Session 2262




Wednesday, May 2, 2007 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jim S. (Bevan)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

JIM: Well good afternoon, Elias. Good to talk to you again.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And you also.

JIM: Mary’s quite upset today. I hope that all works out for her.

ELIAS: (Chuckles)

JIM: I was experiencing a sour mood on the day that my session with you failed to materialize. I wasn’t happy with my question list either. Did I duck that session because I wasn’t ready?


JIM: I did. Was there a subconscious agreement between me and the individual whose session ran overtime?

ELIAS: You could perceive it in that manner. Not necessarily be an actual agreement, but an action of cooperation.

JIM: Cooperation. Okay. Alright, let’s to go on to the book that I bought on Samarkand has led me to feel that I have another connection with that city. By any chance, is Oscar Khayyam…Oscar…Omar Khayyam a focus of mine? The energy flow I experience when I read about Omar makes me think so.


JIM: Shook up again.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

JIM: Does Oscar align Gramada?


JIM: He’s common orientation and thought focus?


JIM: Was my enjoyment of a college algebra course the result of Oscar’s influence?


JIM: Oscar’s influence was also present in my fascination with UFO reports and science fiction, wasn’t it?


JIM: According to what I have read, Oscar did not accept the religious fervor of his time and location. Does my current understanding of reality have anything to do with that?


JIM: Okay. Was Oscar involved in the intimate relationship with Jahan as the book portrays?


JIM: Is Jahan a focus of Liam?


JIM: Does she align Sumari?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Sort orientation and emotional focus?


JIM: It’s unfamiliarity with the time/space of Oscar’s Samarkand that makes it difficult for me to connect with individuals with whom he interacted, isn’t it?

ELIAS: Yes. I would agree.

JIM: Besides Tamerlane, Omar Khayyam, Jeanette and Omar the rug dealer, are there any other of my focuses that I might connect with through Samarkand?


JIM: One?


JIM: I’ll have to check on that.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

JIM: The book, “Samarkand,” is described as a historical novel, yet I feel that author, Amin Maaloof…I don’t know if I’ve pronounced his name right… has created a fairly accurate depiction of some of the circumstances of Omar Khayyam’s life. Am I right?


JIM: Is Maaloof a focus of Allaine by any chance?


JIM: Does Maaloof align Sumafi?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: He is common orientation and thought focused?


JIM: From passages in the book, I get the impression that Maaloof has at least some understanding of reality as you present it. Is that the case, or does my impression derive from his Muslim background?

ELIAS: Both.

JIM: Both. Okay. I feel that the character, Hassan Sabbah, is a focus of Beauregarde. Is he?


JIM: Does he align Milumet?


JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?


JIM: Are the concepts arising from the assassin sect that Hassan founded at Alamut a major influence in today’s suicide bombings?

ELIAS: Somewhat.

JIM: Uh huh. Okay. I feel that the character, Terken Khatoun, may be a focus of Wynnuza. Is she?


JIM: Align Vold?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?


JIM: I feel that she is exemplary in showing the power of women in Muslim affairs. Is that a reasonable assessment?

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree.

JIM: Is Malikshah, the Sultan for whom Terken is favorite wife, a focus of Millio?


JIM: Align Milumet?


JIM: Intermediate orientation and emotional focus?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Is Abu Taher, the chief gadi of Samarkand, a focus of Poalite?


JIM: Align Sumafi?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Common orientation and political focus?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: I have a feeling that Princess Shireen is a focus of Anna and that Lesage is a focus of mine. Am I right?


JIM: Princess Shireen aligns Borledim?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Lesage aligns Milumet?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Common orientation and political focus?


JIM: I feel that Fazel, leader of the Sons of Adam, is a focus of Millio, yet his character seems quite different from my father’s. Is Fazel a focus of Millio?


JIM: Yes or no?


JIM: He aligns Sumari?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: The evening when strains of Stravinsky’s “Petrushka” popped into my head, I thought, “Elias wouldn’t agree that we are puppets dancing on the strings of our beliefs,” but I have a hunch that, to an extent, I think that about some of my own beliefs. Would you agree?

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree.

JIM: Am I observing essence of Igor Stravinsky?


JIM: My emotional reaction in reading about him makes me feel that Vaslav Nijinsky is a focus of mine. Is he?

ELIAS: That would also be observing.

JIM: Observing. Okay. My first impression was that he aligns Sumari but Zuli makes more sense. Does he align Zuli with Sumari characteristics?


JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?


JIM: He was influential in my experience of the strains of “Petroushka” popping into my head, wasn’t he?

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree.

JIM: I believe the woman named Shirin, in the story that I am now writing, is a focus of mine and that she is assisting me in writing the story. Am I right?


JIM: I get her as aligned Milumet, soft orientation and religious focus. Have I pinned that down?


JIM: She is assistant professor of Human Knowledge at Lunar University but in my story she is on a sabbatical exploring the Oort cloud. Have I depicted that correctly?


JIM: Time frame late 24th, early 25th centuries?


JIM: As an explorer, she is part of a scout ship crew and discovers a glowing Oort cloud asteroid in which the Reshian race has prepared a library of sorts to convey their knowledge to humans?


JIM: I get the other woman crew member as Kimi, K-I-M-I, a focus of Anna. Is that correct?


JIM: She, too, aligns Milumet, soft orientation, and emotional focus?


JIM: Crew member, Jerod, I get as a focus of Michella. Have I got that right?


JIM: He aligns Vold, intermediate orientation, political focus?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: The other crew member, Aku, I see as a focus of Wynnuza. Have I got that right?


JIM: He aligns Tumold, common orientation, thought focus?


JIM: The Reshian library lies behind a symbolic golden door on the asteroid that Shirin discovers?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: It can be accessed by humans only in out-of-body trance?


JIM: Shirin is placed in charge of retrieving library information through recording Reshian knowledge on the sort of tiles that Gail Winslow uses to record her dream weaving?

ELIAS: Somewhat.

JIM: Similar. In the waiting room of the doctor who assessed my wife’s macular eye problem, was the energy in that room as negative as I sensed?


JIM: Since patients were mainly the elderly, did their negative energy arise primarily from their fear of blindness and death as I felt?


JIM: Did my revulsion arise from sensing that negative energy or was it merely my dislike of being in a crowd? I couldn’t bring myself to sit with them and fled to my van instead.

ELIAS: Somewhat both.

JIM: Somewhat both.

ELIAS: Yes. It would be more associated with the energy than with the crowd, but there is an element of that.

JIM: Ah. Okay. My wife’s doctor seemed very familiar to me, a delightful individual. Is she a focus of Anna by any chance?


JIM: Yes? Why am I getting her aligned Milumet? I would have thought Tumold.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, not all individuals that engage branches of the medical profession are aligned with or belonging to Tumold.

JIM: Okay.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I would express that your impression is correct.

JIM: All right. Good. Is she soft orientation and political focus?


JIM: In the book that I bought on Tamerlane, there is mention of Tamerlane’s experience of apparitions and intuitions. Did he experience my energy projections to him in this manner?

ELIAS: At times, yes.

JIM: At times. Okay. You corrected me on George Forda’s alignment saying that he aligned Sumari and not Sumafi as I thought. I have George’s essence, Hardy, belonging to Sumari which would make George both belonging to and aligning with Sumari. Is that the case, or does essence Hardy not belong Sumari? Or is there another explanation?

ELIAS: No, you are correct. And there are individuals that incorporate the same alignment as their belonging to family to generate…

JIM: Oh, so that’s the case. Okay, very good. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

JIM: Does essence Xu… I don’t know how to pronounce it…Xuyen belong Sumari?


JIM: What did I create when I experienced the odd sensation that started in my chest and then drifted upward to end with a sharp twang behind both ears. Was that something related to the wave of energy directed to perception or did I create another probable self of mine disengaging in that time frame, or was it something else?

ELIAS: Both of those assessments would be correct.

JIM: Okay. Is my stepson, Shawn, a focus of Cuit?


JIM: Does he belong Borledim? [I meant align Borledim.]


JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?


JIM: Is there an essence whose identity tone partially translates as Tehuti?


JIM: Is Amir Fatir a focus of that essence?


JIM: Alright. [unintellible] Does he align Zuli?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Amir.


JIM: Yes.


JIM: Common orientation and thought focused?


JIM: I associate Amir with essence Cuit. Is Cuit observing essence of Amir?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

JIM: I formulated this next question because I just realized how much I love my focus, Helga Rivers. Was I subjectively present when she disengaged in the automobile accident in our time frame, 1974?


JIM: Was I of any help to her in adjusting to post-disengagement existence? I would very much like that to be the case.

ELIAS: Yes, in a supportive energy.

JIM: Is she aware of the knowing and appreciation that I project to her?


JIM: When I asked you about Tasha for Michael focus of Beauregarde, did your answer refer to the individual that Michael has become so intensely interested in, or what did your answer refer to another individual with the name of Tasha?

ELIAS: Clarify this question.

JIM: I’m not sure, when I asked you that if I was talking or you were answering about the person who is Michael has become very much interested in. I was thinking perhaps you answered by the name which… and he might have had a focus by that name. So I’m confused on that.

ELIAS: The first.

JIM: I beg your pardon, sir.

ELIAS: The first would be correct.

JIM: Okay. Why am I getting the name, Tanya, confused with this person?

ELIAS: That is another focus.

JIM: Another focus. Alright. Now I didn’t quite hear your other answer. Is Tasha…your answer…I’ll get this straight yet. Tasha is…the Tasha he is so hung up on is that a focus of him.

ELIAS: A focus of himself?

JIM: No, a focus of Beauregarde.

ELIAS: Within physical interaction?

JIM: I guess I’m far enough away from Michael that I can’t clarify this question for you. I guess we’ll have to go on. Is the feeling of partial disconnection from physical reality that I experience during waking state related to my being in transition? I don’t experience it in dream state. It feels similar to a low fever, but is not. I checked.

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree.

JIM: It is a partial disconnection. Sometimes I experience a kind of snap in my perception as though I’d flicked a switch of some kind but perceive no change in what I’m creating at that moment. What have I created that causes this experience?

ELIAS: That is actually merely a reminder to be present.

JIM: Ah! Okay. Alright. Apparently whatever message I was telling myself with a painful left arm has been received or ignored or whatever. In any case, the painfulness seems to have disappeared without me being objectively aware of the message. Should I be aware of the message?

ELIAS: It is not necessary. You have [friends?]

JIM: Alright. Is the message related to my masculine self rather than my feminine self? I seem to recall that you identified the left side of the body as the masculine side of the body.

ELIAS: Yes, that would be correct.

JIM: Alright.

ELIAS: It has already been addressed to. It was merely a slight communication in relation to balancing.

JIM: Ah! Okay. Alright. Is the subcutaneous bleeding on my right fingers supposed to tell me something, or is it just a feminine side body direction…body decoration?

ELIAS: This would also be associated with balance.

JIM: With balance. Alright. Is Bessie Smith’s essence name in my focus data base?


JIM: It is. Alright. Does she belong Milumet?


JIM: Is my step-daughter, Michaela, a focus of Lirin, L-I-R-I-N?


JIM: She aligns Sumari?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Soft orientation and religious focus?

ELIAS: Correct.

JIM: Is Jeanette aware of Marina Tarasova as a focus of Bevan?

ELIAS: Objectively?

JIM: Yeah.


JIM: No. Okay. Are recordings of Marina’s artistry available to her?


JIM: Do their lives overlap at all?

ELIAS: Slightly.

JIM: Slightly. When I project energy to Jeanette, do I project it only to Jeanette’s probable self in the probable dimension that I find myself or is that energy projection available to other probable selves of hers in other probable dimensions?

ELIAS: Yes, the latter.

JIM: The latter. Okay. Is the woman who works with Joyce, focus of Mahji, in the recycling center a focus of Anna?


JIM: No. Alright. While driving home and listening to “Capricco Italien” I experienced the impression that Maria Capola has created a situation that pleased her. Is that the case?


JIM: Is my supportive energy projection helping her in this?


JIM: Does the situation involve Dominic Petrillo?


JIM: It does. Good. Recently, when my wife and I were talking with the man who built our house, his dog seemed much taken with me. Did the creature sense my widened awareness? It seemed determined to engage my attention.


JIM: It did sense that. In my last talk with you, you confirmed my thought that one of the reasons for my reluctance to speak is fear of how my words might be interpreted by others. You said, “That would be accurate. I am acknowledging of you in your evaluation.” You apparently were going to say something more but I interrupted you. What did I miss by interrupting?

ELIAS: That is not necessary for you to push yourself in this regard, but also to be aware that how you think other individuals will perceive you may not necessarily be the actual manner in which they perceive you, for it is also a matter of energy and just as you have offered the example of the creature individuals recognize energy also. And in that are quite effective at interpreting the energy that you are projecting and therefore may not perceive you in the manner that you think or that you are cognizant with. But this is not to say that I would suggest to you to overwhelm yourself by pushing yourself into interactions with other individuals if you are uncomfortable, merely encouragement to you that what you think in relation to other individuals is not necessarily always accurate.

JIM: Okay. Yup. Alright, thank you for that. Sharon /Anne…Sharon focus of Anne, thinks that Mary Serott, S-E-R-O-T-T, who was arrested and hung for her part in the Lincoln conspiracy is a focus of hers. Is she?


JIM: Okay. She’ll be interested to know that. I don’t understand how my stories get to where Madeline Kochs can make use of them. At this moment, the only place they physically exist is on my computer. Can you help me to understand how that happens?

ELIAS: For it is a translation of energy, my friend.

JIM: Ah! Okay.

ELIAS: Energy can be translated in many different manners, not necessarily merely in a written form.

JIM: Great! I was wondering if that was the case. Okay. Good. I think that one of my belief associations is that, while I don’t particularly fear post-disengagement experience, I am leery of the process of disengagement. Have I given myself some previews of disengagement in order to calm my fears?

ELIAS: In small increments, yes.

JIM: (Laughs) In small increments. That’s a good description of it.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

JIM: As I understand it, that which I experience as emotion is a physical phenomenon and limited to physical expression. Is that correct understanding?


JIM: Yes?


JIM: Since my enjoyment of music is emotional, does that mean that I won’t enjoy music after I disengage?

ELIAS: No. You may enjoy it in a different manner.

JIM: Ah!

ELIAS: For you are not incorporating that physical manifestation.

JIM: Okay.

ELIAS: Therefore you will incorporate the enjoyment or the pleasure or the appreciation in a different manner.

JIM: It will be interesting to experience what that is.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

JIM: Alright. I’m curious as to the extent that I have managed to accomplish remembrance. I believe that I have accomplished remembrance of love as you have defined it. Have I managed to accomplish remembrance in any other manner?

ELIAS: Oh, yes, my friend!

JIM: Oh, I have?

ELIAS: For all of the information that you offer to yourself in relation to other focuses and a lack of separation, and what you are experiencing are all elements of your own remembrance, and they are all evidenced in your experiences, your interconnectedness with other focuses, your awareness of the more expansive view of you. This is all involved in what would be defined as your remembrance.

JIM: It is remembrance. So, that’s better than I had hoped.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

JIM: All right. I feel quite strongly that my stepdaughter-in-law, Melissa, is a focus of Patmae. Is she? Am I right?


JIM: She aligns Zuli?


JIM: Soft orientation and emotional focus?


JIM: I think that our shared lives brought feelings of recognition on both of our parts when we first met. Was that the case?

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree.

JIM: I suspect that she creates her physical difficulties in order to deal with feelings of guilt concerning her early life. Is that correct?


JIM: Is she a counterpart of the woman who’s picture I have labeled, “There!” or is that another life that Melissa leads or a case of shared lives?

ELIAS: There is a counterpart action and there also is shared focuses.

JIM: Ah, okay. Well, we just ran out of questions again, Elias.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

JIM: I really have enjoyed talking with you again.

ELIAS: And I you, my dear friend. (laughs) As always, I shall be anticipating our next meeting and anticipating another interaction of enjoyment. (chuckles)

JIM: Yes, I do enjoy talking with you.

ELIAS: (laughs) I offer great encouragement to you my friend and tremendous validation in what you are accomplishing. Until our next meeting, in tremendous lovingness, and in dear friendship, au revoir.

JIM: Au revoir.

( 1 )
I do not know for sure why I consistently referred to Omar Khayyam as Oscar. My question list clearly labeled him Omar. I believe that it might be because of another focus of mine whose name is Oscar, but Elias has not confirmed this.

Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.