Session 202204081

Procrastination; Finding a Job; Drinking Soda


“Engaging the Thought Mechanism Differently”
“Finding a Job”
“Difficulty Sleeping”
“Energy Comes from You”
“Drinking Soda”
“The Energy of Tucson”

Friday, April 8, 2022 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Robin (Aimon)

ELIAS: Good morning!

ROBIN: Hello. Hi Elias.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And how shall we begin, my friend?

ROBIN: Okay. Let’s see. So, my first question that I’d like to ask is: how much has my confidence and awareness increased over the last three years?

ELIAS: Three years?


ELIAS: I would say considerably. Wouldn’t you agree?

ROBIN: Yeah. I was just wondering. Like… Hm. I was just wondering what you would say. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would definitely say that it has increased significantly.

ROBIN: (Laughs) Okay. And then the next question would be: did my mom see a sasquatch up here in the Tucson mountains?

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say she thought she did.

ROBIN: Mm. Okay. And my next question is: why is it so difficult for me to set up a daily routine?

ELIAS: Ah! That is an excellent question, my friend. And what I would say to you is that not everyone is, let us, say oriented in that manner. That not everyone is routine-oriented, and if you are person that is not routine-oriented, it can be considerably challenging to move in those directions. And what generally happens is that the person, such as yourself, might have the idea of what you want to express as a routine and you might actually accomplish that for one day—

ROBIN: Yeah.

ELIAS: — and then you can’t do it anymore. (Laughs)

ROBIN: Yeah. Or like a couple days, like three days.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

ROBIN: Three or four days.

ELIAS: Yes. Sometimes you can actually move in that direction, in which you might be successful for a brief time framework, maybe even a week.

ROBIN: Yeah. Like a week—

ELIAS: But it will soon move in a direction in which it isn’t being accomplished any longer, because what you’re doing is you’re pushing yourself in a direction that you think you should do, and that you think is better. But you’re not actually looking at your natural expression, your natural flow. And in that, when you aren’t actually identifying what your natural flow is, or you are but you’re not defining it as that, therefore you know that this is something that’s difficult for you. You know that you slip out of it. You know that that’s not what you normally do, that what you normally do is different. But you aren’t defining that what you normally do as being your flow. You’re defining that as being bad, that—

ROBIN: Yeah.

ELIAS: — and that you shouldn’t be doing that. Therefore, you’re not allowing yourself to recognize and define that this is not about good or bad. This is about “What do I naturally do?”

ROBIN: Well, I just think what I naturally do doesn’t seem like a… beneficial.


ROBIN: I don’t know. I just think… I feel like I procrastinate a lot and like I don’t commit, commit to things.

ELIAS: I would say that here is a general statement that does hold true to most people: people procrastinate when they don’t want to do something, and people don’t commit to things when it is something that is either not important to them or if it is something that once again, they don’t like and therefore they have difficulty committing to something.

Now; there are times in which people don’t commit to something because they’re afraid, but generally speaking, if the person – such as yourself – isn’t necessarily expressing fear or being afraid of something, you might not be committing to different things because you either don’t like them or they aren’t important to you or they are something that you don’t naturally flow with.

ROBIN: Well, like for instance, for me a big problem for me is like money, and I don’t like the idea of getting a job. And what I’m sort of wondering is, is it beneficial for me to get a job anyway?

ELIAS: What I would say is it’s a matter of looking at jobs differently first. Therefore, looking at first of all, what you like to do. What do you enjoy doing? And then moving in a direction of expanding that, meaning take a subject that you like, that you enjoy, and then think about all of the different manners in which something can be expressed that’s related to that subject. Then in that, you can begin to think about different things that you might like to do because they are related to the thing that you DO like to do, that you are interested in.

Now; once you can look at different subjects of things that you like to do, then you can begin to explore how you can be expressing making money in relation to that subject.


ELIAS: Therefore not thinking about a job, but rather thinking about making money in relation to the subject that you are interested in. That can eventually lead you in a direction of perhaps exploring different job opportunities that are involved with that subject, or it could lead you in a direction of creating your own job.

ROBIN: Oh. Okay. The other question I had is: why do I have difficulty with visualizing things or meditation?

ELIAS: Ah. That is something that is not uncommon. There are many individuals that – for different reasons – that have difficulty with visualizations and meditation.

Now; one, I would say for you, the reason it’s difficult for you to meditate is because you’re always thinking.

ROBIN: Ah. Okay.

ELIAS: And therefore that is something you automatically do, and it’s difficult to—

ROBIN: That causes quite a bit of stress.

ELIAS: I would agree, but I would also say that it creates a difficulty when it’s a matter of moving in a direction of meditating.

Now; what I would also say in relation to that, if you can learn how to meditate differently, that will allow you to be using your thought mechanisms differently. If you want to experiment—

ROBIN: Yeah.

ELIAS: — with meditating, what I would say is I would encourage you to acquire a block of wood that is olive wood, or some other type of wood that is similar to olive wood.

ROBIN: Okay. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Olive wood has many, many, many patterns. The reason that it is prized as a beautiful wood is because it does have so many patterns. And in that, what I would say is acquire a block of olive wood or some other wood that is similar to that.

ROBIN: Yeah.

ELIAS: Then don’t close your eyes. Sit in a comfortable position and look at the wood, and allow your thought mechanism to engage the patterns of the wood. Have you ever looked at clouds to find familiar shapes?

ROBIN: No. (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would suggest that you engage that action also. What you do when you are looking at clouds to find familiar shapes is you are allowing yourself to relax and to see shapes in the clouds. And therefore your thought mechanism is engaged, but it’s engaged in a different manner. It’s looking for what shape do I see in this cloud? Can I see an elephant? Or what do I see? Is it a rabbit? Is it a bench? What type of shape is this cloud making? Your thought mechanism will be looking at the clouds and it will be discerning different shapes. And if it can’t find a familiar shape in one cloud, then you (inaudible) another cloud. And you will look at a different cloud and you might look back and forth to several clouds, and looking for familiar shapes.

Now; in relation to the block of wood, it is very similar. It’s a matter of looking at these designs, these patterns that the grain of the wood creates and not necessarily automatically seeing familiar shapes in the grain of the wood, but first looking at it and simply appreciating the design and the pattern in it. And then, taking that a step further and attempting to find or create a familiar shape in the pattern of the wood. This gives your thought mechanism something to do. Therefore it occupies your thinking, but in a manner that is directed with the intention of what you’re doing, which is meditating.

Meditation is simply an action of quieting yourself to allow yourself to connect. The next question is, connect to what? Connect to anything. Therefore, even engaging the action that you are with the piece of wood is connecting. You’re connecting with wood.

ROBIN: I’m surprised that you think my thought mechanism is so active, because I thought I rarely think.

ELIAS: I would say that that’s definitely not correct. You’re always thinking, about whatever you’re doing, whatever you’re seeing. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re thinking in words.

ROBIN: Okay. Another question I have is: how could I…? I want to socialize a lot, and I’m wondering how I could do that here in Tucson. Like what’s a beneficial way for me to do that?

ELIAS: I would say that’s another avenue of thinking about and evaluating and expressing what you enjoy. What do you like? What do you enjoy? And then going to places that you can express that. And in that, then allowing yourself to meet other people in those places, because you’re already expressing something in common with them.

ROBIN: Yeah.

ELIAS: You already have a foundation because you like what you’re doing or where you are, and they do also. Therefore you can connect with them and you can introduce yourself and you can engage a conversation, and you already have a subject matter to begin a conversation about. Because you’re both in the same place and are both engaging in a subject you like or that you enjoy.

ROBIN: I’m wondering: why exactly do I have difficulty sleeping? Does that have to do with this collective energy?

ELIAS: How long have you had difficulty sleeping?

ROBIN: I don’t know. I’m not sure, but I think… I mean of course, of course I sleep when it’s like light out. So that’s part of the difficulty. But I think there’s more. There’s more that’s making it difficulty.

ELIAS: I would definitely say that THAT is a piece. And why do you choose to sleep when it’s light out?

ROBIN: I kind of do it on accident. I don’t actually mean to do it, and I don’t really want to do it, but it just happens automatically.

ELIAS: How so?

ROBIN: Because I end up staying up all night.

ELIAS: That’s not an accident, my friend. That’s a choice.

ROBIN: Yeah, but it’s fun to stay up all night and I don’t really want to… I mean, I want to stay up all night because it’s fun.

ELIAS: That’s not an accident. And that’s a matter of first of all, expressing being genuine with yourself and not making excuses. In that, I would say that—

ROBIN: Excuse me, you said being genuine and what?

ELIAS: Not making excuses.

ROBIN: Yeah.

ELIAS: In that, I would say that it IS difficult for most people to sleep when it is light out, because your body is actually geared to be synchronized with the sun.

ROBIN: Oh. So I should probably just buy some curtains and just make everything really dark?

ELIAS: I would say that would be a very easy solution. Yes.

ROBIN: Okay. Another thing I’m wondering about is, you said that my natural flow is like jerking and agitated and that sometimes I require a lot of sleep or a little amount of sleep, and I’m wondering: does that also affect the amount of calories that my body requires each day?

ELIAS: It can. It doesn’t always, but it can.

ROBIN: So how many calories do you think my body requires each day?

ELIAS: I would say that that would fluctuate, my friend, with how much activity you are engaging.

ROBIN: So, what…? Hm. Can you give like an estimate of what, if I were to do say forty-five minutes of exercise versus if I were to do no exercise?

ELIAS: No. That’s not enough. It’s not a matter of whether you’re doing forty-five minutes’ worth of exercise and then you are sedentary the rest of the day. I would say that it’s a matter of how much activity you are engaging. And what I would say is, it’s not necessarily even a matter of calories.

ROBIN: Well, I’m very confused about how much I should be eating exactly.

ELIAS: I would say that depends on what you’re doing. How much activity do you engage within the day?

ROBIN: Huh. Okay. I mean… Well, like I don’t… I mean I walk. I walk almost daily, oftentimes for hours.

ELIAS: How far do you walk?

ROBIN: Um… Sometimes like many, many hours of walking, like just down the street.

ELIAS: You are walking many hours every day?

ROBIN: Yeah, sometimes. Or sometimes, I don’t know, sometimes one hour, sometimes two hours or more.

ELIAS: And HOW are you walking? Are you walking at a slow, sauntering pace? Or are—

ROBIN: Yeah, pretty slow pace. And I might listen to music when I’m walking.

ELIAS: And are you walking briskly?


ELIAS: The factor that you’re walking is good because it’s definitely better than not engaging any activity, but it’s also a matter of recognizing that if you are walking slowly, you’re not actually burning a considerable amount of fuel. Therefore in that, the more you are engaging a more vigorous activity, the more fuel you are actually consuming. Therefore you require more food. But in not actually engaging much vigorous activity – it is good that you are walking. I definitely will—

ROBIN: Well, one thing, one thing I’m confused about is, if I eat a lot of vegetables, they have almost no calories at all. So I’m not really getting energy. Like I need to eat—

ELIAS: Ah, that’s not true!


ELIAS: You do not only (chuckles), you do not only generate energy from calories. Therefore I would say you can eat a considerable amount of vegetables and be generating a considerable amount of energy.

ROBIN: Well, one thing I do every… Like I drink enormous amount of soda, like Coca-Cola. And I don’t think that’s healthy.

ELIAS: I (chuckles) would agree. (Laughs)

ROBIN: But I can’t stop doing it, and I was wondering about that.

ELIAS: Yes, you can. That also is a choice.

ROBIN: But I think it like… It gives me energy and that’s why I do it. That’s one of the main reasons why I do it.

ELIAS: In that—

ROBIN: Yeah?

ELIAS: Outside, outside expressions don’t give you energy or take away energy.

Now; what I would say is, sugar and caffeine will generate an effect with most people in which it accelerates your expression. It accelerates you, and therefore you seem to be generating more energy. It’s not that you’re generating more energy. Energy doesn’t come from those sources. It comes from you.

ROBIN: So what happens when it accelerates, like it accelerates my energy? Like how does…? What does that do exactly?

ELIAS: It actually can produce many different expressions that are not necessarily beneficial. It accelerates your organ functions, but then it also crashes them, in a manner—

ROBIN: But the thing is, I drink a lot of soda but then I also eat very little food. So I’m kind of fasting or like—


ROBIN: Almost like fasting.

ELIAS: No. No. You’re not. No, you’re not.

ROBIN: That’s how I feel.

ELIAS: That is not fasting. That is definitely not fasting. That’s not even near fasting. What I would say is it is very imbalanced AND the more sugar and caffeine that you consume, the more you want to consume that AND in relation to incorporating large amounts of sugar and caffeine, it’s very understandable that you may not be encouraged to consume food because you’re constantly putting that sugar and caffeine into your body and it’s constantly burning. In a manner of speaking, it’s very similar to let’s say a race car burning high octane fuel.

ROBIN: Yeah?

ELIAS: But it only can do that for short amounts of time. And what happens is, it burns a lot of it and it reduces the life of the vehicle.


ELIAS: Therefore a race car does not have the lifespan, so to speak, of a transportation car. A race car burns up its parts. This is the reason that it has, even during a race, it has to be maintained in frequent stops in addressing to its parts. Parts have to be replaced. The gasoline that is used, because it is such high-octane gasoline, it has to be refilled very frequently. It’s constantly burning up the vehicle. And you do the same thing with your body. You are creating a constant imbalance and a constant situation in which you are taxing all of your organs.

ROBIN: So basically I just need to eat vegetables, mostly vegetables each day? That’s what I really should be doing?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. No. That’s not balanced either.


ELIAS: In that, it’s a matter of having a balanced diet and NOT consuming the soda.

ROBIN: Oh. Okay. Also, I was wondering: do I have any famous focuses?


ROBIN: Or—yeah?

ELIAS: Yes. And I would encourage you to be discovering them.

ROBIN: Oh. Can you tell me one of them?

ELIAS: Do you have any impressions?

ROBIN: Uh, do I have impressions? No. I don’t think I do. I don’t really have… I don’t feel a connection really to… Yeah, I don’t actually. I don’t really feel connections.

ELIAS: To what?

ROBIN: To anyone famous at all.

ELIAS: Then why are you asking?

ROBIN: Because I’m kind of curious. As a matter of fact, why don’t I really feel… or do I feel connections to kind of like everyone? So I kind of just lump it all together?

ELIAS: I would say that that is correct, and that famous individuals are not necessarily more important to you than non-famous individuals.

ROBIN: Hm. Okay. Yeah, it was just out of curiosity. (Elias laughs) Also, the room that I’m in right now, why do I not like my room? Like is it… are there like energy deposits here that are like bothering me?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. What is your assessment? Why don’t you like it?

ROBIN: Ah, hm. Ah…

ELIAS: What don’t you like about it?

ROBIN: Uh, I kind of… I always want to like leave the house. I always want to go somewhere else.

ELIAS: And what don’t you like specifically about that room? Or is it the house in general?

ROBIN: Um, it’s more like… I don’t know. It’s just like… Because I’ve lived here so long that I kind of would worry if there’s like a… just kind of old, like stagnant energy, stuck energy here.

ELIAS: Not necessarily. But that doesn’t mean that you might not be ready for a change.


ELIAS: It isn’t necessarily that the energy is old and stagnant, but that you may be in a direction in which it would be exciting to you to change your environment and to experience something new and different.

ROBIN: Yeah! That would. It would be exciting. (Laughs)

ELIAS: What prevents you from doing that?

ROBIN: Mostly just like… mostly like, like confidence I would say. Or it’s just… It’s that I don’t… Yeah. I just… I don’t want to get like… I don’t want to take risks and then end up in a situation that’s worse than the situation I’m in right now.

ELIAS: What type of risks?

ROBIN: Uh… (Pause) Well like for instance, I don’t want to like… Like I have money problems right now and if I were to like… If I were to work, I’m scared that for instance I might just be… I might still have money problems but then have like, you know, nine hours of my day are gone. Or something like that would happen.

ELIAS: That is a considerable amount of projecting, my friend. And speculation. I would say that if you’re not satisfied with what you have, or not satisfied with where you’re at, then it’s a matter of recognizing that you have choices. And in that, it’s also a matter of reminding yourself who’s creating your reality.

ROBIN: Yeah. I am.

ELIAS: Well, if YOU are creating your reality, then it’s a matter of you creating choices that move you in the direction that is more satisfying to you. Making choices that allow you to move in directions that you’re more comfortable with.

ROBIN: Okay.

ELIAS: And being more present. (Robin laughs) Stop speculating about what might be in the future, but actually expressing to yourself you’re the one that’s directing you.

ROBIN: Hm. I was just wondering. Am I…? Hm. When am I most present? Is it…? Like when throughout the day generally? Is it more like…? Is it when I’m doing notes and writing? Or is it more like online or like when I leave the house?

ELIAS: And what is your assessment?

ROBIN: I think that… like I think one of the reasons I don’t like… One of the reasons I leave the house so much is to try to be more present.

ELIAS: And does it help you be more present?

ROBIN: I don’t know. In a way, yeah. I mean, maybe, but it might also be boring.

ELIAS: Which is it?

ROBIN: I’m not sure.

ELIAS: That’s incorrect. What I would say to you is, you ARE sure. You do know. You simply don’t want to commit yourself in one direction or another, but you know. I’m not going to tell you what you think or feel, my friend. I will ask you what you think and feel, and what your assessment is of what you’re doing. But in that, I would say that ultimately THAT is the most important. It’s important for YOU to be directing you. It’s important for you to be trusting you, and what you do and what you think and feel. And in that, making your own assessments about your life.

Therefore in that, I would agree with you that you leave the house because you are somewhat bored with it, and you would like something new and different, and you would like to change the environment, and that new environments are exciting to you. I would agree with that. I would express that when you are walking, what ARE you experiencing? I would say it isn’t always the same. Sometimes you may not be satisfied, if you are walking in the same place. Sometimes you can be walking in the same place and you can see something different or you can experience something different, and that makes a difference to you and it’s more enjoyable.

ROBIN: But I actually do think… I do think… Hm. I almost feel like I want… I believe that leaving the house is good, but I don’t necessarily think I enjoy it that much. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Well, the factor that something is good doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to enjoy it.

ROBIN: Hm. (Pause) (Laughs) Okay. Oh! Here’s a question. Once in a while, a door opens all by itself. I’ve had that experience and I was wondering: is that some kind of a spooky thing going on?

ELIAS: (Laughs) Define “spooky thing.” (Laughs)

ROBIN: Is it like a ghostly thing? Or is it just like the air opening the door? Because I think sometimes it’s the air, but I think sometimes it actually isn’t.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would agree with you. (Laughs) I would say that sometimes it isn’t simply the air. That sometimes it is your own energy when you are—


ELIAS: — somewhat restless and want to distract yourself. And sometimes it’s other energies.

ROBIN: Huh. Yeah, because I’m actually very surprised by how much it swings open. And also, my refrigerator door has opened too by itself.

ELIAS: And I would say that that is the same.

ROBIN: Huh. Yeah, okay. Ha. Yeah, because I was wondering, because… Hm. Also, why do I leave, why do I leave the key in the door on the outside? Because I do that sometimes. I’m not sure why I do that.

ELIAS: Why do you do it?

ROBIN: I don’t know. I think it has… I think part of it is productivity. I just don’t like wasting time taking the key out.

ELIAS: Very well. And in that, I would say you’re not necessarily worried about the key being in the door. Therefore it doesn’t matter.

ROBIN: Oh, I just thought it was like a little thing that I was curious about. Huh. Okay.

Oh! Here. There was a question I had. I had an experience at the University of Arizona where there was a… When I used to live by the university, there was sometimes… There was like a… There was like a ghost that would show up in the house. And I remember in the dream state like I drove in an astral car with like the ghost. And I’m wondering—

ELIAS: That—

ROBIN: Who was that?

ELIAS: That sounds that it could be a fun experience.

ROBIN: Yeah. I’m just wondering about that experience, what it was.

ELIAS: I would say that that was imagery that you were generating in relation to connecting with another essence. What—

ROBIN: And it was—Yeah?

ELIAS: What essence would you say that was?

ROBIN: Uh… I have no idea.

ELIAS: An impression?

ROBIN: Well, I mean… I mean… Because you’re speaking so weirdly, I mean maybe it was you? I don’t know.

ELIAS: No, but close. (Robin laughs) Not myself, but I would say an essence very close to myself.

ROBIN: Who was it?

ELIAS: Patel.

ROBIN: Oh, Patel?


ROBIN: Hm. (Pause) Okay.

Oh! Oh, I was wondering: what is the general energy of Tucson?

ELIAS: Meaning?

ROBIN: Like uh… It’s a city of like what? Like what type of a city is it?

ELIAS: (Pause) Explain.

ROBIN: Oh, I was just wondering, because you’ve said that like a Berlin is like a city of exchange and I was kind of wondering, like what kind of a… What’s the overall energy of Tucson?

ELIAS: (Pause) The overall energy of Tucson: I would say, enterprise.

ROBIN: Enterprise? What does that mean?

ELIAS: Business.

ROBIN: Oh! Well, what do you mean by business?

ELIAS: Simply business in general.

ROBIN: Oh! I thought Tucson had almost no business.

ELIAS: No. I would say that that is generally the energy of that place, is to be generating that.

ROBIN: Oh, to generate business? Wow, that’s really weird. Huh. What about… What about the energy around Fourth Avenue, in that area? What would the energy there be?

ELIAS: And what is your assessment?

ROBIN: Well, I mean it’s kind of like… It’s like high energy. Kind of like a party environment, but I’m just wondering if there’s like more to it, if there’s more.

ELIAS: In what capacity?

ROBIN: I don’t know. Is there something that you pick up on that I didn’t pick up on?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. I would say that it does have somewhat of a… (pause) an energy of (pause) interaction but it’s more, I would say, interactive in relation to exploring and experiencing substances.

ROBIN: Oh! Oh, that’s funny. (Laughs) Oh, but I think that’s… Yeah, but that’s kind of all of Tucson in a way. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Not necessarily. I would disagree with that.

ROBIN: Oh. Uh, okay. (Pause)

Another, another question I have is: do I have the gift of absolute trust?


Now; this subject again. Let me express to you, as I have with other individuals, that that is somewhat of an expression. There is no absolute trust in a physical reality.

ROBIN: Oh, I was just wondering because like I feel that I do… I don’t trust in my day-to-day activities, but in dangerous situations I really do trust, like a tremendous amount.

ELIAS: Very well. But how can that be absolute trust, if you have any time that you don’t trust?

ROBIN: Uh… yeah.

ELIAS: THAT is the point, is that absolute trust would then mean that you trust completely, absolutely, at all times, in every (inaudible). And also, I would say that the difficulty with that identification is that you are in a physical reality and in physical reality, well in consciousness, there are no absolutes.

ROBIN: Okay.

A quick question. I wanted to buy um a copper flashlight. And I’m wondering: what is the energy of copper? Like what kind of an effect would that have, if I keep it in my pocket the whole time?

ELIAS: I would say that (pause) the properties of copper actually can be healing. It doesn’t mean that they always are, but it can be healing. And I would say that if you had a flashlight that was copper and you were keeping it in your pocket continuously, that it definitely wouldn’t be harmful to you, and that it can be expressing a beneficial energy.


And one more question: whenever I look at auras of objects, it’s always… Whatever the color of the object is, the aura is like the exact other side of the color wheel. And that was very weird to me. So I’m kind of wondering what’s happening there.

ELIAS: That’s an interesting manifestation.

ROBIN: Does that have something to do with my intent of opposites?

ELIAS: Mm, it could be that you are including that and—

ROBIN: But is this normal or is this some weird thing that I’m creating?

ELIAS: It’s something you’re creating.


ELIAS: Because in that – and that’s the reason that I am expressing it could something that—

ROBIN: Because it made me doubt. It made me doubt if I’m actually seeing auras. It made me think that maybe I’m just seeing something really… something that’s not an aura.

ELIAS: No, you likely are seeing the energy fields, but objects don’t incorporate a color.


ELIAS: The energy field of an object is either white or a silverish kind of hue, but—

ROBIN: So was it—

ELIAS: — not—

ROBIN: So the color I’m seeing, what is that?

ELIAS: That would be YOUR interpretation of the energy, which is interesting. It’s not the actual color of the object, but it’s a translation that you’re making. It’s an interpretation of the energy of that object. Which that’s interesting.

ROBIN: Okay. And then…

Oh! A quick question: am I counterparts with Remy Key and Russell Brand?


ROBIN: Oh, that’s funny. (Laughs) Okay. Okay.

Oh! And the cold, the cold that I felt on my left, on the left side of my leg, was that you interacting with me?


ROBIN: Ah! Okay, cool. I’d like to interact with you more often. Is that possible?

ELIAS: Yes. That is.

ROBIN: Because that’s really fun.

ELIAS: Very well.

ROBIN: Okay. Let’s see here. Oh! Since my biggest issue is confidence, to me it seems like I need to stimulate my pineal gland, because that’s the center of confidence and like imagination. Would that be accurate?

ELIAS: Hm. Not necessarily. I would say that it’s simply a matter of practicing.

ROBIN: Hm. Huh. Okay.

ELIAS: It’s actually much more doable.

ROBIN: (Laughs) Okay. Okay. I’m just overthinking it right there. (Elias laughs) Okay. Yeah, I’d like to… I’d like to be more aware, like…

Oh! Is there an area of enchantment here in Tucson that I have easy access to?

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: In Tucson. (Pause) Not necessarily, but if you were to move outside of the city into more of an undeveloped area of desert, that you might discover one in that direction.

ROBIN: Ah. Okay.

Okay! Those are all my questions. So yeah, I had fun asking these questions. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Excellent. Excellent. I would definitely be encouraging you, my friend, to be practicing with that evaluation of what you genuinely enjoy doing and translating that into how to be making money in relation—

ROBIN: (Laughs) Yeah.

ELIAS: (Inaudible) And not thinking about it in relation to work.

ROBIN: Okay.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall be offering my energy to you continuously in encouragement and support.

ROBIN: Okay. Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: In tremendous love to you, my dear friend, and in great friendship—

ROBIN: (Laughs) Okay. Bye! Bye, Elias.

ELIAS: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after 1 hour)

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