Session 2049
Translations: DE ES PT

Thinking, Thinking, Thinking!


“Thinking, Thinking, Thinking!”
“The Belief System of Sciences — the Next Wave, Perhaps?”

Saturday, July 22, 2006 (Group/Brattleboro, Vermont)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Alan, Allen (Wong-Tu), Bill (Zit), Daniil (Zyn), Ella (Bella), Inna (Beatrix), Jo (Anita), Lynda (Ruther), Mary Ellen, Natasha (Nichole), Rodney (Zacharie), Steve, Terri (Uliva), Veronica (Amadis)

Elias arrives at (time not available).

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

GROUP: Good afternoon, Elias.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) This day we shall be discussing thought. To begin with, what is thought?

PARTICIPANT: Translation of a communication.

ELIAS: Correct. What does that mean?

RODNEY: It means I’m getting an awful lot of information! (Laughs)

ELIAS: Not necessarily! I have discussed this subject previously but perhaps not to the extent that you incorporate a clear understanding of what thought is and what function it performs.

First of all, thought does not create your reality. It is a mechanism of translation and interpretation. It interprets and translates information that you offer to yourself through avenues of communication. Thought is NOT an avenue of communication. It TRANSLATES communications.

Thought follows communications. It FOLLOWS information. It does not produce it; it does not precede it. It always follows. You do, you receive, you input, you think. You do not think first and subsequently input. Thought can only translate what is being inputted to it. Therefore, it is a matter of attention that drives thought. What you present to yourself in relation to your attention is what you input to thought for it to translate.

This is exceptionally important, that you understand this mechanism. It is natural for you to think, and I am not expressing any discouragement from thinking, but it is important that you understand this mechanism and therefore incorporate a clear ability to use it in the most effective and efficient manner.

You all incorporate some types of electronics, correct?

Now; in association with electronics, if you set your electronics to an “on” position and leave it in that “on” position continuously, what shall occur?

RODNEY: The program will keep running and changing from time to time, like a radio or TV.

ELIAS: Correct, and what occurs eventually to that equipment?

PARTICIPANT: It burns out.

ELIAS: Correct, for it is not designed to be on continuously. Neither is your thought mechanism. If it is on continuously and if you are paying attention to it continuously, you are not offering it new information. Therefore, it relies on previous information and it begins to malfunction. The malfunction is that it moves into repeat — repeat, repeat, repeat. And the more it repeats, the more you pay attention. It becomes a destructive cycle.

Thought can actually interrupt information. It can actually malfunction your body consciousness. It can interrupt sleep, it can interrupt dream imagery, it can interrupt concentration, and it can create significant confusion and frustration in association with the repeat.

If you are not moving your attention in different manners, inputting new information, and are paying attention merely to your thought process — or paying main attention to your thought processes — it begins to generate this malfunction, in which it cannot translate new information. Therefore, it blocks new information and it is engaged, for your attention moves to it, and being engaged, it can only translate what it already has in input.

This is inefficient and ineffective, and can actually be somewhat damaging to you. It can block emotional communications. It can agitate the body consciousness, which may react in tension, and that can create difficulties for you as individuals physically.

Thought can be very beneficial if it is being incorporated for what it is, if it is being used as a translating mechanism and if you are allowing yourself to move your attention. This is important.

Many, many, many individuals presently are becoming so very focused upon thought that they are confusing themselves and generating the action of thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking — not paying attention to what they are doing, but thinking, thinking, thinking. In the repeat of thinking, it can strongly influence you to repeat certain doings that you do not like.

You can generate an experience that is uncomfortable and subsequently you can engage your attention with thinking, thinking, thinking of that past experience and continue to agitate yourself, offer yourself no solutions or answers to your dilemma, for what you are generating is merely the replay of the experience that you did not like. That also can very easily generate influencing yourself to be discounting of yourself repeatedly and not trusting yourself. For in being stuck in the repeat, not offering yourself new information, you become unmotivated or you feel stuck, and you discount yourselves in expressing to yourselves “I cannot accomplish.” You can, but it is a matter of paying attention to actual communications, not the translation continuously.

The communications that you generate, generally speaking, do not involve language. Therefore, thought is very useful, for it translates your communications into language that you understand. This is the reason that it is important to be flexible with your attention and to recognize that attention is not thought.

You can be paying attention to many different aspects of your experiences within your day and not be engaging thought. The information that you offer to yourself is continuously being inputted. You are always generating information. You generate information through your inner senses, through your outer senses, through your intuition, your impressions, your impulses, imagination, your body consciousness. You are constantly offering yourself information, but you may not be paying attention to what that information is.

How often are you aware within your day of what your air feels like, how it feels upon your skin? How often are you aware of the smell of your environment? How often are you aware of sounds that are not directly affecting you or that you are not directly engaging? There are many actions that are occurring within your day that you are not aware of, for you are not paying attention. Many times the reason that you are not paying attention is that you are thinking.

Many times thinking can even interrupt doing. Individuals express confusion in association with time. They do not understand how time escapes them so frequently. They do not incorporate enough time to accomplish what they want within a day. Those individuals may recognize much of their time is being incorporated in the mere doing of thinking, not actually engaging any other action but merely paying attention to thinking. And in those moments, what are you thinking of? Now? No. Future? Yes. Past? Yes. But not now, not present. In this, that also prevents you many times from being aware of what you are actually generating within your body consciousness, within your movement.

You can actually also generate the reverse. You can interrupt thinking. But this, for many individuals, is more difficult, for you become so caught in the fascination of your own thought processes that you do not realize what you are doing, and therefore, it continues to cycle.

You can interrupt thought by engaging your physical senses. They do not require thought to engage. You can also interrupt thought by paying attention to what you are actually doing, regardless of what it is. It may be sweeping your floor. It may be watering your plants. It may be patting your creatures. It matters not action you are engaging.

If you move your attention to what you are actually doing, this can also interrupt thought and reset it. For in moving your attention to what you are doing, you allow an opening for new information, different information, and in that, it allows thought to reset itself and begin translating accurately, not repeating. Therefore, it interrupts the malfunction aspect of thought and moves it into what it is designed for.

How many individuals within this present room have generated an experience in any moment that confused them or distressed them and then incorporated hours or even days of thinking in relation to that one event? (General consensus from the group) And how productive is that, actually? How often do you actually offer yourself constructive information in relation to that action?

You may at times offer yourself a sliver of information, generally speaking, that shall occur for in one moment you may incorporate a distraction from the repeat, which may allow a small expression of new information. But generally speaking, it creates frustration and even irritation, and it emphasizes what it is repeating. Therefore, you may generate a small experience and within days that small experience may become quite significant. For in the repeat, you are also generating new versions of the experience and enhancing them and elaborating upon them to emphasize to yourself.

It is not uncommon that an individual may generate a small interaction with another individual that may be somewhat disturbing or perhaps embarrassing or perhaps slightly irritating, and if the individual continues to generate the repeat in thought concerning that interaction, generally speaking within a day or several days the recall of that experience shall be quite enhanced and quite different from the original interaction and shall seem much more significant, and you shall either discount yourself much more than is necessary or you shall blame the other individual much more than is necessary.

It also generates a difficulty in relation to guidelines. For you all, as you are aware now, incorporate your own individual guidelines which motivate you to create your reality in the manner that you do. There are many aspects of your individual guidelines that are subtle — or obvious — enough that you do not notice your own automatic responses, and you continue to move in the expression of assuming that every other individual incorporates your same guidelines, for they are so absolute — and how can they not?

Thinking can also emphasize that and emphasize that separation of difference for it emphasizes blame, that other individuals are not generating actions in the same manner as yourself in certain situations, and of course, each of you with your individual guidelines hold some aspects of those guidelines that you genuinely view as not merely absolute but universal. Every other individual upon your planet MUST incorporate the same association with certain aspects of guidelines, for they merely are. There is no question.

What goes up must come down — not necessarily. If I perceive in this manner, you must perceive in this manner also, for it merely is. Not necessarily. If I express “no,” you should understand “no.” Not necessarily.

It is a matter of perception, and every individual’s perception is different, and each person’s perception creates their actual reality. In association with that, as you view another individual generating differently from yourself and incorporate the initial thinking to be translating and evaluating what is occurring, but then turn your attention to the thought process and move into repeat, you can actually irritate yourself, confuse yourself and generate conflict within yourself in relation to what is being repeated. The significance of this is that it is not productive and it can be damaging, and is, to many individuals.

Dream imagery is created by the objective awareness’s involvement in sleep state in relation to the subjective actions and movement that is occurring. Thinking can interrupt dream imagery, for in the action of dreaming you are not engaging thinking. You are doing. This is partially the reason that many times individuals incorporate difficulty in recalling dream imagery within waking state, which can be altered through different methods, but a natural reason that you incorporate difficulty is that you are not engaging your thought mechanism. You are creating objective imagery, but you are not necessarily engaging the mechanism to translate that. Movement is occurring and you are assimilating it, and it will be expressed within your waking objective experience in some manner in abstract imagery but you may not necessarily associate that with the dream imagery itself.

Dream imagery also, generally speaking, is somewhat less abstract than your waking imagery, and your thought mechanism is accustomed to translating abstract. Therefore when you do recall dream imagery, it may be confusing, for it is being processed through the thought mechanism. The thought mechanism is very accustomed to abstraction, and dream imagery is less abstract than waking imagery. It is more associated with emotional communication, feeling — feeling signals. Therefore, the imagery is more precisely generated in association with emotional communication and feeling and signals.

Therefore, you may generate a dinosaur in your dream imagery and your thought process may be attempting to translate that and may generate many different associations: large, heavy, old, carnivorous. Your feeling or emotional expression of it may be one simple signal — frightening. But you may not necessarily feel fear, for it is not necessary to feel it. You are translating it into imagery, but the thought mechanism incorporates some difficulty in translating into language.

Visualizations do not require thinking, either. But many individuals incorporate difficulty in generating visualizations, for they incorporate thinking and that interrupts the visualization, for it does not allow a free flow of energy for you to present to yourself what you do not expect. Therefore, visualization is difficult.

Another element of thinking that can be disruptive is that most of you want to be engaging allowing other sources of information, information from yourself or from other areas of consciousness or from other focuses or from other dimensions or tapping into other sources of information within consciousness. Thinking can interrupt and block this also. For thinking follows, it does not initiate, and it expresses in language. Some of the experiences that you wish to incorporate are not necessarily translatable yet into language, for you have not yet expanded your language enough to incorporate the identification of some of your experiences. You are redefining within your language and you are expanding your languages, but in this time framework it is not expanded enough to generate an explanation in language of your experiences, which can also block that expansion that you want to be incorporating.

And I am viewing all of you intensely thinking concerning what I am expressing! (Chuckles)

RODNEY: Would you take a question?


RODNEY: I can see over my past history where there would be an event that I would focus on for days and days and days. I sense that’s occurring less and less and less, for more than one reason. One, I’m in a more comfortable environment, and also because I’m getting over that. However, I sense from what you’re saying that I’m definitely blocked from thinking too much.

ELIAS: It is not a matter of thinking too much. It is a matter of thinking efficiently.

RODNEY: Let me ask you for a personal evaluation, if I can do that. How damaged am I in this thinking process? (Laughter)

ELIAS: (Grins) Ah. The damage is not necessarily expressed that you damage yourself and that shall be permanent.

RODNEY: But am I malfunctioning? Let me put it that way.

ELIAS: At times. It is not an ongoing malfunction unless you are what you would term to be compulsively stuck in that repeat thinking, if you are continuously generating that, and many individuals do.

RODNEY: I am on the hamster wheel about smoking. The affectingness that I’m creating around that, that’s the hamster wheel, that mental loop. I try to tell myself to get off even thinking about it. If I understand you correctly, movement of attention, preferably into the now moment...

ELIAS: Correct.

RODNEY: ...would be a wonderful therapeutic aspect in relationship to that...


RODNEY: ...that mental loop that keeps going.


RODNEY: What about daydreaming? Daydreaming is not thinking, is it?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

RODNEY: How about reading a very interesting book, getting engrossed in it, or being a news junky and really following the news closely? I google the country because I have to see where all of this stuff is taking place.

ELIAS: I am understanding. You are inputting information and you are engaging your thought mechanism in an efficient manner. It can be occurring what appears to you to be simultaneous to the action that you are engaging, for the time framework of delay is so slight. The thought mechanism can be engaged so immediately that it may appear to you that you are thinking and doing simultaneously. But in actuality, the thought process is translating what you are doing as you are doing it. That is an effective incorporation of thought.

The expression of your hamster wheel is not an effective incorporation of thought, for that is a repeat. That is not inputting new information. It is continuing in the same subject in the same manner.

RODNEY: How do you get out of that hamster wheel?

ELIAS: Distraction; move your attention.

ELLA: Let’s say he’s watching the news and his thought follows that process. You say that is more productive because you have focus on what you are doing. For example, he’s watching the news but in another moment he realizes that part of his attention says I want to smoke. So to permeate what you are doing, you are multi-tasking, in a way. Is that what you...?

ELIAS: It becomes its own distraction and it interrupts. It interrupts what you are doing. In this, generating an interruption of the interruption is effective, and you may turn your attention to ANY of your avenues of communication, of which there are many, and distract and reset that thought mechanism.

ELLA: So if you notice that looping pattern... Sometimes it happens that you do not even notice it.

ELIAS: That is the point.

ELLA: So if you do notice, what you suggest is saying I noticed you, go away, I am focused on this. Is that how you...?

ELIAS: You move your attention.

ELLA: Back to where you want it to be.

ELIAS: Or to some other expression.

RODNEY: Is it just a question of moving the attention anywhere or are there certain activities...? Some people might like to paint, some like to sculpt or house clean. If they’re really into that and get pleasure from it, would moving the attention there have a qualitative difference?

I can move my attention. I’m aware of the noise of the air conditioner and the TV set. I can move my attention; that’s easily done. But it seems to me to move your attention to an area that’s a lot more engrossing... I can multi-task my attention to several places but none of them are engrossing. If I was focusing on my math problem or I was attempting to sculpt something, that would be much more engrossing.

ELIAS: It is dependent upon the individual and the situation. It is dependent upon how much of your attention is being focused in thought in a nonproductive manner and how strongly that it is being held.

At times, if an individual is generating strongly holding their attention in repeat thought, it may be more beneficial to engage an action that can interrupt that. But if the thought process is engaged in that repeat and it is not as strongly expressed, your attention is not as strongly held in that, you can engage other distractions or interruptions that do not necessarily require that engrossing attention.

Another action that occurs with individuals in association with this many times is that you may incorporate some underlying frustration or irritation or confusion or bothersome expression that may not necessarily appear to you to be intense but ongoing, in which you are not actually engaging your attention with your thoughts continuously with a particular subject but you may find yourself revisiting that bothersome subject repeatedly. It may not be in every day, but it is an ongoing, underlying expression that is bothersome that you do continue to repeat to yourself over time frameworks.

That can also be a damaging action, for that is another action of the repeat. In that, it is beneficial to interrupt that and to recognize genuinely that you are not inputting new information and to recognize and remind yourself that thought is a translator. Therefore, what you are engaging is old news.

RODNEY: One of the problems I see is that if something is irritating you, if it comes up and I catch myself in that thought process and move my attention elsewhere, that begins to look to me like denial, denying the problem exists. It would have that implication for me. I don’t hear you saying that kind of denial is bad.

ELIAS: I am not expressing that that type of denial is bad.

RODNEY: But denying a significant problem that keeps coming up?

NATASHA: If it’s a problem, you need to resolve it, and you’re not going to...

ELIAS: What I am expressing is that stopping the repeat is the first step. You cannot offer yourself new information to address to what is bothersome to you if you are stuck in the repeat of thought.

ELLA: It feels like the first thing is to identify what is bothering you. If you know what the problem is and you see the thoughts that are occurring, it would be easier to say this the problem and it is regarding the same problem I have already identified, and now I am just projecting anxiety about it because I haven’t found the solution. In this case, you could say this is old news and I would like to move my attention.

What I’ve been doing when I have that feeling of fear is recognizing that I’m projecting, here I’m okay, and I was. But I was ignoring something that was occurring for nearly half a year, doing exactly what Rodney was saying, until it finally dawned on me why don’t I stop and look at what makes me feel so bad. Now I feel like a live demonstration of what you are saying.

ELIAS: Why do you not stop and look at what is bothersome? Because you are thinking, thinking, thinking and that blocks you from actually identifying.

ELLA: I did. It’s not a continuous process, but over the period of six months it occurs once a month, once a week. I do have breaks where I can actually engage some information, but very often sometimes I confuse myself. I say you have to see yourself in the now, and in the now you are okay. What you are doing is projecting into the future and bringing the problem into your life. Stop projecting and generating the destruction, which is what I do.

But what I realized is that I have been ignoring something that was already in my reality. So this type of discernment becomes very important for me, because I genuinely thought I was working on the problem.

NATASHA: But you still need to work on the problem, you still need resolution.

ELLA: Now I know what the problem is and I can free myself from that mental loop. Once I think I’m projecting, then the problem is not there. I just have to redirect my attention and I’m okay. Now that I know that I do have a problem, or what I consider a problem, I am desperately looking for a solution, which is not productive. I feel it. I feel it just preoccupies, irritates and frustrates and creates a fear.

I didn’t know you would be talking about it, but I’ve been living it for the past week. How do I get out of it? I feel like I’m creating it, that I’m able to manipulate my reality to create it. I almost feel like I introduced it into my reality for the purpose of learning how to get out of it. And yes, I understand that the mental loop can be very destructive, frustrating and damaging to your whole self.

ELIAS: Yes, and it can also interrupt information that you want to offer yourself.

ELLA: Yes, it feels like that. It feels like it’s blocking any other kind of communication. You’re just constantly looking for how to resolve. I don’t know how to resolve it, so I can just put it on hold temporarily and see what comes up. Is that what you suggest?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking. It is not merely associated with irritation or bothersome expressions. It can also be associated with inspiration. You may be engaging some action and want to be generating some new discovery, and in that, you can block the avenue for that new discovery in continuing to be engaging or moving your attention to the thought process in relation to the information you already incorporate but not moving to the next step — wanting the next step, wanting the new inspiration or the new puzzle piece, but continuing to repeat the puzzle pieces that you already have.

PARTICIPANT: Elias, would that be an example of being caught in the trap of focusing on the end goal instead of focusing on the process? Focusing on the end goal, expecting to look one way and not leaving yourself open to receive the new information that would allow you to actual achieve that?


RODNEY: I can give a perfect example of that. I worked on my mathematics for years and years and years, and it was repeating the same old stuff. We had a session on that. When I stopped trying to solve the problem and started engaging play and focusing on the playing aspect of what I was attempting to do, it solved itself. It was incredible. That was moving the attention from the goal...


RODNEY: let’s have some fun now.


RODNEY: If it goes someplace, it goes, and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t, but I’m going to play.

STEVE: Elias, could I ask a question about myself, personally? I have had pancreatic cancer for about three years now. To break that process of not repeating, repeating, it’s a constant focus that’s there day in and day out, and my condition changes every day. It’s hard to be able to break that repeat cycle. What I attempt to do is try to bring myself back to my own attention and let my thoughts go elsewhere, but the underlying, looming factor still is getting cured or getting healthy at some point in time.

I really have a hard time because it’s a constant that’s always there. It’s very difficult. How does one go about breaking that constant repeat cycle? It’s almost unavoidable to do it. I attempt to do it in small bits and pieces but...

ELIAS: I am understanding. With physical manifestations, you are correct, it is much more difficult, for your attention automatically moves to the physical manifestation and concentrates upon it. That attention becomes divided in concentration upon the dis-ease and moving to engaging the thought mechanism more intensely to offer yourself solutions to the physical manifestation or dis-ease.

This is the reason it is significant to understand that thought does not function in that manner. It does not offer you answers; it does not offer you solutions. Other expressions of yourself that are communicated not in language are what generate your solutions. Thought merely translates it after the communication has occurred. What is significant is to allow yourself to engage those avenues of communication, engaging visualizations, inner landscapes.

Inner landscapes can be very effective, for they do not require thought. It is a visualization and it does not require any objective knowledge of the mechanics of the physical body consciousness. It does not require any understanding objectively of how your body functions or how it is malfunctioning. In this, it allows you to move with your subjective awareness in a natural manner of directing the body consciousness naturally, not in dysfunction.

Also listening and engaging your inner senses, that of your empathic sense or your sense of conceptualization, may be very beneficial in distracting from the thought processes.

STEVE: Can you recap some of those things now?

ELIAS: Conceptualization is an inner sense that is exceptionally difficult to translate into thought; therefore, it can be more effective, for the thought mechanism is ill-equipped to translate the movement of what you do in conceptualization, for you are merging with an action, not a thing. Therefore, you are merging with the movement of energy. You are merging with the movement of concept, not a thing.

In this also, it may be suggested that you allow yourself to engage intentional relaxations in which, rather than focusing upon malfunction, focusing upon appreciation, generating genuine acknowledgment and appreciation of your physical body consciousness and acknowledgment of your power and effortlessness in generating the dis-ease. Rather than viewing that as a failure, recognizing it as an expression of your power in an effortless manner — which required no thought to create — and was created quite effectively and efficiently, and in that, as being an accomplishment not a failure.

STEVE: It’s funny that you say that, because my approach to this has been continually that it has been a reward in many aspects in my life rather than a bad thing. I’ve gotten so much more inner peace and inner belief in myself about what my capabilities are. Applying those now, I look at that as so much more rewarding and as something that I may have brought into my life for a purpose. I do like the suggestion of focusing more on the higher quality things (inaudible).

ELIAS: Congratulations, my friend!

We shall break and you may continue with your questions subsequently.


ELIAS: Continuing!

ELLA: Oh! You scared us!

ELIAS: Ha ha ha! Shock you into the now! (Laughter)

VERONICA: Elias, may I ask a question?

ELIAS: You may.

VERONICA: When one is in a quandary, having a problem and looking for a solution, and the wheel keeps turning and we have the “should I, will I, can I,” is a possible solution to that to take it apart, possibly by writing our beliefs and closely examining what the situation is with reference to our beliefs? Is that an alternative solution to end all the chatter and maybe disconnect it? That could be related also.

ELIAS: It is dependent upon the individual. For some individuals that may be beneficial, depending upon your natural flow of energy and what you naturally do in association with your guidelines. For some individuals that may be a method to incorporate a means in which you can discover what is motivating certain actions or dilemmas and how to generate a method that will offer you a solution.

For some individuals, that would not necessarily be an efficient manner of processing, for it may merely encourage more of the repeat thinking. Therefore, it would be significant that you are aware of how you naturally process and what is actually beneficial to you and what actually reinforces a process that is not efficient and is actually distracting to you.

Some individuals naturally prefer to be analytical, and in that, it may be beneficial to such an individual to be evaluating and viewing their beliefs or their associations in regard to a specific problem, so to speak, to allow them to generate a solution. But with many individuals that type of action merely perpetuates what you term to be dwelling, which is the repeat thought process, and does not actually offer you new information, for it more encourages you to repeat the problem and not allow for the solution.

Imagination can be another avenue which is very useful and helpful in association with inspiration and solving. For in engaging imagination, you generate a free flow of energy, and in that, you encourage yourself to relax. In that relaxing, you allow for more of an openness to the information that is available to you.

ELLA: Elias, I would like to discuss a situation that happened to my friend and me today. It sort of demonstrated to me that sometimes thinking can interrupt the doing, and I wanted to confirm that’s what occurred, but I’m not sure.

As we were driving here, we were discussed different things but in the background I think I was partially involved in talking with my friend, partially watching the road, and partially still maybe thinking about the fear that I’m dealing with right now. We found ourselves in a very unusual situation, where we couldn’t even reconcile... Once we found out that we were not where we thought we were, we couldn’t figure out the time difference and the space where we wound up. I felt that somehow I created some kind of a time warp. I don’t understand what happened. We could retrace our steps, we saw exactly where we went, but we didn’t find the same place that we saw the first time.

I also remember that when we left the house, my friend expressed a sort of absolute statement: we’ll get there with no problems, it’s morning and there’ll be no traffic. I remember I had a fear of that; I remember that fear spoke to me in a small way that whenever I express something in absolutes, something bad happens. What happened?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Many actions were occurring in this experience and many avenues of information in this experience. And yes, one of those avenues of information was associated with time and bending time in a manner that appears to you to be confusing for it is not rational. Many expressions of consciousness, even what you do within your reality, are not necessarily rational and not necessarily logical, but they are real.

In this, you offered yourself an opportunity to be paying attention to an impression, and noticing and recognizing that you did incorporate that twinge. Therefore, you did know. You were offering yourself a communication. Whether you listen to that communication or not is your choice.

ELLA: But what was I offering? The prediction that I would generate something like that?

ELIAS: It is not necessarily a prediction, but in a manner of speaking it is. For it is not a prediction of what will happen, but it is an identification of your energy and what direction it is moving in — in the direction of the possibility of creating precisely that.

ELLA: I have proved that to myself many times, that when I express an absolute this could be or this cannot be, I experience exactly what I said or thought could not be. I continuously prove to myself that you cannot express in absolutes. (Elias laughs) So that was a demonstration of that?


ELLA: Were you laughing at us over there? I got the feeling that you had a blast of a time watching the two of us. It felt very weird.

ELIAS: (Laughs) There may be quite a lot that may appear to you in upcoming recent time framework that appears illogical, irrational, not possible and confusing.

ELLA: It creates a physical sensation under my crown and I recognize that sensation. Why is it so physical? Is it because my brain is trying to logically connect something which is not?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. This is the manner in which YOU process.

RODNEY: Could you just make a crystal ball statement?

ELIAS: (Humorously) Myself?

RODNEY: What’s going to happen in the next few weeks and months?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I may express to you what you may term to be good news.

ELLA: Is the truth wave over?

ELIAS: Not yet, but it is dissipating. It is dissipating, and you are generating movement in strong possibility concerning the next wave, which may be challenging to some and fun to others. That would be, as of this present now, the belief system of sciences.

ELLA: Is there another strong possibility as well?

ELIAS: That is the strongest presently.

ELLA: Will there be interesting scientific breakthroughs that happen?

ELIAS: That is a possibility, or it may actually create significant frustration, dependent upon the openness of the individuals that involve themselves more than others, namely the scientists.

VERONICA: How about doctors and the whole pharmaceutical industry?

ELIAS: That would also be in that category. That would be in association with sciences.

RODNEY: How will this affect us individually?

ELIAS: It is dependent upon you, your direction and your openness. It can be quite inspiring in generating new discoveries, new revelations, new understandings, or it can generate significant trauma. It is dependent upon your openness and your willingness to be engaging differently, which at this point you are somewhat accustomed to engaging differently and perceiving differently. Therefore, you incorporate significant practice in this direction, and in applying that practice, it may be an opportunity for exciting new discoveries.

RODNEY: For us, individually?


VERONICA: Could it extend to discoveries in the electro-magnetic field and crystals and vibration? (Elias nods in agreement) Yes? Wonderful.

RODNEY: Will I be able to predict the winning lottery ticket?

ELIAS: Ha ha! That is not a scientific action! (Rodney laughs) That is an intuitional action. (Laughs) You can engage your sciences quite extensively and I may express to you it will likely not bring you any closer to predicting your lottery!

ELLA: I have a question regarding thinking. I’ve been more engaged with myself for the period of the last three months and I thought what I’m doing is beneficial. But now, listening to you, I’m not sure that what I’m doing is good. What I’m doing is going out at lunch, giving some time to myself to ponder, not necessarily about something that I fear but about me, different aspects of me, sort of looking at me differently, but all of that involves feeling and thinking. That is okay, right?


ELLA: What is not okay is where I let my fear go on ahead of me and create a separate truth. But if I’m exploring myself...


ELLA: ...and feeling the thoughts, that’s...

ELIAS: Thought is a natural element of yourself. You shall know the difference.

ELLA: In this type of self-analysis, I do find a lot of underlying fears that I never realized, but most of them diffuse because they are the baggage from my childhood or youth. They affect my behavior, and looking at them this way I see that they do. They may be active but they are not damaging to me right now, and that’s not what you’re referring to.

ELIAS: Correct.

DANIIL: Usually there is a connection between the subject of discussion during public sessions and the wave that is going on. Is there a connection between this subject of thinking and the scientific wave?

ELIAS: There is an association between thought and the wave concerning your sciences, not necessarily directly in relation to the repetition of thought but thought itself as a mechanism, and how it is viewed and how it is defined as a function and how that function is created not necessarily in association with your physical brain.

DANIIL: Would that be an explanation of this new wave, that I would observe something that I have no explanation for? The automatic response may be to struggle in the usual way, but would it be more beneficial to pause and somehow re-align my thinking to accept something that I have no explanation for?

ELIAS: Or merely to recognize that you incorporate no explanation and that that is acceptable, that eventually you may present yourself with an explanation that is unexpected.

RODNEY: You talk about science, and the most fundamental concept in science is that if you perform the same experiment many, many times in many different places by many different people, you begin to get the same results. In other words, the reality repeats itself under the same conditions.

We’ve talked about impressions, intuition, projection of consciousness, dreams, and none of these have any home in what is currently called science in our general culture. So I’m really curious.

ELIAS: Ah, but they are beginning to.

RODNEY: Is this what this wave in science is going to do?

ELIAS: That has already begun. It shall enhance it, but that movement has already begun.

RODNEY: The incorporation of dreams and so forth...


RODNEY: ...into a scientific context?


ELLA: I think it was always happening. It just was not documented that the way to discover something is to dream about it. Sometimes you go to bed and somehow in the dream state you solve it.

RODNEY: I’m not referring to that aspect of it.

ELIAS: Correct, I am understanding.

RODNEY: I’m talking about hard science, what is...

ELLA: Using it as methodology?

RODNEY: Right. But what is it? How can you repeat an intuitive...?

ELIAS: Yes, that has already begun, but it shall be enhanced...

RODNEY: It hasn’t been widely reported, then.

ELIAS: That would be a relative statement, for within the scientific community it is more widely expressed and there is an awareness and an incorporation of an exploration of these...

RODNEY: I would sense that that’s true, but it hasn’t been formally put forth in scientific journals.

PARTICIPANT: There is a book called “Entangled Minds” which (inaudible).

VERONICA: Elias, would thought be coupled with technology?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

VERONICA: In scientific communities, recognized within the scientific community and the medical community that the functioning of the mind... Could it be recorded by machinery?

ELIAS: The association with the function of thought is being questioned and shall continue to be questioned more intensely to be discovering what the actual function of thought is and what drives that, what engineers it, rather than merely the functioning of the brain. For, thought is not merely generated by the functioning of your physical brain.

RODNEY: This brings up the question of consciousness, because a very large segment of scientific research, and I’m thinking particularly of the pharmaceutical industry, treats animals, and consciousness does not exist in animals. Is this wave in science going to put some support to the very concept of consciousness...


RODNEY: opposed to brain activity?


NATASHA: So our sessions now become science sessions!

ELIAS: (Chuckles) It may be possible.

RODNEY: Is this going to become public?

ELIAS: The entirety of your world is participating in this wave and in this shift. The entirety of your world participates in this shift in every aspect of it and in every wave that is generated. You participate in different manners but you are all participating. In that, yes, it shall be generating more public attention, for new discoveries shall warrant that public attention.

RODNEY: Can there be a scientific demonstration that is acceptable to most people that consciousness is an energy that truly exists?

ELIAS: That is what you shall be discovering! That is the direction that you are moving within. That is the desire in association with this shift in consciousness, to be discovering what you can in relation to the nature of consciousness and how it is expressed, and the mechanics of yourselves and all of your reality, in how you are manifest and how you function and what you do and how consciousness is expressed. The absolutes that were once are being questioned.

RODNEY: Will this give us some new methodologies?

ELIAS: Quite!

VERONICA: Will this be recognized by different branches of the government?


PARTICIPANT: So the entire planet will move into a higher level of knowing, will access knowledge that wasn’t available before?

ELIAS: This is the point of this shift; this is what you are doing already. You are expanding your awareness. You are widening. You incorporate much greater understanding now than you did within ten of your years previous. You incorporate a tremendously greater capacity of understanding and knowing now than you did within your previous century. You are expanding in a much more rapid manner now than you were in your previous century, and you were expanding quite rapidly then.

Now you are moving even more at an accelerated pace, for you are becoming more aware and you are questioning and you are becoming self aware and generating greater understanding of yourselves, which offers you a greater capacity for understanding of your world.

PARTICIPANT: Is the conflict that we all see around the world right now, is that a manifestation of the wave of truth?


PARTICIPANT: As the wave of truth is diminishing, can we expect to see some of these conflicts settle down?

ELIAS: That is variable, for although this wave addressing to truths is dissipating, it has instigated tremendous recognitions of absolutes. It has sparked the expression of absolutes. Therefore, it is possible that within a relative short time framework these actions in oppositions may dissipate, but it is also possible that it may incorporate some time framework to recognize that these are actually not absolutes in individual’s philosophies.

Look to your own experiences in this wave and how long this particular wave has been generated in strength and how much time each of you yourselves in seeking information have incorporated to discover your own absolutes. Many individuals are not seeking information. They are being presented with it, but they are not necessarily seeking it.

This is the reason that from the onset of this forum I have expressed that the purpose of my interaction with all of you is to lessen trauma; but I have expressed from the onset there WILL BE trauma associated with this shift, and there is.

ELLA: So even though the truth wave is dissipating, the mass events that are already in motion will continue and the individuals still will be dealing with their own issues related to absolutes, even though the wave of truth is dissipating. Certain events are already in motion...

ELIAS: Correct.

ELLA: ...and one will still have to address that wave.

ELIAS: Correct, but you address in different manners. Some individuals or groups of individuals choose to address in aggression.

ELLA: This type of thought process, the repeated thought process, many times it feels almost contagious. Maybe it’s because I’m empathic, but I feel in balance and then I would speak to a friend who is dealing with this type of problem and they share with me what they experience and then very shortly a similar problem appears in my reality. Am I contagious to my friends? I don’t want to give anybody my loopy things!

ELIAS: It is not a matter of contagion. First of all, you are all interconnected, and you purposefully and precisely draw yourself to other individuals that will be reflecting, and you to they. In this, it is so perfectly designed that you shall experience similarities in your interactions with other individuals or that they may be generating similar situations or similar challenges, for you are precisely drawing to yourself individuals that shall reflect you. And there is another factor of suggestibility.

ELLA: That’s what I want to know. What if I share with somebody and they also...

ELIAS: But that is not your responsibility, for they also have drawn themselves to you purposefully.

ELLA: If I am suggestible, which I know I could be so I avoid certain interactions for that reason. But if I interact with a friend and then I feel similar issues in my reality, that’s my mechanism for exploring and I don’t have to view it as negative.

ELIAS: Correct.

ELLA: It is just a mechanism so that I could experience and know exactly how that feels...


ELLA: ...versus just thinking about it.


RODNEY: On science, you’ve presented this information to us in a manner that is quite different than how you’ve done it in the past.

ELIAS: Correct.

RODNEY: In the past you’ve said there is a wave in truth and this is what you need to look out for, this is what is being developed, this is how you can help yourself, this is how you can process, this is how you can work with it. You’re not doing that this time.

ELIAS: (Grinning) You are correct.

RODNEY: What you’re saying is we’re going to become aware of things.


RODNEY: You’ve really changed course here! (Elias chuckles) Will you be discussing this...


RODNEY: ...further in our next group session?

ELIAS: That is dependent upon whether you have actually engaged it or not. You have not engaged it yet.

RODNEY: When should I be looking for it?

ELIAS: That is dependent upon you.

RODNEY: Where shall I look for the engagement?

ELIAS: I shall express to you the identification of it. I shall generate what you would term to be the announcement of the engagement of that wave when it begins. It has not begun yet. Therefore, there is a variable and there is a possibility that you collectively can alter course, so to speak, and choose a different belief system.

I am expressing to you now the identification of the movement that you are engaging now. In the probabilities and the possibilities that you are expressing now, this is the greatest potential of being the next wave in consciousness that you engage. If you choose that, or when you choose that, I shall address to it with you.

I am offering you an inspiration! You have endured, in your terms, more than three of your years in struggle with your wave addressing to truths. I am offering an inspiration to you in a new direction of movement.

ELLA: Do we have to go through every individual wave to complete the Shift? Isn’t there a shortcut?

ELIAS: This would be your design! (Chuckles)

ELLA: What waves were there before the truth wave?

GROUP: Relationships, duplicity...

ELIAS: Perhaps you shall discover (laughs), and perhaps this shall be another avenue for you to engage in offering yourself information rather than repeat!

Very well, my friends! I shall express to each of you my appreciation of the intimacy of this group interaction and the comfort of it. And in this, an acknowledgment to each of you in the contribution of unique energy in this particular discussion. Therefore, I shall offer my thanks to each of you in your participation in this session.

To each of you in tremendous appreciation, great friendship and ultimate encouragement in your new adventures and your stopping of your thinking, thinking, thinking (chuckles), but the new inspiring thinking, to you all, my friends, au revoir.

GROUP: Au revoir.

Elias departs at (time not available).

(1) From October 18, 1997, on creating and using an inner landscape:

ELIAS: ...In this, being fully objectively aware, you may allow yourselves a slight movement to alter your perception just slightly, allowing yourself to move into a feeling or a thought or a physical feeling — not emotion — and examine this area. In this, what I am expressing to you may be likened to creating a landscape for a thought, or creating an inner landscape for an emotion, or creating an inner landscape for a physical feeling; being fully aware objectively, fully conscious as you term this to be, and noticing a thought or an emotion or a physical feeling, and in this, isolate the individual thought or feeling or emotion and create a landscape for this within you. In doing this, you may view other elements that are connected with this thought. You wish to look futurely; you wish to see into your future. You may, by examining your inner landscape.

You hold an emotion. You may create a physical landscape from this emotion. You may create an entire scene stemming merely from one emotion. Allow yourself to move into the area of the emotion, examining it, and from this allowing yourself to visualize, springing initially, colors that you may identify with this emotion. Create these colors into a landscape. It may be a forest; it may be a lake; it may be a beach; it may be a field. It may be any landscape that you choose; and as you visualize this landscape and you move into examining this, knowing that this landscape is created by one emotion or one thought or one physical feeling, you may allow yourselves to interpret the elements of the landscape, which may also inform you of the direction that you are moving into, which shall be offering you information of what you are creating futurely.

An example: You hold a physical feeling; an ailment. In this, you may look to this ailment; the affected area of your physical body; (to Letty) your asthma. You may look to the actual organs which are affected. In this, you shrink yourself into yourself, create a tiny little you, and place it inside of you. Look to the physical form and create an inner landscape. We shall use a landscape of a tree-lined meadow. In this landscape, as you — being this tiny little you — move through the landscape, you may view each element within this landscape — each flower, each blade of grass, each tree — as an element of you and the physical ailment. As you move through this landscape, you may alter the landscape. You may rearrange the landscape. You may place your trees in different areas; and as you move objects within your landscape, you also alter actions within your intent within your physical form, for you are altering your action. You may also allow yourselves clues. As you view new flowers springing up within your landscape, you may also interpret this as new elements developing within the landscape that is your ailment. As you view certain elements disappearing within your landscape, you also may interpret this as elements and aspects of your ailment disappearing. As you choose to erase elements from your landscape, you may also offer to yourself the acknowledgment that you are beginning to actively uncreate the ailment.

You may use this process of slightly stepping sideways within consciousness, being fully awake, being fully objectively aware, with many different aspects of your focus. You may isolate a thought, and you may create the same landscape. You may isolate an emotion and you may create an inner landscape which shall allow you to view aspects of this thought or emotion, and you may view what you may anticipate futurely; for as you enter more elements into your landscape, you may also be assured that you are creating more aspects connected with this thought or emotion. As you are eliminating elements from your landscape, you may also assure yourself that you are letting go of certain elements of the thought or emotion that you are choosing to be eliminating.

You may also engage this process with each other. You may step sideways with each other within the desire to be affecting or helpful with another individual. In this, you may create a little tiny you, and you may enter another individual and enter their landscape. (Commotion in the room) I am quite pleased! In entering into another individual’s landscape, you are not creating their landscape, but you may view their landscape. In this, you may be helpful in expressing to the other individual what you view within their landscape, therefore offering them more information also; for they may be blocking part of their ability to reach their landscape, and therefore you may be helpful in this manner. You may also intersect with another aspect of yourself, another focus, and you may connect with their inner landscape.

©2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.