depersonalized, because they are expressions that you look at as being mass directions and what the masses are doing in relation to those subjects. But in actuality, it is a matter of what you personally do with it. How are you personally engaging with these subjects, and what direction are you moving in and what choices do you make in creating your reality, and who are you villainizing to justify yourself?

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Yeah, and you know, in doing that, it really brings… We really need to take full responsibility for self, like we can’t… Whatever was left of attributing responsibility to the outside, to do what you’re just saying now it requires us to bring back all of the responsibility upon self.

ELIAS: Correct. Correct. Because these are YOUR choices. And in that, what is important is that you recognize that you don’t have to justify your choices by villainizing the masses. All that does is make you a victim—it doesn’t empower you.

And let me express to you that this also ties into the subject of feelings, because you incorrectly FEEL empowered when you justify yourself. But that isn’t genuine empowerment. You don’t have—

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: Yeah, it’s like that woman— sorry. Go ahead.

ELIAS: No, you are correct. Yes.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS: That woman that I was visiting to be a roommate with: that’s what she was doing, right?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes, precisely. You don’t have to villainize other individuals or masses that you don’t even have a face for but you simply express, in general, “the people.” What people? “All of those people.” All of WHAT people? All of the people that created the vaccine? All of the people that work on Wall Street or that are involved with the stock market? All of THOSE people? ALL of those people are the villains because they don’t agree with you or because they aren’t moving in the same direction as you? And what tells you that they’re not? You don’t know that. You are speculating, and you’re justifying. Based on what? Based on what you think you’re observing from the outside.

JEFF: Yes, and what you observe from the outside, then you begin to attract confirming information to you.

ELIAS: Precisely.

JEFF: Yes.

ELIAS: Yes. And that’s what you’re [inaudible]. Precisely. I very much agree. And yes, I very much acknowledge you in that. But this is the point, my friends, is that this is what I encourage you to pay attention to, to look at: to genuinely see beyond what is suggested to you, to genuinely see the bigger picture.

And how you see the bigger picture is by looking at yourselves and seeing what you’re doing, what you’re making important, what you’re paying attention to and how.

(Edited audio ends after 52 minutes)

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