Session 202210151

Dream Triggers; Healing and Regeneration; Inner Landscapes


“Using a Dream Trigger in Waking State”
“New Mass Direction in Response to Inflation”
“Inner Landscape Exercise”
“Asking Essences for Help”
“Creating Super Cells for Regeneration”
“Essence Outside of Physical Realities”

Saturday, October 15, 2022 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Nuno (Lystell)

ELIAS: Good morning!

NUNO: Good morning.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what have you been accomplishing, my friend?

NUNO: Ah! You’ve got a new question, a new intro. (Both laugh) A new beginning. Okay. What have I been accomplishing? Well, that’s a good question.


NUNO: I’ve been practicing attempting to get information. That’s kind of a big piece. One thing I did accomplish I think – and I want to ask you about this – is I think I did discover my dream triggers.

ELIAS: Excellent! And what did you discover?

NUNO: Well first of all, I think I have more than one dream trigger. Is this correct?

ELIAS: That is possible. Generally speaking, you don’t generally have more than two. But it is definitely possible to have more than one.

NUNO: I asked myself to present the answer to me and what I got was that the dream trigger is paper. Is that correct?

ELIAS: You are correct. Congratulations! And what else?

NUNO: The next one – I’m not sure whether this is a dream trigger or more of a dream theme, but it’s very, very common – it’s vehicles, like automobiles, airplanes, trains, boats, bicycles, anything that’s used to transport people.

ELIAS: Correct. That would be correct. Congratulations! I would say that is tremendous.

NUNO: And then there was a third, but you say that likely there’s only two so I can stop.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: Very good. So that’s what I accomplished, and I’m trying to use that in the way that you described to get information. I had one interesting experience with that, but I wasn’t able to repeat it. I used the dream trigger as a key to access information. What I was doing is I had a deck of Tarot cards and I just pulled the card out of the deck and I’d put it face down in front of me. And I wanted to determine what the suit of the card is, which is a pretty simple question. So I asked myself to get that using the dream trigger. And the experience I had was that I began to see, overlaid on the back of the card, very faintly, an image of a tree. And so that immediately told me that the suit was Wands because of the wood, which was correct, but I was unable to repeat that experience.

ELIAS: But I would say congratulations that you even were able to do it once while you are in waking state. Generally how you use a dream trigger is in your sleep state. Therefore using it in your waking state, I would say that is considerable. Congratulations!

NUNO: Thank you. I was under the impression that’s how I was supposed to use it, in the waking state. I mean, you described using that as key in conjunction—

ELIAS: Yes, but most people don’t actually do it. Most people can use it in the sleep state, in their dream state, to move in different directions. Which I would have anticipated that that would have been the first direction that you would have attempted it, is to be moving in a direction of you could have pulled a card from the Tarot and then in, that night in your dream state, you could have used the card and the dream trigger to give yourself the answer, and then recall it in the morning. But it’s impressive that you allowed yourself to use it in waking state and were successful.

NUNO: Okay. Well, it didn’t actually occur to me to try it in the dream state. I thought that, from your discussion last time, that this was something I should do in the waking state.

ELIAS: I would say it’s definitely something that you CAN use in waking state, and for you I would have anticipated that after you had been successful in dream state that you likely would have used it in waking state. I’m merely expressing that it’s impressive that you did that first.

NUNO: Oh, okay. Thank you for that. I mean, like I say, I have not been able to have that experience again. Perhaps you can give me some hints as to how to develop that?

ELIAS: I would say the greatest avenue is to relax and know – just as you did, that one time – that the imagery or the answer that you’re going to give yourself is going to be symbolic, because it’s a dream trigger. Therefore everything, almost, in dreams are symbolic and therefore what you present to yourself with the dream trigger in waking state will be symbolic. I would say that I very much acknowledge you that you were so successful at interpreting that, because that can be challenging at times. But are you not giving yourself any information at all?

NUNO: I guess, what I’ve been thinking is that if I’m doing these simple exercises where I’m trying to determine what’s on the other side of a card or now using a dice or whatever, that seems to be the most challenging for me and perhaps that’s because ultimately the answer is not really important to me. It’s just something I’m doing for an exercise. I think in other situations where the answer actually is important to me, I do better somewhat with that.

ELIAS: Excellent. And I would very much encourage you to continue in that direction. I would say it’s very understandable that you might not be as successful in exercising in relation to the cards or the dice or something such as that. Correct, because it’s simply an exercise, similar to an individual practicing a musical instrument and only doing finger exercises. That can be tedious and uninteresting. But if you are practicing in relation to information that’s important to you, that can be much more beneficial and easier, because you’re more likely to be paying attention and not wandering.

NUNO: Okay. Yeah, I understand that. I was wondering if the name Ahmal is of any significance to me? I think it might be spelled A-H-M-A-L. Is that an essence name?

ELIAS: (Pause) It is. It is one of the essences that is present with you. I would say that, as I have expressed to other individuals, some people label these essences as “guides.” Some people express them as “guardian angels.” It’s simply that there are a certain number of essences that are present with each of you all the time.

NUNO: Okay. Yeah, I was aware of that. It’s interesting, though. I presented that name to myself this morning.

ELIAS: I would say congratulations.

NUNO: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

NUNO: I was wondering if you could give me some information regarding the most likely trend, economic trends for the next let’s say twelve months or so, in terms of inflation, the likelihood of recession and where interest rates are going?

ELIAS: And I would say to you the same that I have expressed to several other individuals that have presented the same question, that it’s very difficult to express even a likelihood with that subject because it’s so volatile presently that it could move in several different directions just as easily, one as easily as another. And therefore that would be a very challenging question to answer.

I would say that it’s not actually a crystal ball question, but it is a question that is dependent upon the direction of the masses. And the direction of the masses presently is not moving in a direction that would be, let us say, likely.

In any other time in which you have generated significant inflation, people in mass have not moved in the direction that they are now. Therefore, that’s the reason that it’s very unpredictable. Because generally pastly how you collectively have moved in this type of situation, especially when the inflation is so significant – as it is now – I would say that how you generally have moved pastly has been to be somewhat cautious, which then has resulted in varying degrees of recession.

But that’s not the direction that most people are moving in presently. Most people are moving in a direction presently of actually trusting themselves and not being tremendously affected. That they are aware that the inflation is significant and they are somewhat taking that in stride and not being significantly bothered by it, occasionally complaining about it but for the most part not being significantly bothered by it. Which is unusual, and that’s the reason that I would say to you that it makes the situation very volatile, very unpredictable.

That could change in a moment and people might move collectively in a very different direction. But as of now, they’re not tending to be significantly bothered. And in that, I would say that that creates a situation in which it may or may not move into a recession. You might not.

NUNO: Okay. I was hoping to get some comfort on my personal situation with that. Actually, I would prefer a recession. (Laughs) That would be very suitable for me right now, but I guess I’ll just have to see how this unfolds.

I would like to ask about using this essence energy that I have been increasing, for the purpose of regeneration and healing, and how to accomplish that in the context of essence energy.

ELIAS: And how are you manipulating it now, that you might be generating something different?

NUNO: Now I am experimenting and using the inner landscape exercise.

ELIAS: Very well. (Pause) Continue.

NUNO: Okay. So a couple of things on that. I believe I’ve had some success with the inner landscape exercise with respect to healing. I’m unsure about how successful I’ve been with that with regeneration. I had an experience in which I was having some… some pain which was related to my circulatory system. And I attempted to use the inner landscape for that and I wasn’t successful with that. I attempted to—

ELIAS: Meaning what? How would you define that you weren’t successful?

NUNO: Well, let me finish first and then I will address to that.

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: And the other thing I attempted was to direct energy to the area that was affected. I attempted to use both my energy and your energy together with mine, and that didn’t really work. So in the end what I did is I – I did this at night, like very late at night after I’d been sleeping for some time and woke up – and I presented to myself the question, and I heard the question, “Are you ready now?” And I knew what that meant. What that meant is am I ready now to ask the essences for help with this. And I said yes. And so I then opened up to the energy and the essences – I’m not sure which ones were involved in this – and it was effective as always, and I felt much better in the morning. So that’s…

I mean, why I feel I was not effective in the inner landscape? I guess because I didn’t see a result soon afterwards.

ELIAS: But what was happening IN the inner landscape?

NUNO: Well, I did the exercise several times, so that different things happened. And I do want to talk about the inner landscape a bit as well in other contexts. But one thing that happened in the inner landscape, and I can’t really remember if this was in connection with this particular intention of healing, was that it was an undersea landscape and all of a sudden I get an undersea volcanic eruption. That was the most significant thing that happened.

Generally, I still have difficulty with the inner landscape exercise because I tend to anticipate what might happen next. For example, it’s undersea. If it’s an undersea landscape I might start to think, “Oh, maybe a shark is going to show up,” and of course a shark does show up because I was thinking of the shark, and that kind of defeats the purpose of the exercise. So that’s where the challenge is for me.

I have been experimenting with using an energy landscape, which seems to be easier for me, but I’m not sure if it’s effective, and that was one of the questions I had for you, whether that was a suitable landscape.

ELIAS: Now; let me ask you this. Even if you anticipate something that is going to appear, are you aware of what it’s going to do?


ELIAS: That is significant. Let me express to you that you might anticipate what is going to appear. You might recognize something that you are presenting, because it’s a combination of your subjective and your body consciousness that are creating the moving part of the inner landscape. Therefore it’s a part of YOU that’s doing that. Therefore you might, in a manner of speaking, see or recognize or know something that’s going to appear just before it appears, but if you don’t know what it’s going to do, that is the significant piece. If you are already anticipating what it’s going to do, then I agree with you, then you’re not being successful because then that’s an indicator that you’re objectively creating the imagery, that, the moving parts, in a manner of speaking. And that’s not allowing it to unfold and to move in the direction of naturally healing.

But if you don’t know what it’s going to do, you simply know a shark is coming, that’s different. And in that, I would say simply continue to allow. And if you’re not manipulating what the shark is doing, then you are actually being successful with it.

I would also express to you that sometimes – and actually, this is more frequent than not – with the inner landscape, it may be addressing to parts of what you intend to be regenerating or healing, but it may be doing it in a manner that you’re not necessarily entirely familiar with, because you’re not familiar with what it’s doing in relation to your body. That’s the point, is that you’re not interfering. And therefore it may not necessarily create something that you immediately feel, because it may be addressing to some other aspect of what the situation is, and therefore you might not feel better immediately but you will eventually.

Therefore I would say to you that it’s not necessarily that you’re not being successful. But I would also say that if you have developed a method energetically that you recognize is more successful more quickly, then by all means I would definitely encourage you and I will be interactive and supportive in that direction.

NUNO: In all this, what about my asking for assistance from the essences?

ELIAS: I would say that that definitely is something that would be successful.

NUNO: And it is.

ELIAS: Yes. Because if you’re asking for assistance… It wouldn’t necessarily automatically be given, but if you are requesting, yes, then we will be responsive.

NUNO: And is that appropriate? I mean, I always try and address to the… to the difficulty.

ELIAS: I would say why would it not be appropriate?

NUNO: I don’t know. I… (Laughs) I’m not…

ELIAS: I would say to you, my friend, that it is an action of receiving. It’s also an action of recognizing that you might be having difficulty doing something by yourself, and you’re interconnected. Therefore why would you not use any energy and any support that is available to you? It’s part of your resources.

NUNO: Okay. I never thought of that as being part of my resources.

ELIAS: Most definitely.

NUNO: Okay, that’s good information. I was wondering, can the same exercise… I mean, that, what I mean by that is, in order to address to both healing and regeneration, can that be done in the same exercise? Or does it need separate exercises?

ELIAS: No. You can do it together.

NUNO: Oh, okay. That’s a simplification then.


NUNO: Okay. In terms of my blood pressure manifestations which seem to be diminishing—

ELIAS: Congratulations.

NUNO: Thank you. In order to eliminate those, is that a matter of healing or regeneration?

ELIAS: That would be more a matter of healing, but it would involve regeneration also. That’s an excellent question, and I would say that it’s both.

NUNO: Okay. So the inner landscape exercise is probably the most appropriate for that?

ELIAS: Yes, but you can ask other essences for assistance.

NUNO: Yeah. I’m always a little bit shy about that, but… (Elias laughs) I can do that. I mean, it’s just so easy for me and it’s so effective and so simple, but I always have this feeling of imposing upon.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And what I would say to you, my dear friend, is that there is no action of imposition with other essences.

NUNO: Why don’t other people do this? I haven’t heard a lot of…

ELIAS: I would say for the same reason. First of all, for the most part, they also would likely think of it as an imposition or being bothersome or not wanting to be a burden. These are all things that you express and that you think and that you perceive in physical focus with each other, but that doesn’t hold in relation to essences because in essence, there’s no restriction in relation to constructs and what you believe. (Chuckles)

NUNO: Okay. Well, that’s important information for me. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

NUNO: On occasion, it’s particular at times when I’m incorporating larger volumes of my essence energy, I have a kind of a thumping sound in my right ear. Usually there’ll be two or three thumps and then it stops and then another two or three thumps and it’s quite a strong sensation. I actually feel it, not just hear it but I feel it. Can you explain this?

ELIAS: I would say that that has to do with generating a stronger blood flow.

NUNO: Is that a good thing?


NUNO: Okay.


NUNO: Then I will be happy about it. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would say that it likely won’t continue for a significant amount of time. Eventually it will stop, but it is an action of increasing healthy blood flow. Therefore yes, it’s a good thing (laughs) in your terms.

NUNO: Okay. What is it in my body consciousness that I am still degenerating?

ELIAS: (Pause) That you’re still degenerating. I would say (pause) let me explain it in this manner: that it’s not as black and white as you are regenerating this and therefore you’re degenerating that, that you’re creating a regeneration in relation to skin but you’re degenerating in a particular organ. It’s not that fragmented and black and white. It’s that both actions are happening altogether at the same time. And what you are attempting to do with the regeneration is move in a direction in which you are expressing the regeneration becoming the dominant action, and that it overpowers the degeneration to the point in which the degeneration stops.

NUNO: Okay. And am I moving in that direction?


NUNO: Okay.

ELIAS: Yes. I would definitely agree.

NUNO: Oh, excellent. Thank you. Are you aware of what I call Plan B? This is something I just internally call it.

ELIAS: (Pause) I am aware of that energy, but explain.

NUNO: I just want to know if that’s realistic. I mean, it’s basically a direction for myself in terms of longevity, in terms of kind of resetting my life, more or less. And I wanted to know how realistic that is.

ELIAS: (Pause) Which part are you questioning?

NUNO: Mostly the longevity part, I guess.

ELIAS: (Pause) I would say that the longevity part is only questionable in relation to number. Meaning that it’s not questionable in relation to what you want to do, but it’s somewhat questionable in relation to the amount of time.

NUNO: Okay. How am I limiting that?

ELIAS: (Pause) That would be a matter of not only moving in the direction of the complete takeover, in a manner of speaking, of regeneration but also then in addition to that, boosting that, in a manner of speaking, to be expressing (pause) the fortification, in a manner of speaking, of the body consciousness. Therefore generating an addition to regeneration that you’re not only regenerating, but that then you’re also creating super-fortifying the cells. Therefore encouraging them not only to be regenerating, but to be regenerating longer and in more strength. Therefore creating super cells, which you can do – but you wouldn’t automatically be doing that in relation to simple regeneration. You wouldn’t automatically be creating super cells simply in regeneration.

NUNO: Okay. I think this might be something that I can explore some time in the future. It’s not really that urgent right now. Is that…?

ELIAS: Very well.

NUNO: I mean, I would… Regeneration has been the main focus and if I can maintain that I think for, I don’t know, fifty years, that would be, give me enough time to develop other skills and abilities.

ELIAS: Yes. I would definitely agree.

NUNO: Okay. I had a dream, a very short dream. It was actually kind of a time in the morning when I was half, half-asleep half-awake or something in that. And I hear a knocking, like a knocking at the door, which I understand to mean I should pay attention to this. And then I hear the words, “Love, Ron” and they were expressed in a way that I would expect say if somebody was writing a letter or an email and at the end they would say, “Love, Ron.” And then I also had the visualization of a piece of paper with Ron, R-O-N, written on it in… you know, hand-written on this piece of paper. I can’t figure out what this means.

ELIAS: (Pause) Ron is not actually, in this context, a name. It’s actually a word that means… Mm, loosely translated, it means “the self.” (Pause) Actually, literally translated, it means “one,” but it means one in the context of the self. I would say it’s interesting that you would present that type of imagery to yourself, that imagery that is of, in a manner of speaking, what you might think of as an essence language.

NUNO: Hm. That’s interesting, that I would present that to myself even though I would have no idea what it means.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes, but actually yes and no, because you have been engaging so much energy work, in a manner of speaking, and so much in the direction of incorporating more essence into the focus experience. Therefore from that perspective, it’s not as strange.

NUNO: Okay, I understand. Returning back to the economic situation, this has been something that is bothering me now and it’s the only thing that bothers me now. And it annoys me that it bothers me, because I made some investments and they’re not in a good place right now because of the rising interest rates and I’ve been telling myself that in… there… I really don’t need to be concerned about this because it’s a long-term investment and it will recover in a year or two and it’s not a problem. And if that’s in fact the case, I’m okay with it, but I’m still feeling uncomfortable. And I want to… I want to not be uncomfortable.

ELIAS: I would say that I would encourage you to listen to your intuition. That’s not wishful thinking. That IS your intuition expressing that to you, in response to you beginning to move in a direction of not enough, and that’s what the fear is. And I would encourage you to listen to your intuition because it’s very likely correct. And the only reason I say very likely rather than absolutely is because of what we were discussing previously and in that, moving in a collective direction that is not tremendously predictable at this point. But I still would encourage you to listen to your intuition.

NUNO: Okay. That’s what I’ve been doing or trying to do.

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: I just wanted to kind of make a clarification here. I’ve been referring to what I am doing in terms of increasing the amount of essence energy into the focus, but all of the energy of a focus, any focus, is essence energy from the day it is born.

ELIAS: Correct. Yes, you are correct. It’s simply a matter of not separating and becoming more aware objectively of that energy and of the power that is expressed with that energy. And beyond that, it is more a matter of being more aware of what you can do, what you are and what your abilities are. And therefore, what you can do in relation to being more self-directed and what you choose and what you manifest. In that, I would say that that is precisely what you are doing and what you have been doing, is moving in that direction of becoming more aware of the energy that you have and of the abilities that you have. And I am definitely very acknowledging of you. Yes, you are correct. There IS no separation, which I have been expressing from the onset of this forum. But there is. There isn’t in that you ARE essence. All of the essence energy that can possibly be incorporated into a physical manifestation you already are, and it already is. But that doesn’t mean that you are aware of that or that you have the ability to wield it, because you’re not aware of it. And that’s what you’re doing, is becoming more and more and more aware of it and therefore having the ability to use it.

NUNO: Okay. I understand that. I was wondering then, when you say for example that the maximum amount of essence energy that most focuses can incorporate is 70%, let us say, is that 70% in comparison? Is that 70% of the totality of the essence energy or is that 70% increase from what the focus was at birth?

ELIAS: Oh, it is in relation to what you think of as the totality. But then let me express to you that it’s a matter of realizing there actually IS no separation and everything is interconnected. Therefore outside of physical reality, in non-physical reality, there is no separation of essences. Therefore what you’re speaking about in the totality of essence, that would be the totality of consciousness. And can you possibly incorporate the entirety of consciousness in a physical manifestation? No, that’s not possible.

NUNO: Still 70% seems quite high.

ELIAS: I agree. And that is what I have been (chuckles) expressing to you. That that IS a lot (chuckles) of energy and it is a lot of ability, and that you can move in the direction of actually incorporating that much of essence energy in a physical manifestation is considerable. This is also the reason that I have expressed that it would not be unusual if you are expressing that much energy in a physical manifestation that you might actually even at times glow.

NUNO: Hm. Okay. Yeah, I understand that. And interesting, what you said in that, that all essences are… I forget how you expressed it exactly, but all essences are one. Is that correct?

[The timer for the end of the session rings]

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: Yeah, I kind of…

ELIAS: Correct.

NUNO: That was kind of my impression for a long time, actually.

ELIAS: Yes. Yes, that would be correct.

NUNO: Yeah. We are all one.

ELIAS: Outside of physical realities, which incorporate that aspect of separation because it’s necessary because you’re creating physical manifestations. Anything physical creates an element of separation, and the more you have, the more you create physically, the more separation there is and the more separation you perceive as, in a manner of speaking, normal – because that’s what you know. It’s a matter of the more physical manifestations you create or the more complex your physical reality is, not only the more separation you create but you create a more complex perception, which is weaving in more and more separation.

But outside of physical realities, there is none of that. There is no perception. There is no creation of physical manifestations and therefore there is no separation of essences.

[Coughs at length, ending the session.]

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