Session 733
Translations: PT

Underlying Alignments with Beliefs


“Underlying Alignments with Beliefs”
“Intent: Not a Reason for Being”
“Expectations of Self”

Thursday, November 30, 2000-2 (Private/In Person)
Participants:  Mary (Michael) and Jen (Margarite).
Elias arrives at 4:14 p.m. (Arrival time is 24 seconds)

ELIAS:  Good afternoon!

JEN:  Good afternoon!

ELIAS:  And we meet again!

JEN:  Yes.  It’s been a little while.

ELIAS:  (Laughing)  And how shall we proceed this day?

JEN:  Well, you know, this is a different session for me in some ways, Elias.  I don’t feel like I’m struggling to the point that I was last year, so it’s nice to come to a session with a little less structure of so many questions.  Of course, I have some questions!

ELIAS:  Of course! (Grinning)

JEN:  Of course!

ELIAS:  (Chuckling)  Ah, but offering yourself much more of an expression of freedom now, are you not?

JEN:  I seem to be offering myself an expansive array of freedom at this time! (Elias laughs)  I went from restrictive/no freedom to lots of freedom, and it’s very wonderful, but sometimes a little scary, because I’m searching around for what I perceive to be an intent for myself in this lifetime, and not really knowing what that intent is, is unsettling.

ELIAS:  Let me express to you, Margarite, many individuals express questioning to myself in very similar manner to yourself presently concerning their intent, and express that they are searching for the identification of their intent, in very like manner to yourself.

Let me offer to you, your intent is not a thing to be sought.  It already IS.  The identification of your intent is recognized by allowing yourself to view yourself throughout the entirety of your focus.

Understand that you create an intent within an individual focus as a direction of exploring your experiences.  Therefore, you initialize and actualize your intent from the moment of your entry in manifestation.  You are already expressing that intent.  Therefore, it is expressed throughout the entirety of your focus, for were it not be that you were expressing your intent, you would not be creating your value fulfillment, and if you are not creating your value fulfillment, you disengage, for there is no point of continuing if you do not continue to express and create your value fulfillment, and this is accomplished through your intent.

Therefore, in allowing yourself to view what is your intent within a particular focus, the direction is not to be turning your attention in seeking what you should be doing or accomplishing or what you should be creating or what you wish to be creating, but rather what you have been creating and what you are already creating and continue to be creating, and many of your experiences shall bear that out.  They are evidences of your intent.

Each individual may view their focus, from the remembering of their experiences and their directions, their drives, their movements, as an infant, as a child, through their development, so to speak, within their focus, and into what you term to be your adulthood.  It is an underlying theme that continues throughout the entirety of your focus.  It is not a purpose.  It is a direction of energy.

Many individuals create a misinterpretation of their intent, and identify or define this movement to themselves as a purpose and as that element of themselves that is their reason for being.

JEN:  Raison d’etre.  Hmm.

ELIAS:  In actuality, your reason for being is that you ARE.

JEN:  Very unromantic!

ELIAS:  Ah!  But in what you are, you do create directions, and you do create a movement in specifics in direction.  This is another exercise in familiarizing yourself with yourself.

Now; I am aware that many times I am merely offering an explanation of an individual’s intent to them objectively, and in such situations, I offer that to the individual recognizing that their attention does not move in the expression of their own exploration, that they shall not direct their attention in allowing themselves to view the identification of their intent, for the personality that they have chosen and the expressions that they have chosen in their individual focus lends to more of a frustration in the exploration than a motivation in the exploration.

JEN:  Sure.

ELIAS:  Other individuals, with respect to their personalities and also at times the influence of their family expressions, may move more easily in these types of explorations, in which situations I address to the individual and offer that they may be challenging themselves to discover their intent.

In this, you are already creating much exploration within yourself.

JEN:  Well, yes.  I’ve taken an entire year off and made a radical change in my life.

ELIAS:  I am aware, and in this, you are quite disposed to this type of action, and have concentrated your energy quite intensely upon the familiarization of yourself with yourself and your energy and your direction.

Let me offer to you, you are merely turning your attention in directions concerning your intent that shall not necessarily be answering your question, for you are looking not necessarily for a direction which is an underlying theme which has already been expressed throughout your focus, but for the identification of a direction, a NEW direction. (Chuckling)

JEN:  Okay, I think I’m with you so far.

ELIAS:  And if you are offering yourself the identification of the NEW direction ...

JEN:  Right....

ELIAS:  (Chuckling)  ... you shall define that this is your intent, for you have discovered which direction you wish to be choosing for your movement.

In a manner of speaking, they are one and the same, for you wish to be discovering the direction to discover the intent, or you wish to be discovering the intent to offer you the direction!

JEN:  Well, I think I’ll go with the latter, actually.

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!  Therefore, the question is, “Express to me, Elias, what is my intent?  Therefore, I may choose a direction (laughing) in which to proceed!”

JEN:  Well, no.  I know we’re not going down the crystal ball road!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!

JEN:  It’s just a bizarre place to be in, to have such an expansiveness before me of choices of which way to proceed.  The choice of getting another nine-to-five job approaches or whatever, and I might act on that and see where that goes, but I know in my heart that that’s not really the way I want to go.  So I feel that there’s some sort of ... I keep coming back to a spiritual path or component or something that I want to follow, but I can’t see it yet.  It’s just not clear to me, and it becomes frustrating at times.

ELIAS:  Let us continue in the discussion of your intent.  Remove the identification of spiritual.  Allow yourself to view the underlying theme within your focus.

In this, throughout your focus you have chosen several directions objectively to pursue.  You have created experiences in which you create a perception that you shall design within yourself a direction of pursuit.  As you create that, you begin a movement, and you focus your attention specifically and intensely in that direction, setting before yourself, so to speak, in your terms, a goal.  This has motivated you throughout your focus.  Regardless of the measure of the goal, that you identify it to be small or large, it is some direction that you view and perceive as an action to be accomplished, and in each of those movements, you accomplish what you set before you, in a manner of speaking, and once accomplished, you turn your attention to a new conquest.

The spirituality is the new conquest.  It is not the intent.  The intent is the direction.  The intent is the movement that you create and what you offer to yourself, and also what you offer in the expression of consciousness in the movement of that intent.

Therefore, within this time frame, you have presented yourself with what you perceive to be an immense challenge.  You have once again graduated from your previous challenge, of which you accomplished your goal, and now you present yourself with a new challenge, a new direction, a new goal.  But THIS goal, within your perception, is much larger than all of the other goals, and this also involves more of an awareness of your expression in alignment with family, your expression in your belonging to of family, your expression in the vastness of this direction of exploration.

In this, you ARE allowing yourself much more of an awareness of you, but you are also moving in the identification of the familiar.  In each of your conquests previously, you have identified a singularity of direction.  In a manner of speaking, you have streamlined your attention.  In this choice of the new direction, you are allowing yourself to view a tremendous expanse, and this creates the confusion, for you are expressing the recognition to yourself of all of the choices that you hold.

The familiar is expressing to you, “Choose a specific avenue.  Streamline your attention into one area.”  But the awareness that you are offering to yourself now in becoming more familiar with you is expressing friction, in a manner of speaking, with that familiarity, for you are also in awe of the expansiveness of what you may be exploring, and that one avenue appears now to you to be limiting.

JEN:  It is!

ELIAS:  Therefore, why shall you not engage more than one avenue?

JEN:  It’s a possibility.  Mary and I were talking about societal beliefs and whatnot, and I’ve been so aware of how they ... how I allow myself to let them weigh on me, and I think a lot of energy, like the energy that we incorporate in our engagement right now and the energy that’s out there of mass beliefs, whether it’s family or work, whatever ... it seems to me that of course I have a choice as to whether I kinda reach out and allow my hand to kinda engage with that energy, because that energy ... I mean, is that energy always bombarding us?  Or is it sort of out there doing its own thing, and then we reach out to grab it, so to speak?  Because I really....

ELIAS:  I am understanding the symbolism of what you are expressing.  Let me express to you, energy is not bombarding you, and in actuality, your beliefs are not bombarding you either.

JEN:  Right.  We’re reaching out for them, almost.

ELIAS:  You draw to yourself, yes.

In this, you express — in certain situations — more obviously some beliefs than other beliefs.

I shall express to you, your beliefs are continuously present within you, but they are not all being expressed continuously.  You draw to yourself creations — be they situations, circumstances, interactions with other individuals, or engagements merely with yourself — that shall engage certain expressions of beliefs, and you choose each of those actions.  You choose, each moment, which shall be expressed.

I speak quite literally as I say to you that you are manifest in this physical dimension to explore the experience that is engaged in physical manifestation, of consciousness and that energy, and in this, your beliefs are an avenue to be exploring what you may be manipulating in physical manifestation.

As I speak to you of family, I am speaking to you of your belonging to and alignment with of your [essence] families, not in the physical expression of ...

JEN:  Thanks for clarifying that.

ELIAS:  ... your family members or unit or the beliefs concerning family, for I hold an awareness that you also are bouncing beliefs concerning family units and their creation. (Grinning)

JEN:  Oh yeah, and the mass belief system around that too.

ELIAS:  Quite.

JEN:  Yeah.  It’s strong.  Huge, actually.

ELIAS:  Yes.  Yes, you are correct.  This is an expression which is offered throughout your globe.

JEN:  It sure is.  It’s a tough one.  It’s definitely one that I’ve felt has been challenging, but then I realize, well, I’m choosing to make it challenging because I’m accepting it ... or not accepting it.  I’m fighting it, really, and in fighting it, I question why....

ELIAS:  Attempting to be addressing to.

JEN:  Yeah.  Because if I make a choice that runs contrary to the mass belief, sometimes I feel that I have to exert more energy in my path, my chosen path, because it is contrary.

ELIAS:  And this is an expression of a belief that many, many, many individuals hold — that if you are moving outside of the mass beliefs, or choosing to be manifesting within your individual focus differences from the officially accepted reality within your society, that you shall require more energy in expression to be battling....

JEN:  But that’s not true, is it, really?


JEN:  Because isn’t that what you’re doing — actually creating more difficulty for yourself by exerting more energy ...

ELIAS:  Yes.

JEN:  ... to fuel this difference?

ELIAS:  Yes, and this once again is another example of what we have discussed previously, in the expression of trust and acceptance of self.  For as you become familiar with self and allow yourself more of an expression of acceptance of you, you create less comparison.

JEN:  Right.  That’s key.  That comparison is huge.

ELIAS:  And this is an automatic action, for this is an avenue of evaluation of yourself, and one in which you assess your worth and measure your position.

JEN:  Yes, in society.  I previously was in an employment — for the listening audience out there — and had a position, a higher standing, a position in society.  So that’s why sometimes the angst, I think, comes about, in terms of, “Oh, I don’t have that position anymore, and therefore, I am not as useful an individual in this society.”  But I know what you’re gonna say! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  Ah, do you? (Grinning)

Now; let us view that very expression and apply that to the other area of addressing to — in the direction of family and the creation of that unit within your physical expression.

You have moved outside of your previous conquest.  You have accomplished.  You have created your goal and your direction in relation to what you term as business, and you move in a new direction.  And in this action presently, in which you view yourself to be partially floundering — not quite moving in the familiar expression of choosing a streamlined avenue in which to proceed, but also allowing yourself that freedom of not choosing one individual direction — you have opened the door in questioning of yourself, which is the struggle with this familiar expression and aspect of yourself, to be choosing a specific direction.

In this, the expression of creating a family unit, [of] becoming a mother, becomes another directed avenue.  It is the presentment of another streamline of direction, and you also have [followed] a direction throughout your focus of actions that follow each other, accomplishments that succeed each other, in alignment with mass belief systems.

JEN:  Yes.

ELIAS:  Therefore, you have followed a succession of actions within your focus, accomplished each goal, and now the logical direction is to be creating the next stage, and creating the expression of parenting and family.  Not necessarily!

JEN:  Right.  I think I’m pretty clear about that.  Somewhere inside me, I’m clear about that, but I am recognizing the bombardment — that I allow myself to succumb to — of the mass beliefs.

ELIAS:  It is not a bombardment that you are succumbing to.

JEN:  Right, right.  I am drawing myself.

ELIAS:  You are presenting yourself with information.  These experiences are purposeful.  You are choosing these experience[s] to draw to your attention underlying alignments that you hold with those beliefs.

JEN:  And the choices that I also hold.

ELIAS:  And the expectations that you place upon yourself as you assume expectations of other individuals — family members.

JEN:  Oh yes.  He’s coming up tonight.  I know!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!

JEN:  But if I have that clarity within me now, then it seems to me that I need to move to a place where I let go of it, where I let go of the conflict of the mass beliefs and the fact that I might not be aligned with them, to be able to move away from it.  Because what purpose does it serve to....

ELIAS:  And you offer yourself this by offering yourself permission to create your own choices, and not to move in the expression of allowing the expectations and the beliefs and the wants of other individuals to dictate to you what you choose.  This is the hurdle to be leaping now, in expressing that permission to yourself.

But you are greatly challenging yourself, are you not?  For you present to yourself your own bombardment of your associations that this is selfish, that this is arrogant, that it is inconsiderate of other individuals, that it may be disappointing to other individuals, that you hold an obligation to be compliant with the expectations of other individuals — your partner, your parents ...

JEN:  Oh, the partner part is pretty easy! (Laughing)  For now, anyway, that part is pretty easy.

ELIAS:  ... and yourself, in questioning within yourself, “Ah, but I am a female.  This is my role.  This is what we are designed to be creating and producing.  Shall I be regretful of this type of choice?  Shall I be regretful of engaging this choice or not engaging this choice?  Shall I be expressing all of my potential if I am not engaging this choice?”

And look to yourself of how many expressions you are presenting to yourself in what you have identified as defines you — not merely your business, but what defines you as you, in your perception, through roles — your role as a partner, your role as a daughter, your role as a friend, your potential role as a mother.  These are expectations that you are addressing to, those which you place upon yourself.

For let me express to you quite definitely, these other individuals — that individual which you are meeting this evening — they do not place these expectations upon you.  You assume them for yourself.

JEN:  Well, I don’t know.  Sometimes they put them on me.

ELIAS:  And it is your choice to assume them.

JEN:  Yep.

ELIAS:  It matters not what the other individual is expressing.

JEN:  I know it intellectually, and more and more I’m feeling it in being able to adjust slightly, so it doesn’t cause me so much angst, because I don’t want to live my life that way.

ELIAS:  I am understanding, and this is the challenge that you are presenting with yourself — the allowance for yourself to offer you permission to be enacting your desires and your choices, not to be dictated to by assuming the expectations or the choices of other individuals.

JEN:  That gets me back to that very expansive place of having so many choices before me, and feeling the desire of wanting to create, and trying to be conscious of how much of that desire is feeling like I need to be useful in society and all that kind of stuff, versus the true intent and direction of myself.  Does that make sense?

ELIAS:  Yes.

JEN:  Well, what is it?  There are so many choices out there, and that’s when I was feeling like this spiritual path of some nature was drawing me, and I guess what I’m hearing you say is that these are not ... it does not need to be one path.  It could very well be a combination of many of these paths, and your life doesn’t necessarily need to look like the life of your neighbor and your neighbor’s neighbor and so forth.

ELIAS:  You are correct, and within the subject or the expansive direction of what you are expressing as a spiritual direction, this is a choice of another direction, once again, which you have already defined.  You have already chosen.  You become confused, for that particular direction is quite expansive.

What I am expressing to you is that you have already chosen a particular theme.  You have chosen what you identify as spirituality and the exploration of it.  Your confusion is which direction to streamline that expression of spirituality, and in this, there are many, many, many avenues.

You are correct — I am expressing to you that you may be engaging more than one avenue of this exploration of spirituality.  Think of your alignment.

JEN:  Right.  You were starting to talk about that earlier, the Milumet alignment.

ELIAS:  This weighs heavy ...

JEN:  Oh yes, I believe that.

ELIAS:  ... in your movement in this area.  The expression of this family is becoming more of an objective awareness within you.  The conflict or the confusion arises within you, for you hold a definition of spirituality, and that definition holds specifics.

JEN:  My definition of spirituality holds specifics?

ELIAS:  Yes.  The expression of spirituality in genuineness is all-encompassing.  There are no boundaries.  There is no division.  There is no expression that is NOT spiritual.

JEN:  So that explains why most of my conversations more or less segue into some sort of metaphysical component?

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha!  Be noticing of this!

JEN:  I am noticing of it!  I don’t know what to do with what I’m noticing, but I am noticing it.

ELIAS:  You are already doing.

JEN:  Well, there is the issue of probably needing to make some money at some point down the road.


JEN:  Unfortunately, our society, as you are probably well aware, hasn’t quite gotten to that point yet.  I know it will, but I won’t be here, of course, to experience it, but that’s another subject!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!  And this is tremendously concerning of you presently! (Tongue in cheek)

JEN:  Tremendously?

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!

JEN:  No.


JEN:  It could be.

ELIAS:  The IDEA of it is more concerning to you than the actual action.

JEN:  Correct. (Elias chuckles)  Another societal belief, yes.

ELIAS:  Quite, and in this, why shall you distract yourself more in introducing another aspect of concern to yourself, as this is not genuinely affecting of you presently?  Hold your attention within the now.  Continue to allow yourself to express YOU.

You, now, are presenting yourself with many different avenues in addressing to quite real beliefs within yourself, beliefs that are strongly expressed, and therefore, as they ARE strongly expressed, you also present the reflection of that to yourself through the expressions of other individuals. (Pause)

JEN:  You mean accepting what other people are saying?  Is that how you mean through other individuals?  Through their beliefs?

ELIAS:  Other individuals present to you the reflection of you.  Therefore, allow yourself to view what concerns you, what irritates you, what bothers you in the expressions of other individuals — why?  For all of these expressions are reflections of aspects of you.

JEN:  Aren’t the things that you like also expressions?

ELIAS:  Yes, but we are not discussing those elements, are we?  We are discussing those expressions that you are experiencing difficulty with and are confused as to how to be creating different choices, that you shall not be experiencing this confusion.  This is another expression of your exploration of you.

JEN:  So tell me a little bit more about the Milumet family.  It seems that it’s ... I’m recognizing of its influence on me, and I recognize that it’s always been there, but it’s becoming stronger, mostly because I’ve removed the barriers of work.

ELIAS:  It is becoming more objectively recognized.

JEN:  Exactly.

ELIAS:  [It is] not necessarily more expressed, but you are paying attention more.

JEN:  I’m wondering if it’s going to be more objectively expressed.

ELIAS:  This is your choice.

JEN:  Right.

ELIAS:  Which I may express to you, you may be more fully expressing in the direction of the intent of this family, and in that expression, you may also allow yourself much more of an ease.

In a manner of speaking, it is likened to a flow of a stream.  You may incorporate no dams within the stream, and the water shall rush fully and freely.  You may express a flow of the water, but also incorporate some dams.

In this, if you are choosing to be removing some of the dams ...

JEN:  Right.  That’s where I’m headed.

ELIAS:  Quite.  ... the flow shall move in less obstruction.

In this, the expression of this particular family is a recognition of less separation in the knowing of the interconnectedness of all of your reality.

But beyond that statement, it is the actual recognition that ALL that is expressed IS the expression of spirituality, for spirituality may be synonymous with consciousness.

It is not a thing to be attained or a movement to be seeking out.  It is a recognition of what already is, and that all that is, is you.  Every aspect of your reality — every object, every movement, every other individual — is an expression of you.  There is no element that is in actuality outside of you, for you are all.

This is the direction that you are allowing yourself movement in — an exploration of the vastness of you, as essence, as consciousness, and that all of your reality, every minute detail, is an expression of you.  This is the definition of spirituality.

JEN:  So were Sri Aurobindo and The Mother Milumet as well? (Pause)

ELIAS:  The one, the female.

JEN:  Well, their literature has been somewhat helpful, although I haven’t been so focused on it of late, but there’s a strictness that she imposed in her beliefs that I don’t agree with; not to say that it’s right or wrong, but just in terms of my....

ELIAS:  But you are allowing yourself much more of an expansiveness, for you are opening to your periphery.

JEN:  Right.

ELIAS:  You are allowing yourself to be removing the constrictions of the awareness of spirituality, allowing yourself to be viewing and encompassing all of the philosophies and beliefs, recognizing that they all interplay.

JEN:  Right, totally.

ELIAS:  It is not singular.

JEN:  Yep.  Sometimes I don’t really know what to do with that knowingness, Elias. (Elias laughs)  But that’s great, it’s okay.

ELIAS:  (Chuckling)  You are creating your process, and in your process, this is your exploration.  Allow yourself the recognition that you are not attaining to your finish line.

JEN:  I know.  It’s so ... I know.  It’s an intense belief that there should be....

ELIAS:  This particular movement that you have chosen creates an obviousness within you that there is no finish line, and this is an aspect of the unfamiliarity to you.

JEN:  And that’s a big part of the Milumet being or intent or whatever.

ELIAS:  Yes.

JEN:  How important is it to be investigating of other focuses in this exploration?

ELIAS:  This is your choice.  I am encouraging of individuals to be offering themselves some exploration of other focuses, merely to offer yourself information in experience of the expansiveness of yourselves.  For I shall express to you, you have created a design of perception in singularity that holds you quite tightly to an identification of yourself in compactness.

JEN:  For the purpose of the experience of being here.

ELIAS:  Correct.  But you also now engage this shift in consciousness through choice, and in this movement, in this present now, you are inserting this shift in consciousness into your objective reality.

That singularity of attention, that separation, moves contrary to the action of this shift in consciousness, and you have chosen the action of this shift in consciousness.

Therefore, in allowing yourself to physically, objectively experience more of the expansiveness of yourself — not merely in theory, not merely in concept, but in experience and knowing in objective terms — it may be helpful to individuals to be exploring some other focuses.

Now; I may express to you, it is not necessary.  It is not a prerequisite to widening your awareness, and it is entirely a choice.

For you may be allowing yourself an awareness of self and your expansiveness — and experiencing that objectively within your physical focus — without investigating or viewing other focuses of yourself.  Although I shall express to you that at some point, you shall offer yourself an awareness of them, for they are you!

JEN:  Right, right.  I think I notice them a lot, but I don’t necessarily investigate in detail — which year, male/female....

ELIAS:  It is unnecessary.

JEN:  Well, some people seem to be quite good at it.  I’m quite impressed.

ELIAS:  Some individuals hold their attention quite intensely in this area, for this offers them individually a validation of their ability, and this may be a method, so to speak, which speaks to them and holds their attention more fully.  Other individuals do not express what you term to be interest in this type of exploration, for their attention is focused in other areas.

JEN:  Okay.  Well then, let me just ask about the focus that I think I had with (inaudible name), who I met in India.  I see something in Japan, and I’m not sure of the time frame, but I think like 1600s or 1800s.  Am I like anywhere in the ballpark on that, or not?

ELIAS:  Yes, within the first identification of time framework.

JEN:  Okay, so the 1600s.  Married? (Pause)

ELIAS:  No, but engaging similar type of relationship.

JEN:  Okay, alright.  Thanks.

ELIAS:  You are very welcome.

JEN:  Well, it was nice to see you again.  It’s been a long time.

ELIAS:  Not so very long! (Grinning)

JEN:  Well, it’s all relative, of course.

ELIAS:  (Warmly)  But I shall be acknowledging to you also that it is pleasurable to be interacting within your physical presence.

JEN:  Same here.

ELIAS:  (Chuckling)  I express to you much encouragement, and a challenge to you that you attempt to be less intense with yourself in your expectation of yourself.  You offer much harshness to yourself.

JEN:  I know!  What is up with that? (Elias chuckles and Jen laughs)  It would probably make things a little easier and a lot more fun!

ELIAS:  Ah, to be discontinuing this harshness with yourself.

JEN:  I think so.

ELIAS:  (Laughing softly)  This is my suggestion to you.

JEN:  And I think it’s a good one. (Elias chuckles)  I believe it’s already been presented to me on several occasions, although I choose to ignore it.

ELIAS:  Ah!  Ha ha!  Perhaps you shall be paying attention!

JEN:  Yes, maybe. (They both laugh)  Wouldn’t that be special?

ELIAS:  (Laughing)  I may express to you, many individuals holding this alignment express very similar harshness within themselves.

JEN:  God, that doesn’t make sense.  You’d think with an alignment like that, it would be the opposite.  But maybe that’s exactly why, because once you’ve turned the corner, then the river can flow without the dam.

ELIAS:  Ah, and you are beginning already!

JEN:  Oh, good!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha!

JEN:  Well, maybe in our next meeting, I’ll have more progress to report, although I am acknowledging of myself, in how much progress in a year’s time.  It’s wonderful.

ELIAS:  And I am acknowledging of you also.

JEN:  Thanks.

ELIAS:  You are very welcome.

I express great affection to you, and anticipate our next meeting ... and the wondrousness of your new accomplishments!

JEN:  Thank you.  I look forward to it!

ELIAS:  You are welcome.  To you, my friend, au revoir.

JEN:  Au revoir.

Elias departs at 5:18 p.m.

Vic’s note:  This session had a very warm quality to it.  You can hear a fire crackling in the background, and I could smell the smoke while working on the script.  It felt like an intimate fireside chat.


(1)  Elias said “fallen” where I have inserted [followed].  In my perception, he seems to be having more difficulty speaking recently, which I suppose is indicative of another stage in the phenomenon.

© 2001  Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2000 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.