Session 202206073

Supporting Essences, Wrinkles, Water Foods, Fever


“Continuous Support of Other Essences”
“Water Foods”
“High Body Temperatures are Dangerous”

Tuesday, June 7, 2022 (Private/phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ben (Sumarian)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

BEN: Hello, Elias. Oh, it's been some time.

ELIAS: (Elias chuckles) And what shall we discuss?

BEN: I want to ask a general question that I was thinking of before. Sometimes I imagine questions in my head and I imagine a conversation with you. And as I'm asking the question, the wording of the question sometimes contains the answer to my question. And I feel like either I had a short dialog with you or maybe with myself. Is that accurate?

ELIAS: Yes, it is.

BEN: And does it matter if the energy or the information came from you or from me? I don't think it does.

ELIAS: No, it doesn't.

BEN: It seems to happen more often when I'm close to a session because I know I will be interacting with you physically and afterwards it seems more removed because I can't really see you or feel you. At least I don't pay attention enough.

ELIAS: I understand, but I would say that it genuinely is a matter of attention and you could shift that.

BEN: I'm following your conversations with Nuno quite often and I know he has other experiences with you where he actually feels your energy. First of all, I think I have counterpart action with Nuno. That's what I think.


BEN: Is that just one way or both ways?

ELIAS: That would be in both directions, yes.

BEN: Huh. His conversations with you are very interesting also because he talks a lot about regeneration and the body consciousness, which for me is quite interesting. I was wanting to ask, I'm trying to contact some people in Portugal for some bureaucratic issue with my passport, and I'm getting no answers. And my impression is, is that this matter at the moment is totally unimportant to me. And that's why all of this is not being responded to.

ELIAS: I would agree. I would say that that doesn't mean that you have to make it significantly important to you to be responded to. It's simply a matter of perhaps being more directed with it and therefore moving in a direction in which you want to resolve it and be done with it.

BEN: Yeah, that's what the energy felt like, which is not something... It's not a strategy that I like to be done with something. I want to go when I feel like it would be enjoyable. And I know that I have a little bit of resistance to flying at the moment because of all the residual corona restrictions. So I just said leave that alone for now.

ELIAS: I understand.

BEN: Okay.

ELIAS: And that is something that is comfortable and successful for you and therefore it matters not.

BEN: Yeah, that's the bottom line, that it really matters not whether it happens now or in a year or two.

ELIAS: Correct.

BEN: I was on vacation last week in the southern part of the country and I had a room in a hotel. And I think on two separate occasions there was a woman in the next room, in the balcony of the next room, walking and looking in on me. And it was unusual because both rooms were unoccupied at that time. And it seemed like a young woman and I have no idea who was peeking in at me. I mean, I would like to say it's my mother, but that's an intellectual guess. It's not it's not my impression. So who was that?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

BEN: Oh, I would... I don't know. It's somebody projecting energy, sort of like an apparition, and I'm viewing it. But who is doing it? I know it was female. But other than that, nothing.

ELIAS: But actually that's simply a translation because other than in physical reality, Essences don't actually incorporate a gender.

BEN: Oh. So I translated it as a female appearance.

ELIAS: Correct.

BEN: But I still don't know who that essence is? Who would be peeking on me on vacation. I'm available all the time.

ELIAS: I would say it's not necessarily that someone was peeking in on you on vacation. It was simply that you were aware of that energy at that time. Likely because you were relaxed and therefore being more aware of your environment and energy in your environment. But it's not something that is only at that time.

BEN: So this may have happened previously, and I just dismissed it as just an occasional person walking down the street or in a building?

ELIAS: Or not a person at all, and simply dismissed an energy.

BEN: Oh, so the identity of this energy is not that important. That's what you're saying in the hotel. I mean, who it was.

ELIAS: I can give you the identity, which is another essence. But I would say it isn't actually important, that it's an energy that is with you all the time. You simply don't pay attention to it.

BEN: Oh, so now you got me curious. It wasn't you.

ELIAS: No. And what I would say is every individual has other essences that are around them all the time. This is the reason that people in physical focus have created these ideas of guides and guardian angels and the like, and in that it is because they sense and are aware of other energies being around them all the time and being supportive of them. And that is correct. You all have...

BEN: More than one.

ELIAS: ...familiar Essences around you all the time and they are always being supportive to you. But that doesn't mean that you necessarily pay attention to that...

BEN: Right.

ELIAS: ...or that you notice it. And then occasionally when you do notice, then you are questioning as you are now.

BEN: And these supporting essences, do they sometimes still have focuses in physical reality or not?

ELIAS: Sometimes yes.

BEN: Oh. That's interesting. I would never have guessed that. And I imagine how many times I actually didn't notice previously these expressions.

ELIAS: Correct.

BEN: But how would I notice them when I don't translate it into an image? How would I sense that for example, there is something?

ELIAS: That is a matter of being more self-aware, paying more attention, being more present, and in that being aware of your energy and what the expression of your energy is, and therefore then being aware of other energies that are different, that aren't your energy.

BEN: Okay. Oh, that's wow. That's interesting.

ELIAS: (Elias chuckles) Now; what I would say to you in relation to these other Essences, many times they are instrumental in relation to situations that you avoid or that could move in a dangerous direction for you, but don't. And in that the other essences are not preventing anything from occurring with you, but are expressing a supportive energy and therefore in that are helpful for you to be making choices that avoid certain situations. When you move in a direction of expressing to yourself in your common vernacular, that you've had a close call, so to speak, it's very likely that there are other Essences lending energy to you in that situation that are supporting you and encouraging you in choices that you then are safe.

BEN: And I could actually, probably for the most part, respond subjectively to these energies without any objective awareness. Assuming that the objective of awareness is not interfering, I may have a hunch to turn left or to stop the car or to not go. And these are examples of that support. And I just respond to it.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes.

BEN: Oh.

ELIAS: Many, many times, many times, these energies are also involved with your impressions. You think that what you do, what you think, what you feel, what you communicate to yourself is all only you. But it's not. That's that interconnectedness that is expressed that the more self-aware you become, the more you begin to be aware of that interconnectedness and that you aren't singularly alone doing and thinking everything.

BEN: And that would be really easy for me to use the analogy of the ocean, which I spend a lot of time in the water, where every particle or every element in the ocean is supported by the entire ocean. And he's never moving on his own.

ELIAS: Correct.

BEN: Wow. Is the number of these supporting Essences, is that something that changes? Is it dozens? Is it hundreds? Or it doesn't really matter.

ELIAS: It doesn't matter. But generally speaking, it’s usually less than ten.

BEN: And I was wondering, for example, if these supporting Essences, they have to be aware, unlike, for example, my mother, which may not be aware that she has died. So she couldn't be a supporting Essence?

ELIAS: But she could.

BEN: She could.

ELIAS: Because the focus isn't aware that it died. The Essence is aware.

BEN: Oh. Okay. Okay. Okay. Right. Wow, this is fantastic. All right. This was very interesting and surprising. (Elias chuckles) I want to talk a little bit about the body and the skin since I was listening to Nuno and conversations about hydration and moisturizing. I would say overall, that for the most part, I'm hydrated quite well. Would that be correct?


BEN: And you were talking about wrinkles in the group session, which was really interesting about wrinkles being a result of repeated actions, not even physical actions. And I have very few wrinkles. I have only wrinkles around my eyes and on my forehead, and I tried to understand where they come from. And I got the impression that my wrinkles come from mostly trying to figure things out where I squint and I, you know, tense my forehead and my eyes and make... Is that a good assessment?

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree.

BEN: Is there any other main quality like annoyance or irritation? I don't think that's really influencing.

ELIAS: No, no.

BEN: Okay. Now about...

ELIAS: I would...

BEN: Yes...

ELIAS: I would not express that that would be affecting or that that would be causing the wrinkles. I would say mostly you are correct. It would be being pensive.

BEN: Huh? I've been doing that since I was a kid. Probably. I remember.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes you have.

BEN: Now I pay attention and I notice that sometimes I relax my forehead and eyes because I can engage the same action without projecting it into my face. But sometimes it really doesn't matter. It's part of who I am.

ELIAS: I understand, and I would agree.

BEN: Great. Something about moisturizing the body. If I notice, for example, like two days ago, my legs were dry and what I did is only moisturized my legs with some avocado oil. But it occurred to me that perhaps the legs being dry or the hands or the face is indicating that the skin in general is dry. And you mentioned that. So would it be more effective to just at that point moisturize the entire body? Or not necessarily.

ELIAS: Um, not necessarily. But I would say that that would be something to pay attention to in relation to hydrating.

BEN: I don't drink a lot of water. That's the funny thing. I don't even think I drink two liters a day. I get some of the water from foods that I eat. I don't drink three or four liters like was mentioned several times and I don't feel thirsty and my urine is fine.

ELIAS: I understand.

BEN: So it's a personal issue that depends on physiology and energy and clothing and many other factors.

ELIAS: Correct.

BEN: Okay. Something else about dryness. I had several events with extreme dryness in my mouth, which I know are not associated with hydration. When I was on vacation, and I think they're associated with really lousy food choices that create very strong spikes in blood sugar, which means eating a lot of starches.

ELIAS: Yes. That that can be a factor in relation to that type of manifestation.

BEN: So I'm using that now as a communication to pay attention, but at least I get the hint when my body says, "Hey, what are you doing?" Okay. (Elias chuckles) Oh. The best communicator of all is the body, because it's me.

ELIAS: (Elias chuckles) I agree.

BEN: I thought about some more water foods that we mentioned, watermelon and grapes. And I eat a lot of orange fruits called loquat. They're very fleshy and they're very juicy. And I think that I could add them to those water foods that can be eaten in relatively large amounts without effect.

ELIAS: Yes, you would be correct. There are many, many, many water foods. And in that, I would say that it's simply a matter of being aware of it and being aware that they are actually more beneficial. And that doesn't necessarily mean that you can't consume foods that are more dense, that are not water foods, but that it is of significant benefit to be consuming more water foods than dense foods, especially if you are an individual that is more inclined to hold weight.

BEN: I didn't understand that term. Cold wait?

ELIAS: Hold.

BEN: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: Some individuals are more inclined to hold weight than other individuals.

BEN: And those are the individuals that would be benefiting from eating more water foods than dense food, which would maybe translate into more weight.

ELIAS: Correct.

BEN: Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. I'll keep that in mind. Let me ask you about... I had another fever event about a few weeks ago or two months ago with fever and with high temperature. This time, I blacked out at one moment and I fell on the floor, not injuring myself. But it was quite dramatic and quite funny, and I assumed that I was moving through issues again subjectively and then adjusting the body consciousness. But what was with the blacking out? Was their purpose for that? Was that beneficial or was it just to put some drama into the whole event?

ELIAS: No, actually, I would say that there is a purpose and benefit to that, that the body is actually moving in a direction of resetting itself.

BEN: Oh, like how you would do with the computer?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes, very similar.

BEN: Wow. It's intense, but I think… What is happening through that fever? I mean, let's say I move through something subjectively now, the whole electromagnetic pattern of the body consciousness changes as a result.

ELIAS: Correct.

BEN: And that's what would cause all these fluctuations temporarily in temperature and in everything else.

ELIAS: Correct.

BEN: Huh.

ELIAS: Now I would suggest that you pay attention and not necessarily move in that direction of fevers consistently or frequently, because that is somewhat of a dangerous route to be engaging physically. I understand it definitely can gain your attention, but it can also be dangerous and may can affect your body consciousness in manners in which it can damage certain areas of the body. High temperatures can be destructive. The body is not equipped to incorporate high temperatures, first of all, for any sustained amount of time. And secondly, it's not equipped to engage significantly high temperatures even for short periods of time. Therefore, if you are generating significantly high temperatures, even at a short amount of time, it can be damaging. Or if you are generating a high temperature, that is not quite as significant for any length of time, that can also be damaging. In this the reason that I express this is because, as with anything, the body incorporates a tendency to move in repetition. Therefore, once it moves in a direction with a certain type of manifestation, it likely will repeat that manifestation because it's familiar and it's easy.

BEN: Okay, now, why would... I chose these fever events because I wasn't listening to myself enough, and I could have actually worked these things out in other manners?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, because I would say that people generate physical manifestations because it's much more likely that you're going to pay attention to something that you physically create.

BEN: I know the last fever event started, I could feel it starting at work when I got totally, extremely irritated at somebody at work and when I got home, I knew that that was just the tip of the iceberg. So that was an example of it was already on its way.


BEN: So what you're saying is to pay attention to not to bring myself to such an extreme point where I haven't noticed that now I need this big drama that could be destructive to my body and just move slightly slower.

ELIAS: Correct. And pay attention.

BEN: Yeah. That's the name of the game.

ELIAS: (Elias chuckles) Yes, I would agree.

BEN: I think I'm doing a really good job in general in being present. I think fantastic even. But there's always more to be done because it's not like a competition and there's no end to it.

ELIAS: Correct. And I would acknowledge you also.

BEN: Yeah. At least it's not boring.

ELIAS: (both laugh) I would agree. I would say that if you are moving in a direction of genuinely paying attention to yourself and moving in expressions of evolving and wanting to engage yourself more and to be more aware, you are correct. It's not boring. (Elias chuckles)

BEN: Would that be correct to say that it's never boring in any area of consciousness? Like in your area of consciousness, for example?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. I wouldn't necessarily make that blanket statement because you definitely can create boring situations in your physical reality, and that's an area of consciousness.

BEN: Oh, and therefore you can create it anywhere else also.

ELIAS: I would say not as much, no. I would say that in physical realities, is that definitely possible? Yes. But in nonphysical areas of consciousness, not really.

BEN: Okay. I want to... We have only one or two minutes. Something that got me really curious. I read the entire Seth catalog just to see how relevant the material that he presented 50 or 60 years ago is very accurate. He said something that I really resonated with and he said that that humanity will not get a peek into reincarnation and other focuses until they realize that killing somebody else is not the end of that focus. That had a really strong impact on me, especially now where the Ukrainian war is continuing to kill people.

ELIAS: I would, I would agree. Because I would say that this is a matter of that expression of self-awareness. And with self-awareness comes the awareness of interconnectedness.

BEN: Oh. Okay. So that that explains what he said back then, huh? I was wondering, I got these really pretty beads that I have on my wrist. It's called magnesite. It's some kind of magnesium carbonate. I was wondering if they're interacting in any manner with my body because they're actually touching my wrist or they're just esthetic.

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: I would say that, yes, to a slight degree it is interacting with your body, but not in anything that you would think of as negative.

BEN: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: And what I would also say to you is, now this is not a rule, therefore there are exceptions, but many times stones or other types of adornment that you generate in relation to your body, when you like them, they generally are having some sort of interaction with your body that is beneficial.

BEN: Oh, okay.

ELIAS: But remember, that's not across the board, in a manner of speaking. There are exceptions to that.

BEN: Because I really like these beads. I mean, so. Okay, that's interesting. I think we're going to end the session so we don't go overtime. This has been very, very spontaneous. That's what I liked about it.

ELIAS: Excellent. And I shall be anticipating our next meeting, my friend.

BEN: Yes, me too.

ELIAS: And I will be expressing my energy with you to perhaps help you to be more aware of other energies than yourself.

BEN: Oh, that's great. Yeah, that would be lovely, because I'm surrounded by energies all the time. So that's... That's a good treasure hunt. All right. Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friend. I shall be expressing my love and affection to you continuously in dear friendship au revoir.

BEN: Bye bye.

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