Creating a Relationship with You
“Creating a Relationship with You”
“What Happens When You Commit Suicide?”
Tuesday, January 16, 2001 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Carole (Aileen).
Elias arrives at 10:00 AM. (Arrival time is 18 seconds)
ELIAS: Good morning, Aileen!
CAROLE: Ah, Elias!
ELIAS: Ha ha!
CAROLE: You speak over the telephone!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha!
CAROLE: This is an interesting way for me to start the day! (Elias
chuckles) Okay. I have a few questions for you, some of them
from other people, okay?
ELIAS: Very well.
CAROLE: Some of them are about some experiences that I had from
a long time ago which I never quite totally was able to get closure on
as to what was happening. Maybe I’ll start with those.
The reason I am going to start with this one is because I had this experience
way back when I was in my 20s, which was a long time ago, (Elias chuckles)
and I just read something about something like this in a book that I’m
reading. Are you aware of the term incubus, I-N-C-U-B-U-S?
CAROLE: I had an experience like that. I was in bed with
my first husband, and all of a sudden I saw ... I had just gotten into
bed and he was starting to fall asleep, and I was just laying there and
I saw this like white thing throwing a butterfly made out of light, or
what Christians call the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost or something like that.
And this is kind of weird ... I can’t believe I’m telling this to the international
world! But anyway, this light thing sort of like flew down, and sort
of came down where you have sex, you know, and gave me a climax, and it
was really weird! (Laughing) I wasn’t sure if I was pregnant or what
afterwards! It like really freaked me out. So then I woke up
and told my husband about it, and of course, he didn’t have any answers
for me. What was that, Elias?
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha! I may express to you an acknowledgment
in your allowance of yourself, in relation to mass belief systems, that
you express a sharing of this experience! Ha ha ha ha ha!
CAROLE: (Cracking up) Well, I may put “anonymous” on this
one! (They both laugh)
ELIAS: I shall express to you, what you have created in this experience
is an allowance of yourself to be translating energy of different aspects
of you as essence, not as one focus of attention. But as you, being
essence, allowed yourself momentarily to be encompassing the expression
of energy of essence, you have created an interaction, in a manner of speaking,
between the volume of that energy and the one focus of attention.
Now; in this action, in this movement, recognizing that as you draw
to yourself unfamiliar expressions of energy within this physical dimension,
a translation is created in a manner that offers you the objective ability
to create some type of objective understanding of expressions that are
outside of what is known to you in this physical dimension.
For there are many expressions of consciousness that may be termed to
be outside of this physical dimensional experience, but the design of participation
in this physical dimension is created in a manner of singularity, to an
extreme that excludes all other recognitions of expressions of other aspects
of consciousness that may be viewed as outside of this dimension.
Therefore, as you draw to yourself any expressions or energies or interaction
with any other expression of consciousness which is outside of this physical
dimension, you automatically create a translation, in terms and actions
and imagery, that is known to you and familiar to you....
CAROLE: Like because I had a climax, a sexual climax? So
that was like my part of the interaction and my participatory action in
this? Is that what you’re saying?
ELIAS: This is your translation. This is your insertion
of the energy into an expression of objective imagery that is translated
into a known design or interaction.
What you have allowed in that moment is an objective beginning and motivation
for the movement into creating a relationship with self, and in that desire
to be creating that movement — which was initiated in that time framework,
although not pursued in that time framework — you have offered yourself
an introduction to the volume and strength of your energy as essence.
This is, in objective terms, a powerful experience that you offer to
yourself in objective imagery. [It] allows you a recognition that
there are aspects of your energy which may create the same types of interactions
with yourself, in a manner of speaking — as they may be translated — that
you associate as being the types of interactions that you would engage
with another individual. This allows you a recognition, in part,
that it is possible to create a relationship with self.
CAROLE: Hmm. Okay, that makes sense. It was at a point
where it did begin making me start to study more consistently what the
world was about. It was kind of like the entranceway into that, so
maybe that was a catalyst or part of that experience that was happening.
A similar thing happened about ten years later, where I saw all these
stars, these lights coming in from the bedroom, and it would create a small
circle, maybe about nine inches wide, of twelve stars, and then that would
start to go around in a big circle, until eventually there were twelve
circles of stars going around in a big circle, kinda like going around
and around and around, and I was watching all this and I could hear all
this activity like buzzing, and I closed my eyes and I opened them again
and it was still going on, and there was just like this huge light show
going on in my bedroom.
I always kinda wondered what that was too, and I think that when you
have an experience like that, you’re always looking to try to figure out
what it means, like what was that?
This was when I started on the beliefs of Eckankar, and I told an Eckist,
another person who was a high initiate supposedly, about it, and she said,
“Wow, you saw all the masters,” and she related it to Eckankar beliefs,
and I didn’t really believe that. But I’ve always wondered what that
was too, you know? I couldn’t really come up with a good definition
for myself, other than perhaps it’s similar to what you were describing
with the incubus situation.
ELIAS: Partially. For in this, you allowed yourself an experience
that in a manner of speaking was preparatory for your introduction to interaction
with this phenomenon, and in that, you allowed yourself to be translating
an expression of energy, a communication to yourself, in relation to the
twelve essences which facilitate this phenomenon and this information.
CAROLE: Twelve essences?
ELIAS: Correct.
CAROLE: Oh. I thought there were nine. No, I guess
I’m wrong. (Elias chuckles) I didn’t study good, did I, Elias?
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha!
CAROLE: (Laughing) Have to get my facts straight! (Elias
chuckles) Okay, that’s interesting.
One more thing: Camelot. What does that have to do with me?
I read a book on Camelot, and I had like dreams and incredible interactions
with it, and all these wonderful realizations that I’m really, really connected
with that. And I went to see a psychic once, and she kept saying,
“Camelot! Camelot! That’s all I keep seeing all over you is
Camelot!” And she said she could see me giving talks, and I’ve done
lots of talks, and I’ve wondered ... and one time I volunteered to be hypnotized
on the stage, and I went up there, and I was a little girl in a castle,
and I was the daughter of whoever owned the castle, only I kind of liked
to go down and eat with the servants ‘cause I enjoyed that, and the hypnotist
kept breaking in when I was this little girl, and I told him to leave me
alone, ‘cause I was sort of like in both places. So I know that I
was in some kind of a castle, and I can’t really pick up what. Can
you enlighten me, oh enlightening one?
ELIAS: HA HA HA! And I may express to you, Aileen, what
is your impression? You already have offered yourself much information!
CAROLE: Oh, okay. So that’s it, huh? (Laughing)
ELIAS: I may express to you that you incorporate this imagery
of this particular identification in this story, so to speak, of Camelot,
for it expresses many similarities to the experience that you engage within
another focus.
In this, the creations and the interactions and the experiences that
you engage in that particular focus are expressed, in a manner of speaking,
in what you now may term to be a fairy tale type quality. In this,
you participate in that focus with little incorporation of conflict, and
an engagement of exploring what you now may term to be a fantasy-like quality
of expression, but creating that in an actual reality in that particular
CAROLE: Yeah, that makes sense, and I’ve always liked fantasy.
I still like fantasy. I love to go to the movies, and just go off
and be in fantasy land. When I was a kid, I read every fairy tale
that was in the library.
ELIAS: (Chuckling) There is an affinity for that particular
focus, and in this, there is also a freedom expressed in that particular
focus, in the allowance to be creating a reality in a manner which does
not incorporate what may be viewed as the hardships, so to speak, of the
lifestyle, or as dictated by the time framework, in general terms.
Are you understanding?
CAROLE: I see. Yeah, that rings true. Let’s see. (Pause)
I feel like everything in me keeps going through this metamorphosis.
Sometimes I feel like human love doesn’t make any more sense to me.
Sometimes I feel like, I don’t know, almost like I’m not really here, and
everything that goes on here starts to seem silly to me, and I can’t participate
in it, and I just want to withdraw from all of it. And I watch people.
I read some of the sessions that people have with you, and it feels like
everybody is involved in their own drama, as I am too, but sometimes my
drama just seems so foreign from who I am that it makes me feel like not
even a part of this world. It’s very difficult to explain what I’m
trying to say, but psychologists would probably call it disassociation,
which I do sometimes ... and maybe that’s still part of the fairy tale
thing. See, I ask you a question and then I answer it! (Laughing,
and Elias chuckles)
ELIAS: Let me also offer to you....
CAROLE: Let me ask you, who am I, Elias? (Laughing)
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha! You are you, and this is what you
are genuinely moving into an exploration of.
You have presented this day questioning concerning certain experiences
and associations that you have created in this focus. And in that,
allow yourself to recognize, in a manner of speaking, the progression of
movement within your focus and the direction that these experiences have
influenced in your choice of exploration in this particular focus.
You have offered yourself in one experience an introduction to essence,
and a recognition that there is more that is expressed and that is in existence,
so to speak, than merely what you view within this physical dimension,
which has served as an impetus to motivate you in a movement of exploration
of philosophy and of other expressions of consciousness beyond what you
view merely in this physical dimension.
Subsequent to that movement, you create another experience, translated
into your objective reality, as we have discussed, in preparation for your
introduction to this interaction with myself and the information that you
shall incorporate in this interaction.
Now; within that time framework, you motivated yourself to be exploring
further with different aspects of consciousness. Now — and for a
time framework previous to this now — you are moving yourself into what
may be termed figuratively as your individual next step, so to speak, and
your choice to be turning your exploration into the genuine movement and
discovery of the relationship with yourself.
In that direction, your attention to outside events or interactions
becomes less important within your objective direction and imagery [than]
your attention to self and the genuine exploration of self, and [the] recognition
that all that may be expressed in interaction with other individuals may
be expressed within you — and in actuality more fully within you — than
it may be expressed outwardly with other individuals.
Your attention in this now is intently focused upon this discovery and
this creation of this new depth of relationship with you; not with concepts
of consciousness, not with other areas of consciousness in the manner that
you have created previously, and not in interactions or relationships with
other individuals.
You have expressed this day that you are experiencing a sense that the
expression of love is being redefined within your association of it.
The accepted definition and expression of love, as it is presented within
your physical dimension, appears to you now as inconsequential or as quite
limited in its expression and in how it is defined, but you have not created
an actual new definition of that expression yet. You are moving in
that direction in recognizing that terms within your physical reality are
expressed in extreme limitation many times, and as you begin this genuine
journey, so to speak, into the vastness of self and that exploration, the
terms that you hold are changing. They are redefining, and that is
redefining your reality. In a manner of speaking, you are redefining
yourself, allowing yourself more of a genuine realization and knowing of
the infinite qualities and expression of energy of you.
Now; in this type of movement, I may express to you, it is quite naturally
expressed that you become fascinated with all that you are discovering
within you. Therefore, all that is outside of you becomes mundane,
and in a manner of speaking, temporarily appears to you to be inconsequential,
for your attention is turned in a different type of exploration, and in
the newness of that exploration, it holds a fascination which excludes
your desire to be participatory with outside actions and interactions.
I may express to you an encouragement in this movement, and also an
acknowledgment to you that this exploration may continue for a time framework,
holding what you in physical terms may consider as an extended duration,
but this also shall show itself to be tremendously beneficial to you.
As you become intimately familiar with you, your perception shall allow
for a greater expression of understanding and acceptance of the reality
that you view to be outside of you, for you shall move into an understanding
that there is no outside of you, that all that is created within your reality
is an expression of you, and this creates the genuine knowing of the lack
of separation. This is extremely significant, for this is the being
in the remembrance.
Therefore, my friend, acknowledge yourself also. You are creating
great movement in this time framework. Do not be expressing judgment
and exasperation within yourself that you do not fit within your physical
reality or that you are uninterested in the outside physical reality that
you participate within. For allow yourself to be acknowledging that
in this time framework, your attention is focused in a different direction,
and this is quite to the point, and [is] movement in relation to the genuine
expression of this shift in consciousness.
CAROLE: Well, that certainly does help me to be more comfortable
in what is actually transpiring within myself and my new understandings,
because sometimes it feels really lonely. It does feel like I don’t
fit, and sometimes — a lot of times — I feel like I’m acting so that people
won’t know that I don’t fit! (Laughing)
ELIAS: Ha ha ha! And in a manner of speaking, at times you
may be choosing this type of expression — what you term to be acting, so
to speak — with other individuals, and there is no wrong in that choice.
CAROLE: That makes me feel better too, because I always ... I
have a belief in being fair, and if I feel like I’m acting, somehow it
feels almost like I’m not being fair to the other person.
ELIAS: (Chuckling) Let me express to you, Aileen, the other
person, in your terms, is you! Therefore, what you are expressing
in this “acting” in expression with another individual is your statement,
in a manner of speaking, that your attention is not directed to those outside
aspects of you. Your attention is being focused inwardly.
Therefore, you create this expression of acting, so to speak, in a statement
of, “I am acknowledging that I create these expressions of objective imagery,
that I create all that is within my environment, that I create all of these
individuals in my reality, but I am not paying attention to that creation.
I am allowing it to be created almost automatically, for my attention is
held now in fascination with the inward expression of myself, not all that
I may project outwardly in creation, but that of my being.”
CAROLE: Wow. It’s so obvious to me, as you speak those words,
how true that is, and it does help the conflict that I’ve been feeling
in how I’ve been experiencing things, and of course, as always, it makes
perfect sense and it does clarify things. That’s really, really helpful,
ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend.
CAROLE: I have some questions for some other people, some of these
outward parts of myself! (Laughing)
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha! Very well! (Chuckling)
CAROLE: (Laughing) Because they’re going to be waiting for
the answers, these other parts of myself.
I’m going to start with my son Rick, who you know has a psychiatric
evaluation of schizophrenia. These are his questions. Now,
I’m not sure if you’re going to need background on what these things mean,
or can I just give you his questions directly as he speaks them?
Do you want background, or should I just give them to you directly?
ELIAS: You may offer directly.
CAROLE: Okay. First question: Why did Wazi and Katadaki
give me wrong information and wrong direction on the inner, which destroyed
my life? (14-second pause)
ELIAS: You may offer to this individual my response, in that the
information is not correct or incorrect. It merely has been a communication
of self. The association of the destruction of this individual’s
life, so to speak, is what he has created as his perception, which is genuinely
reality, for all that each of you create through your perception is genuinely
your reality.
Therefore, I am not discounting that he has created this type of reality,
but it has not been dictated by aspects that are not of him. It has
been expressed in his acceptance of communications of different aspects
of himself, and an interaction of his own beliefs within this focus, and
his own association with himself in this focus, as viewing himself to be
a victim. This is a very strongly expressed association within this
individual, and....
CAROLE: Strongly what?
ELIAS: It is a strongly expressed association within this individual,
and continues to be expressed in strength, that there are outside influences
that he believes dictate his reality and that he is victim to, and [he]
continues to create this association, and in that creation denies himself
his choices, denies himself the recognition of his own abilities to be
creating choices.
I may express to you, as I have expressed to you previously, this individual
aligns with the definitions and associations that are expressed in mass
belief systems concerning his choice of manifestation in this particular
focus, and this reinforces his association with the role of being a victim,
and all of these expressions together are translated through his individual
perception, which creates an actual reality in which he continues to hold
himself in this expression of being a victim.
CAROLE: That makes sense too. His next question in his
words is, what happens when you commit suicide?
And I know that you’ve addressed to this before, but if you wouldn’t
mind reiterating on that, because I know he’ll look at what is spoken directly
to him, whereas he won’t look back at the other transcripts. He still
has this belief that he’ll come back as a conjoined twin if he commits
suicide, and I think that’s just his way of making himself not commit suicide.
He also has this belief that I have to come back as his mother, and I have
expressed to him that you have told both of us that we are both final focuses.
I don’t go into the simultaneous time thing because I try to alleviate
his anxiety. But anyway, his question is, what happens when you commit
ELIAS: I may express that this is quite dependent upon the individual,
for it is an individual expression and choice, and there is a definite
involvement of the individual’s beliefs that are incorporated in this type
of choice.
In this situation, addressing directly to this individual and his curiosity
as to what may occur if he is choosing to be engaging this action of suicide,
I may express that the challenges and what he perceives to be difficulties
that he engages within this physical focus now may be expressed in different
imagery, but they shall not be eliminated or merely disappear, in your
terms, through the engagement of this action.
He may choose to be disengaging physical focus, and I may express to
him that this is merely a choice. It matters not.
But the beliefs and the strength of the objective perception of this
individual in this particular focus shall not automatically be eliminated
or altered into an expression of comfort and bliss merely in the action
of, figuratively speaking, moving himself into another country. For
the movement into the expression of death and into nonphysical areas of
consciousness may be expressed quite similarly as movement into a physical
difference of location of country within your physical dimension.
He is merely altering his creation of environment, but he continues to
engage himself in that environment.
I may express to you that the objective awareness does not automatically
and immediately disengage merely in the action of disengaging physical
focus. This is an aspect of the movement of transition, to be shedding
beliefs that are associated with this physical dimension and shedding the
objective awareness that is associated with this physical dimension, but
that action is not an immediate expression within transition, and I may
express to you, many individuals do not move themselves into the actual
action of transition non-physically immediately either.
In recognition of this particular individual’s energy and expression
and beliefs and challenges that he is creating in this now, I may express
quite genuinely, were he to be disengaging this day, his objective imagery
in nonphysical expression would appear as physical as it appears now.
The objective expression and reality would be created in such similarity
to what is being expressed now in physical focus that he, as an individual,
temporarily may not even distinguish the subtle differences, to the point
that he may choose to allow a fuller expression of his beliefs, and allowing
them an expression in actual physical manifestation in an objective manner.
For in actuality, he would not be participating in your actual physical
dimension, but make no misunderstanding in this. As an individual
continues to engage their objective awareness, their projection of imagery
appears to them as equally solid and objectively real, in physical terms,
as it would were they to be continuing within physical dimensions.
In this, the difference is that there is an allowance for the beliefs
also, in the construct of the design of the individual’s thought processes,
[which] may be created in fullness in physical expression.
Therefore, there is tremendous potential for this individual, were he
to be disengaging in this now, to experience for what you term to be a
time framework an association of creating physical imagery, as though,
in your terms, he were continuing to be participating in this physical
dimension, and a tremendous potential for an eventual movement into an
allowance of an expression to be formed, in physical imagery, of this fear
that he shall manifest — or remanifest, in his terms — as conjoined physical
twins. Although he shall not in actuality be remanifesting in this
physical dimension, he may be creating that type of objective imagery in
such preciseness that it may appear to him to be the expression of participation
in this physical reality. Are you understanding?
CAROLE: Yes, I am. I am understanding.
ELIAS: Therefore, I may express to you quite literally, what occurs
in an individual’s choice to be creating this action of suicide is quite
dependent upon the individual and their beliefs and their expression of
reality, and what they engage in their perception in that time framework
within physical reality. For the choice of suicide is merely a choice
to be altering the environment of consciousness, but it is not an expression
that alters the individual or the expression of their reality in association
with their beliefs.
CAROLE: If I shared that information or he read that information,
of what you’ve just expressed, would that be beneficial to him, or would
that make him even more fearful? (14-second pause)
ELIAS: It is dependent upon his choice in his allowance of acceptance
of the offering of this information, and I may express to you within this
now, the expression of this individual is not created in what you would
term to be a following of a direction, so to speak. He is following
a direction, but the choice of his direction is an expression very much
in the now. Therefore, from moment to moment within your linear time
framework, his direction is to be responsive to what is most strongly being
expressed within him in that moment.
Now; let me express to you, in this, he may be incorporating one understanding
of this information in one moment, and he may alter that understanding
or association with it within another moment. Are you understanding?
CAROLE: I see. So he’ll vacillate. Is the new medicine
he has just started on now ... I know this sounds like crystal ball stuff,
but if you have any information, because of the pain that all this causes,
I would appreciate it. Is the new medicine he is starting on going
to help him?
ELIAS: Interesting terminology. Shall it be helpful to him?
No. Shall it be allowed to be altering of some of what he chooses
to be creating? Partially, for there is an incorporation of his own
beliefs in association with this. But I shall also express to you,
his beliefs presently are influencing his creations in association with
this medication, which may appear to you to not be objectively beneficial.
CAROLE: Yeah, that’s usually what I come to in my understanding
of the situation, but it’s painful to watch this, and I never know what,
if anything, I can do to help, ‘cause it really feels like nothing I do
helps. I understand that it’s his reality and that he is creating
it, and that I’m also creating my situation of being in participation with
it, and also that what he’s creating is also myself. But that’s the
part of this reality that gets so confusing and difficult. It’s easy
to think about other realities where there’s not these physical complications
and complexities. But when you’re here, it’s in your face, so to
speak. (Laughing, and Elias chuckles)
We’re just about at the end of our time. I’ll give you Rick’s
last question, and then if I have time, two people want to know if they’re
final focuses. His last question is, will Gary retaliate? We
don’t have a lot of time left; a few minutes, actually.
ELIAS: I shall direct the challenge to him to express what his
impression is and to be noticing what his impression is. This is
a challenge, for this individual does not always allow himself to recognize
objectively what his impressions are or that he holds impressions.
CAROLE: ‘Cause he’s so steeped in the beliefs.
ELIAS: Yes. Therefore, the challenge shall be that he may
allow himself to listen within himself and discover — or in your physical
terms “find” — his impression.
CAROLE: Okay, I will deliver that information. (Elias chuckles)
Now, for two people on the Elias list who want to know if they are final
ELIAS: And my expression shall be the same. You may offer
to them to express, what is their impression? For you all hold an
objective knowing of the answer to this question.
CAROLE: Ah, okay. That’s true. I knew that I was a
final focus before you told me, and I’m sure that a lot of people do.
ELIAS: Each of you do. This, in your physical terms, is
a very simple and easy question for you to be answering, for you incorporate
a knowing of your position, so to speak, in any particular focus, and the
designation of a final focus or a beginning focus is quite clear, and in
this, you each hold a knowing of the answer to this question. Therefore,
I direct to the individuals to express their impression.
CAROLE: Okay. I don’t have time for my husband’s question
here, because it’s been an hour. So I guess we can say au revoir!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha! Very well! I anticipate our
next meeting and offer to you encouragement in your movement, and affection,
and a genuine expression — in my terms, not in your terms — of compassion
to your challenge that you express in your creation of your relationship
with this one individual.
CAROLE: Your compassion means a lot to me, Elias. Thank
you for expressing that. It does help. It warms a little spot
in my heart, and I love you.
ELIAS: And I express tremendous affection to you also. To
you in encouragement this day, Aileen, au revoir.
CAROLE: Au revoir.
Elias departs at 11:05 AM.
© 2001 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2001 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.