Friday, June 11, 1999 © 1999
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Gail (William).
Elias arrives at 3:46 PM. (Arrival time is 18 seconds)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
GAIL: Good afternoon, Elias. It’s nice to hear your voice!
ELIAS: (Chuckling) And we meet again, William!
GAIL: Oh yes! It’s been a long time though, for me anyway,
in my time frame.
ELIAS: Quite! (Chuckling)
GAIL: Let’s see. It’s very nice to finally put a face to
the man in the funny pants! (Elias chuckles) Any comment?
ELIAS: And you are continuing with your investigations and your
movement in your connecting?
GAIL: Yes, I’m constantly thinking about it!
GAIL: Well, you know me! I don’t rest too long. It
seems like I’m constantly thinking about one thing or another! (Elias chuckles)
I have a question, or a couple of questions here. The first one
is, I’d like to know Danny’s essence name and Kevin’s essence name, and
families and alignments. (Pause)
ELIAS: First individual, essence name, Legra; L-E-G-R-A. (lay’gra)
Essence family, Sumari; alignment, Ilda.
GAIL: Hmm! Okay, and Kevin’s? (Pause)
ELIAS: Essence name, Klein; K-L-E-I-N. (kline) Essence family,
Vold; alignment, Tumold.
GAIL: Well, that’s a surprise to me in both areas! I have
another question. I’ve created an infection,
a yeast infection, and I feel I’ve connected with part of the issue, which
is my gender, female, and the idea of strength and femininity connecting,
but I’m not sure that I’m on the right track, and I need helpfulness in
this area.
ELIAS: Let me express to you, William, what you have created presently
is an affectingness physically in conjunction partially with this wave
in consciousness which is occurring presently, and also in conjunction
with a responsiveness to the belief system of relationships.
Now; in this, I express to you that you have created an irritation in
this particular manner as you are holding presently to an element of energy
which holds in the area of fear concerning an engagement of relationship
and involving that which YOU term to be sexuality....
GAIL: Involving what?
ELIAS: Also involving sexuality.
Now; in this area, as you have engaged in relationships in intimacy
pastly, you have created certain types of patterns within these types of
relationships, and in this, you have created a certain element which has
become a shrine in this area.
Now; as to this situation, as you begin moving within your focus into
fuller areas of your own individuality in your expression, you also look
to involvements within relationships in intimate matters.
In this, there becomes a creation of an element of fear, for this leans
in the direction, within your aspects of belief systems that YOU hold,
that may be threatening to your individual identity and your individual
creativity within your expression.
In this, as this begins to surface, so to speak, and you become more
aware of your movement within this belief system of sexuality, you have
also created a response in physical manner.
In this, what you are attempting to be creating outwardly is a blocking
or a barrier between yourself and other individuals, offering yourself
the situation that provides you with an objective reason not to be engaging
other individuals in intimacy.
Now; this, as I am stating to you, is what you may term to be a symbolic
representation, for this is not meant as an absolute within you, that you
have created this particular affectingness and therefore you may not be
engaging within physical relations with another individual. This
is not what I am expressing to you.
It is more of a symbolic movement that you have created for yourself,
that you may be noticing that there are certain areas in which you hold
to certain aspects of belief systems, and in these aspects of belief systems,
they create elements of fearfulness with respect to your individuality
and identity.
In this, your symbolic action is to be holding other individuals at
bay until — in a manner of speaking — a time framework that you feel within
your emotional state more steady, so to speak.
GAIL: I was talking on the phone last night to Danny about this
subject. Is the belief system fear of expressing my own intimate
feelings in sexuality?
ELIAS: I express to you that it is a fear, not merely of your
own expression but of the acceptance of another individual within your
expression ... AND the expression of another individual, and the expectation
that you perceive may be expressed by another individual. In this,
it triggers YOUR expectations of the other individual in — let us say —
what you expect NOT to be expressed.
GAIL: Hmm. Well, that’s exactly what I was creating with
Tom. Is that right?
ELIAS: In part, yes, you are correct.
GAIL: Hmm. Okay. Well, I’ll have to think about that
I have another question. When Danny and I get together and connect
within our energy centers, first we were experiencing the feeling of sexual
pleasure, and now it seems to be going off into another space that seems
familiar to me. It seems like I used to go there as a child, into
that space. Could you give me any information on what this is about?
ELIAS: I express to you that what you are allowing yourself is
also an element which is involved in this issue that you hold. In
this, you allow yourself to be experiencing in conjunction with another
individual in relationship, but you also move in certain directions.
In this, what I am expressing to you is that you will allow yourself,
as you are moving within this issue, to move in certain directions merely
to a point, and once you have approached this point, so to speak, you have
created a barrier in this area and refuse to allow yourself to be moving
beyond this barrier. THIS is the element of openness and vulnerability.
In this, there is an element of fearfulness in which you hold, for you
hold an expectation of other individuals in the manner that they may be
moving into connection with your energy field, and if you are allowing
them to be penetrating your energy field, you may be experiencing hurtfulness.
Therefore, you hold to your energy within your energy field, and shall
allow an openness with other individuals but not a penetration of your
energy field, for there is a lack of trust of what may be created in that
action by another individual.
Now; hear this!
I express to you in this situation that it is not in actuality what
another individual may be creating or projecting to you. But in actuality,
the fear is projected from within yourself in the area of a lack of acceptability
with concern to yourself, that were you to be offering the expression of
vulnerability and openness entirely to another individual, you shall also
expose to another individual that area of yourself which you guard very
carefully, for this is the area of yourself that you view to be unacceptable,
and as you view this to be unacceptable, you hold an expectation that other
individuals shall view you as unacceptable also. Therefore, you hold
tightly to this area of your energy.
What you are creating in this action is, you shall allow yourself a
time framework and certain situations and circumstances in which you will
allow an openness, in part, and a vulnerability, in part, which draws to
you the expressions of other individuals in intimate manner, but once the
approach has been accomplished, there is a trigger which occurs within
you ...
GAIL: Um-hmm.
ELIAS: ... sounding....
GAIL: I was trying to go back within
myself to a point when I didn’t feel that way, and I couldn’t find that
point. I mean, usually I can go back to an issue and look at it,
and know before that point that I felt okay. But I tried to go back,
and I can’t find a point where I feel open.
ELIAS: Let me express to you, William, this is the point.
You have moved in the direction for much time framework to this point
in similar manner, in which your individual method to be allowing yourself
information with self has been to turn your attention pastly. I express
to you that in this, you may be moving much more efficiently to not be
turning your attention pastly, but to hold your attention within the now
— present — and view your expression NOW and address to your expression
and your issue within the now.
It matters not what you have created pastly, for each creation is the
experience within the moment. It is merely aspects of your belief
systems that lead you into a direction of a thought process in which you
THINK that each action that you create is dependent upon another action,
or that one action stems from another action. I express to you that
this is an element of your officially accepted reality within your linear
time framework. Therefore, it is quite familiar to you.
But in this, I am expressing to you that you may be offering yourself
a much more efficient manner of addressing to this issue if you are holding
within the now, examining and noticing what you are creating within the
moment; not necessarily moving your attention into evaluating all that
surrounds the action within the moment, but to merely notice and inquire
of yourself why you are feeling what you are feeling. OR, be noticing
your behavior, and in that, notice the moments in which you have “put out”
your feeling, in which you are “switching off” your feeling, and you are
not allowing the expression of emotional feeling at all.
In this, you have created quite an efficient protection system, so to
speak. But I express to you that any system of protection is merely
a limitation and a barrier that individuals create, and a method to be
preventing themselves from their own expression of openness and vulnerability,
and as you do not allow in any moment that movement of openness and vulnerability,
you also constrict your movement in your widening of awareness. Are
you understanding?
GAIL: Yes ... yes. So basically, no cause and effect, and
stay in the moment, and pay attention to how I’m feeling, right?
ELIAS: Correct. I express to you quite literally: although
your belief systems move in the direction of expressing to you that all
within your reality is an element of cause and effect, I express to you
once again, this is an aspect of belief systems and is not in actuality
an absolute, for there is no cause and effect.
GAIL: Hmm. Okay. More to think about!
I have a question, actually I have two questions, for Danny. He
would like to know what the most probable probability is for his parole
in the year 2000. (18-second pause)
ELIAS: Within probabilities, I express to you, movement is occurring,
but this may be inserted in either direction at this point presently.
Within this present moment, I shall express to you that the event may appear
less probable, but this is not to say that this may not be altered, as
you are aware.
Therefore, I express to you that as you are widening your awarenesses,
you also hold an awareness and a knowing that you may be inserting whatever
probability you are so choosing into your officially accepted reality,
as you move within your individual value fulfillment and as you allow yourselves
to be moving into a position of manipulating energy efficiently and within
your intent.
GAIL: Okay. The other question he had was, he would like
to know if there’s any purpose for us being together other than being in
ELIAS: This terminology of “purpose” is quite interesting, for
individuals within physical focus move in this direction quite often, in
inquiring the purpose for many different actions that are created.
In this, I express to you that you have allowed yourselves to be objectively
interactive and connecting for the purpose, so to speak, not merely of
experience in the manner that you think of, but also that you may be lending
energy to each other and offering each other information in conjunction
with widening your awarenesses, individually and together.
In this, you offer each other challenges that may be beneficial to you.
You spark each other within your concepts and your ideas, and in this,
you provide each other with a type of openness which allows you the opportunity
to be noticing of more of your reality and to be widening your awareness,
which allows you to be manipulating energy more efficiently, as you are
GAIL: Well, I can agree with that. He also suggested last
night that I stay in the present with this issue of sexuality as well,
so he did spark something in there.
Also, I have another question. I was sleeping one night, and I
woke up feeling like someone was pressing on my stomach. Could you
explain what that was?
ELIAS: This once again is a manifestation that you are offering
to yourself in conjunction with emotional expressions.
What you have created is a type of objective physical imagery that shall
be pressing weight upon the area of your yellow energy center, and in this,
it is for your noticing in gaining your attention to be directed to your
emotional expression, and at times, your blocking of your emotional expression.
GAIL: Hmm. Okay. Another question is, I’ve created
difficulty while reading, mostly at night. Why have I created that?
ELIAS: You create this action as a distraction, and partially
for the element of relaxation. But you also are drawing your attention
now to the movement of your energy centers, and in this, the reason that
you block areas of distraction is that you may focus your attention upon
these other areas, addressing to your energy centers, in which you may
be allowing yourself more of a balanced relaxation time framework.
In this also, in balancing these energy centers, you may be allowing
yourself more efficiently an expression of remembrance within your dream
state. Therefore, your read time has been interrupted.
Vic’s note: I found this question/answer most interesting, as
I’ve been a voracious reader my entire life, but I have not been able to
read a book for over a year. However, my dream memory is over the
top! In the past, I rarely remembered my dream imagery.
GAIL: Well, I have been remembering more of my dream state than
ever before, which is a good thing, and I do typically balance my energy
centers in the evening. So just continue, right?
ELIAS: Correct.
Margot’s note: I wonder how many people balance their energy centers
every evening. I guess I think this is odd simply because I STILL
can’t figure out how to balance mine!
GAIL: Okay. I have a question for Drew. He is thinking
about writing a book using a period of the Revolutionary War in which he
was with a male friend and they were enjoying each other’s company.
He would like to know if this was the two of you, and if so, which one
was which? Also, any comments on his idea for this book?
ELIAS: You may express to Matthew, no, this is not an interaction
between himself and myself. But I shall express also to him that
I am quite encouraging of him to be expressing of himself within this creative
endeavor, and you may also express to him my acknowledgment that he allows
himself to move beyond certain elements of his fearfulness to be allowing
himself the expression of his creativity.
GAIL: Okay. I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear that!
I don’t think I have any other questions. I guess I’ll start paying
attention to myself, stay in the moment, and see what I come up with!
ELIAS: (Chuckling) Let me express to you, William, that
you have created many challenges within your focus and you have held very
tightly to your energy for much time framework, although I hold an awareness
of the intensity of your desire to not be holding so very tightly to your
Therefore, let me express to you that there is no element outside of
you or within you that may be hurtful to you if you are not allowing hurtfulness
and are not in agreement with it.
I shall express to you that the acceptance that you offer to yourself
shall also be mirrored to you by other individuals, and in this, you may
begin to allow yourself more of an expression of trust.
You may also express my greetings to Lanyah, and you may express my
acknowledgment to her in her....
GAIL: I’m sorry. I didn’t hear part of that. Was that
to Lanyah?
ELIAS: Correct.
GAIL: Okay, ‘cause I’m getting parts of this cut off. I
really didn’t hear that, but I had a feeling it belonged to Julie.
ELIAS: Correct.
GAIL: Okay. I did think of one other
question. I’m going to be speaking to a class this next Tuesday about
the issue of child abuse, and I would really appreciate your attention
at that time frame. Do you have any comments on this?
ELIAS: I shall offer my supportiveness within energy and I shall
offer encouragement to you within my presence as you address to this issue.
I shall also express to you that although you draw your attention to
issues that you view to be unacceptable within the expressions of individuals,
be mindful that you do not lend energy to the very expression of which
you choose to be addressing.
GAIL: Yeah, that’s what I’m wishing helpfulness with. I
don’t want to dwell on that issue. I want to get across that they
have a choice and that they create their own reality, and I don’t want
to get caught up in the belief system in itself.
ELIAS: I express to you, in helpfulness in this area, merely be
reminding yourself not to be moving in the direction of blame and judgment,
and in this, you shall offer yourself efficient energy and expression to
be addressing within your lecture.
GAIL: Alright. Okay, I’ll try to focus ... I WILL focus
on that. No trying! I want it to go in a least amount of distortion
ELIAS: Merely be reminding yourself of neutralizing belief systems,
and therefore not lending energy by creating judgments upon any individual.
GAIL: Okay. That’s helpful. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
GAIL: Okay, I think that’s all the questions I have. I think
I have a lot to think about!
ELIAS: Very well.
GAIL: Thank you. I appreciate your help, and it’s really
nice to hear your voice.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome, and I express to you much affection,
and encouragement to you and also to your partner. You may offer
my greetings to him also.
GAIL: Okay. Thank you.
ELIAS: To you this day, I extend much lovingness, and express
to you quite affectionately, au revoir.
GAIL: Bye.
Elias departs at 4:27 PM.
© 1999 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 1999 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.