Factoring Perception in
“The Theory of Relativity and Perception”
”Raising Energetic Frequency”
”Factoring Perception into Scientific Theories”
November 18, 2006 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Eric (Valerian), Jean-Baptiste (Araili)
ELIAS: Good day!
JEAN-BAPTISTE: Good afternoon, Elias. How are you?
ELIAS: As always, and yourself?
JEAN-BAPTISTE: As always! (Elias laughs with Jean-Baptiste) I’m with Eric today, and he has a lot of scientific questions. I feel that your energy is quite strong, also. I’ll give you Eric so he can ask you all his questions. Thank you.
ELIAS: Ha ha! Very well.
ERIC: Hi, Elias.
ELIAS: Welcome!
ERIC: Well, I try to speak in English with my French. (Elias laughs) So, first question, what is not correct in Einstein’s approach of relativity?
ELIAS: (Pause) What is not correct… (Pause) It is close, but what is somewhat off the mark is the lack of the factor of perception. The ideas or the theories that he expressed were moving in a correct direction but too absolute, not enough flexibility and recognition of physical reality and the factors that are involved with physical reality.
One moment. (Elias departs)
ELIAS: Continuing.
ERIC: Mary is thanking you that you noticed that the cable of the camera just dropped off.
ELIAS: Ha ha! You may express she is welcome.
ERIC: So, for the first question: What is not correct in Einstein’s approach of relativity? What I need to know is what I have to do in scientific terms to go beyond the relativity in the correct approach, in which direction, please?
ELIAS: First of all, are you remembering our previous conversation in which I expressed that consciousness is not a thing, it is an action?
JEAN-BAPTISTE: I reminded him, yes.
ELIAS: Very well, for this is an important factor. For when you are addressing to or exploring consciousness in association with physical reality, what most scientists generate is movement in the direction of the absoluteness of the physical expression of reality, and that physical must come from some thing; but in actuality, it is produced by a non-thing. It is produced by action, and the factors involved are very much linked to perception. Therefore, this becomes the snare, so to speak. For even in experimentation with different physical elements such as particles, the one ingredient, so to speak, that generates the recognition of any movement or placement is perception, for without perception there is no physical. Perception creates the physical.
What becomes the challenge within science is that they discount perception as the main factor in physical reality and physical creations. There is an assumption that physical exists without perception, that physical expressions or manifestations exist whether they are perceived or not, which is incorrect, for there is no physical without perception.
Perception is an objective expression; consciousness without the physical does not incorporate objective awareness, for it is not necessary. Therefore, to understand the creation and the movement of any aspect of physical reality, it is necessary to be exploring perception rather than the things.
There are many puzzles that you present to yourselves which appear somewhat intriguing, such as physical manifestations that can be in two physical places simultaneously – one manifestation be in two physical places simultaneously – which is not unusual and can occur quite easily and actually does occur much more than you realize. But this, once again, is associated with perception. For within physical reality – within YOUR physical reality, let me be more specific – your perceptions become very rigid in certain manners. This has been purposeful, for it allows you to focus your attention; it allows you to hold to the solidity of your reality.
I have expressed many times previously, your reality is not as solid as you perceive it to be. But as your perceptions express this rigidity in certain directions, it allows you to create this illusion that your reality is solid and even stationary in some expressions, but it is actually not. This is associated with perception and how you configure the energy that you are manipulating.
Another factor that is missing with Einstein’s theory is that of collective energy and collective consciousness. You appear surfacely to be individuals and not necessarily interconnected, but energy is not an expression that is contained, and consciousness is not contained, either. You can configure this to appear contained, such as in the form of a wall. It appears to be contained, but it actually is not, for all of consciousness, which includes every element of any physical reality, is all interconnected. Therefore, there is a collective aspect that is involved, a collective perception, in a manner of speaking, in which all of you are interconnected within your physical reality. That also allows you to create physical manifestations that you will all perceive in somewhat similar manners and that you will all recognize in similar manners.
Therefore, the direction that I would suggest that you move in in your exploration is that of exploring perception and what it does and how it creates and how flexible it is. It can be very rigid in some manners, but it can also be very flexible in other manners. Therefore, your reality becomes very changeable. This is the reason that facts are not truths, for facts change. They are real, and in any given time framework, facts are an expression of reality, but they are not absolute and they change, for perception changes.
ERIC: In scientific terms, what is the explanation of the gamma factor in the Lorentz transformation, and why is the theory of relativity based on Galilei groups better than the one based on the Lorentz group?
ELIAS: (Pause) And what would your assessment be presently?
ERIC: To me, the gamma factor is like a law of elasticity, because Einstein postulated that the speed of light is constant, and also we don’t see speeds beyond the speed of light that exist. The gamma factor is the manifestation of this supraluminic speed that we don’t see.
ELIAS: (Pause) This would also be associated with perception.
Now; understand that in a manner of speaking, perception expands. Therefore, just as I have expressed the association with facts, they may be correct, in a manner of speaking, in a moment. But there may also be expansion to them as you expand your awareness and therefore expand perception. It is not that the expression or the manifestation already exists; it is that you create it to exist as you expand. Are you understanding thus far?
ERIC: (Pause) Jean-Baptiste, yes; not me.
ELIAS: Very well. In this, what you are exploring or what your assessment is currently in association with this philosophy or this theory concerning the speed of light is not incorrect, but it is also not entirely correct yet. For it is becoming perceived, but it is not fully perceived yet.
Now; let me also explain that perception is not dependent upon sight. Therefore, you can create manifestations and movements and not necessarily see them, and they will exist or they will occur even if you are not physically seeing them. Sight is not a requirement in relation to perception.
Now; as to the speed of light being a constant, this once again is a factor with perception. In this, both are correct for it has been a constant, for that is what you have perceived it to be. Therefore, you generate that as reality, and it is real. But as you expand your awareness and therefore expand what you can create with perception, it becomes not a constant and is changeable, for you are changing it.
One of the most significant misunderstandings in science is the association that there are absolutes: the strong association with mathematics and that mathematics are absolute, and therefore, there are absolutes in consciousness, and therefore, there are absolutes in physical manifestations.
Another strong element that is not factored in to the calculation enough is that of the significance of each of you. It is the idea or the philosophy that manifestations or actions exist beyond you, without your involvement. This is what creates such challenges in the explorations, what creates obstacles in genuinely exploring consciousness in relation to physical reality. For without the significant most important element, which is you individually and collectively, you merely express theories as to what reality is and how it functions. For, you are what orchestrates it; you are what creates it. When your sciences begin to understand the value and the limitless abilities and information that is available through the significance of the individual, they shall begin to discover more accurately what creates physical reality.
As for your factor of light and light speed, this is flexible. Light is an objective expression. Therefore, it is associated with physical realities, and it is also, as I have stated, associated with perception and created by perception.
ERIC: My next question: what is the speed of light, kinematic?
ELIAS: Once again, this question begs an absolute answer, and there is not an absolute answer, for it changes. You can measure that in one moment, and in another moment it will be different.
ERIC: Is the speed of light the electric impulses’ speed that generates an electromagnetic wave?
ELIAS: Does it create the electromagnetic wave? Is that your question?
ERIC: My question is that in science we don’t know exactly what the speed of light is. We spoke of the speed, but my feeling is that the speed of light is also a frequency. And if…
ELIAS: A frequency?
ERIC: Yes, a frequency, and if we saw the speed of light as a frequency, we can go beyond the theory of relativity.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. It can also be approached in association with vibrational quality, for vibrational qualities are very instrumental and strongly associated with whatever you manifest, whether it be light or any other expression – which can be associated with frequency, for it is a vibration. When you incorporate energy in vibrational qualities, you are generating more of a physical expression than the action of consciousness. You are moving the energy into physical expressions to create physical expressions.
ERIC: But the thing that I don’t know how to proceed is how to obtain frequency from a speed. Einstein’s approach is based on the speed, and I’m thinking that to go beyond the theory of relativity we have to work with the frequency, but I don’t know how to make emergence of the frequency in mathematical terms. I think that if we go beyond the speed of light we enter in the antimatter domain, but with Einstein’s speed limit, we can’t see the antimatter. So, I’m searching to know how to make emergence of the antimatter in the theory of relativity. Is it clear to you?
ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding. (Pause) Let me inquire of you, what do you assess is your ultimate direction in this or your ultimate goal in this? Other than going beyond the theory of relativity, what is your actual goal in this direction to accomplish?
ERIC: My motivation is that we have to change the gamma factor to make the appearance of negative terms that demonstrate the antimatter domain. My feeling is that if we go beyond the speed of light, we enter in the antimatter domain. It is a feeling. With that, I want to show that the theory of relativity, entirely correct, is a relative quantum mechanics.
ELIAS: I am understanding. Therefore, in this, you are attempting to move beyond the theory of relativity, but you are continuing to explore physical manifestations – merely manifestations that are unfamiliar and not entirely recognized as another element of reality, such as antimatter, for that also is another physical expression.
You view, within your reality, matter, and therefore, you generate the curiosity of what may be the opposite of matter and speculate that that would be some kind of void. But in actuality, it is also a physical manifestation, a thing. It is configured differently, for it is not held by the same guidelines that hold together your physical manifestations in matter, but it also is a different configuration of physical manifestation but not solid.
In this, yes, partially, were you to be generating experimentation with frequency and vibration, you may allow yourself to penetrate through the solidity of your reality and what you view as matter, and therefore penetrate into what you classify as antimatter.
In this, if you explore frequency of energy within yourself first and experiment with what you would term to be raising your own frequency in your energy, you will experience your reality differently. In that, you may offer yourself the method in association with your physics to recreate that raising of frequency in other manners to allow yourself to penetrate in a similar manner. I would express to you that your exploration will be easier if you are initially experimenting with your own energy and manipulating that to be creating different frequencies within your energy – which may be somewhat challenging, for it will require an intenseness of concentration.
You may begin in implementing sound. I am aware that you incorporate the direction in sciences that light is faster than sound, for this is how you perceive it. But sound creates the ability to manipulate frequency. It can be incorporated as a tool to manipulate frequency. Sound occurs, as you are aware, even if you do not hear it – once again, another factor of perception that is not necessarily dependent upon your senses and can create independently of your senses. You can continue to raise the frequency of sound and that vibrational quality within your energy, and in doing so, your perception will alter considerably. In that, you can move beyond the physical matter and experience differently.
Not unlike some of your science fictions, which I have expressed many times most of your science fiction is more closely associated with science fact than you recognize, for just as you can physically generate the action of penetrating your hand through a physical object – and you can – you can also generate this action that you are wanting to accomplish, for it is the same principle.
To insert your hand into a physical object and penetrate that physical object requires raising the vibrational quality of your hand to a point in which it becomes less solid and the object becomes less solid. For what you are doing is altering the input to perception, and therefore, the perception creates the manifestations differently. It configures them differently, it configures the energy differently, and therefore, it becomes less solid. In becoming less solid, it can be penetrated, which is, simply put, precisely what you want to accomplish in your goal, moving beyond what is known in this physical reality in association with matter and moving into the realm in which it is configured very differently and is not incorporated in that solidity of matter.
These actions, my friend, are not impossible. There are individuals within your world now, and have been throughout your history, that do accomplish this type of intensity of concentration and focus to allow themselves to raise their vibrational quality to a point in which the solidity of matter is no longer an element in their reality and that it becomes unsolid and penetrable.
Therefore, I would express to you, you are moving in what you would term to be a correct or accurate direction to be accomplishing generating the association with frequency rather than light or speed. In that, recognize that speed is one action; frequency is another action; light can be associated with both.
ERIC: Why is the distance changing when we approach the speed of light?
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Quite simply, for your perception changes.
ERIC: That’s what I thought.
ELIAS: It is not an absolute, and therefore, it can be flexible and change. As your perception changes, so does the expression or the manifestation itself or the action.
ERIC: Jean-Baptiste wants to know if he can explore sounds like you talked about in the last question, and if he can go beyond in this exploration.
ERIC: How? Oh, exactly he wants to know if now he can accomplish the exploration you talked about with some modification in sound in the vibrational quality in his body.
ELIAS: Yes. In this, as you begin with any particular sound and you allow yourself to be aware of the vibrational quality of that sound, and you continue to increase it, you essentially do raise the frequency. As you continue to raise the frequency, you essentially are increasing the speed of your reality. Therefore, you are increasing the speed of the expressed energy, and in doing so, the solidity of it becomes less and less.
ERIC: He wants to know if the Tuvinian sounds can help him.
ELIAS: Clarify.
JEAN-BAPTISTE: I used to practice Tuvinian songs, like diphonic sounds with my throat, and I wanted to know if it’s a good game to practice with this increasing of frequency. Because we can generate like a drone with the throat and a high pitched frequency with another part of the mouth.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct. As you continue to increase the vibrational quality, that increases the frequency, and the more you increase the frequency, the less solid your reality becomes.
ERIC: Matter and antimatter are exactly symmetric, but what is the explanation of the light shift in the respective time frames? I thought it’s related to Planck’s constant we saw in quantum mechanics. I don’t know why; it’s my feeling.
ELIAS: It also would be associated with blinking. I have expressed previously, your reality appears to be constant and continuous and uninterrupted in association with perception, for it is associated with perception and attention and how you direct your attention. In this, your reality is actually not as continuous as you perceive it to be. But as you hold your attention very strongly in association with it, it appears to be continuous, but there are actually pulses.
Your reality pulses, just as any reality pulses. Consciousness pulses, and in that pulsing, there is what I have expressed as blinks. You notice the blinks that are objective and that you see in your reality, that you perceive, for this is how you direct your attention. But for every moment that you perceive reality as continuing, there is another moment in which your reality blinks out. You notice the blinking on or the blinking in, but there are equal blinks that are blink-off or -out that are continuously occurring, and this also generates fluctuations in your reality, for it is not as constant as you see it or as you recognize it.
ERIC: How can we get a correct picture of gravity? How can we equate gravity waves when using the vacuum of the speed of light?
ELIAS: (Pause) Once again, this begins with you as the individuals. Recognize that gravity is in place and is real, for you collectively create that. Gravity is not always in place and expressed as a strong influence, if you perceive it not to be.
Once again, these are factors that you look to in absolutes, and they are not. Even within your world, there are expressions that defy gravity; but it is a strongly held perception influenced by strongly expressed beliefs, which are expressed collectively. This is not to say that an individual cannot move contrary to these very strongly held beliefs and this collective perception, but generally you do not – but you can.
In this, what you perceive as atmosphere and physical qualities and expressions that create a gravitational force in association with your world, you do not perceive in association with your moon, but you do perceive in association with other planets. For you generate the absolute association that what is known within your reality holds true in other expressions such as other planets: if you incorporate gravity, so do other planets; if your moon does not incorporate gravity, other moons will not either. This is the key, my friend, is to factor in the element of perception and how strongly that is associated with ALL that you create and all that you explore.
ERIC: Thanks. My last question, because time is over, I read that the pentagon is the foundation of gravity waves and that the hexagon is the conclusion. I want to know how to find the pentagon and the hexagon in mathematical terms.
ELIAS: (Pause) That you can also incorporate frequency with, for frequency can cross or connect with each other. In that, as you create different frequencies that cross or connect with each other, you also affect your environment or your atmosphere.
ERIC: Thanks very much, Elias.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
JEAN-BAPTISTE: Thank you a lot. It’s time for Mary to come back.
ELIAS: Very well. I express great encouragement to each of you and a strong supportive encouragement to genuinely be exploring perception. In this time framework there is much energy that you can draw on to aid you.
JEAN-BAPTISTE: Quite. I feel it.
ELIAS: For you are addressing to perception in this wave. I express great appreciation to each of you and dear friendship. Au revoir.
ERIC and JEAN-BAPTISTE: Au revoir, Elias.
Elias departs after 1 hour, 6 minutes.
Copyright 2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.