Death and Transition
”Death and Transition”
”Easing from the Familiar into the Unfamiliar”
”Applying ”It Matters Not””
Thursday, August 23, 2001 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Leslie (Margaret)
Elias arrives at 10:49 AM. (Arrival time is 25 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning, Margaret!
LESLIE: (Laughing) Good morning!
ELIAS: (Chuckles) How shall we proceed?
LESLIE: Oh, I dont know ... a couple of things. (Elias laughs) Let me ask you, am I toying with the idea of disengaging?
ELIAS: Not presently.
LESLIE: Really? (Laughs with Elias) Oh, its so frustrating! I need a crystal ball, Elias!
ELIAS: Ah! (Chuckling)
LESLIE: (Laughing) Sometimes this isnt so fun! You know, isnt it supposed to be?
ELIAS: (Laughs) It is what you create it to be! Ha ha ha ha!
LESLIE: Yes, I know, but it isnt. You make it sound so easy!
ELIAS: Quite! (Chuckling)
LESLIE: Its not! Its only easy for YOU. You already know the game! (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) Oh! Well, shoot. Not at the present time, huh? Not even toying with the idea? (Elias continues laughing) Gee! Gosh, Im never right about these things, Elias! (Laughing) Remember about my guessing? I dont know - I never guess right! What am I doing here? (Elias chuckles)
Oh, let me ask you - Dr. Goldman, can I get her essence name and family, et cetera, please?
ELIAS: Very well. (Pause) Essence name, Xaine, X-A-I-N-E (ZANE); essence family, Tumold; alignment, Ilda; orientation, common.
LESLIE: My dream - was the dream provided as an example of what happens when you disengage, for me?
LESLIE: It was WAY cool!
ELIAS: This in actuality is your presentment of imagery to yourself of the ease of movement.
Individuals within your physical dimension hold quite strong beliefs in association with death. One of these associations is that it is not a choice, another is that there is an incorporation of difficulty associated with death, and also that there shall be a dramatic alteration of yourself and your experience in engaging this action of death. In actuality, as you have offered to yourself within your imagery, it is merely a movement from one area of consciousness to another, which, as I have stated previously, is quite similar to physical movement that you create within your physical dimension. As you move from one physical location to another physical location, you are not necessarily altering all of your reality. You are merely moving from one location to another.
In very similar manner, the movement associated with the action or the choice of death is merely a movement, in a manner of speaking, from one location to another; but you move yourself with yourself from that one location to another. You continue to be you.
LESLIE: In the dream - it was really, really very short - but I was, my mind was like it is right this second, for instance, and just the body collapsed, and I thought, Oh! Like that! But you know what? The fun part about it was there was no regret, like I didnt want to leave or anything else like that. It was just like you move on. (Begins laughing) Well, you know the next thing I said was, Elias? Where are you? kind of like lets go play now! Like Im done with that, so lets go play!
ELIAS: Quite! It is merely...
LESLIE: But as you get older, too, you realize ... because I dont know what I thought happened, you know, when I was younger. I dont think I understood what old meant. I guess I still dont, really, because your mind never gets old; nothing changes there.
ELIAS: Correct.
LESLIE: So its kind of a trick! (Elias laughs with Leslie) But now, people who are senile or ... is that what the bonking in and out is?
ELIAS: This is a manifestation of transition within physical focus, expressed in what you may term to be extreme.
LESLIE: So its a preparation for disengaging?
ELIAS: Not necessarily a preparation. It is a choice to be incorporating transition to a point, while continuing to engage physical focus.
LESLIE: Okay, but I dont ... Im having a hard time understanding what is the point of hanging out here if youre going to be zoned out somewhere?
ELIAS: Individuals many times choose to be incorporating the action of transition while continuing to be occupying this physical focus, for the action of transition that they incorporate, in a manner of speaking, in imagery is less rapid, and in that movement it is expressed in more of a singularity. For as you engage the action of transition within physical focus, you continue to incorporate the design of this physical dimension and its expression, which is expressed in singularity. Therefore, it is expressed in a manner in which the attention is directed in a singularity of expression.
For example, within nonphysical expression of transition subsequent to disengagement of this physical dimension, you no longer incorporate the design of the physical dimension. Therefore, the attention is expressed in many directions simultaneously, for it is no longer adhering to the design or the blueprint of this physical dimension. Therefore, it is allowed to move in many directions simultaneously.
Many individuals choose to be incorporating the expression of what you term to be senility for it allows their attention to continue to function in association with the design of this physical dimension in singularity, but also allows them to be incorporating a type of ease into familiarity with the expression of transition.
An individual incorporating transition within physical focus and incorporating the expression of transition in the manner of senility allows themselves to be projecting their attention to other focuses or to other aspects of this particular focus; at times they incorporate an interaction with other aspects of essence that are not physically focused. But each movement that they create shall be a direction of their attention to that one expression, such as one other focus within a particular moment, or interacting with another aspect of essence in another particular moment, and they do allow themselves periodically to be turning their attention momentarily once again to THIS focus and this present now. Therefore, the attention moves easily but singularly to different experiences and different expressions of their essence.
Within the action of transition in nonphysical expression, the attention is no longer confined, so to speak, by the design of this physical dimension. Therefore all of the expressions of physical focus - beliefs, experiences and objective awareness - are being explored and addressed to simultaneously. This is what I have expressed in the analogy of placing yourself within a room and surrounding yourself with hundreds of your televisions.
Now; in the action of engaging transition within physical focus, you are surrounding yourself, figuratively speaking, with these hundreds of televisions, but you are merely engaging one singularity of programming in any particular moment. Therefore, in a manner of speaking, you are tuning in one television in one time framework, whereas within nonphysical transition, ALL of your televisions are engaged simultaneously. They are all on simultaneously, and all programs are being expressed simultaneously, and your attention is focused in all of them simultaneously.
Many individuals choose to be creating what they perceive to be an ease into that expression of transition by incorporating the singularity of transition within physical focus, in your terms incorporating time. They perceive this action to be prior to their movement into the simultaneousness of attention.
LESLIE: I dont feel grounded anymore. I dont feel any attachment anymore to anything. I dont care whether its watching television, particularly ... it doesnt matter what it is. My arts and crafts that Ive always been into, nothing seems to be holding my attention. I keep flitting from one thing to another, and its making me crazy! I dont understand whats going on. Its almost like Im trying to grab onto something and I just keep whizzing by everything!
ELIAS: Many, many individuals are experiencing a very similar expression as yourself and what you are describing, for this in actuality is another aspect of movement of this shift in consciousness: moving yourselves from the familiar into the unfamiliar.
As I have expressed previously, you have moved into your new millennium and you are now inserting this shift in consciousness into your objective reality, and in this, you are redefining all of your reality. As you engage the action of redefining your reality, you are in actuality ALTERING it, and in that alteration, your movement is also altered. Your attention is moving from the familiar into the unfamiliar, and temporarily you experience what you associate within your beliefs as a lack of balance or a lack of grounding, in your terms a scatteredness, difficulty in directing your attention in any particular singular direction. For in the action of this shift, you are, as I have stated previously, dropping the veils of separation, and in that you are also altering the direction of your attention to not be incorporating this extreme design of singularity.
The evidence or the temporary manifestation in expression that reflects your movement outside of the singularity of attention is being expressed in what you may view as a lack of grounding, a lack of balance, a scatteredness, distraction. At times, it may translate into an expression of a lack of motivation or confusion, and as you continue in this type of expression you generate frustration, for you are also attempting to force yourself and your energy into familiar expressions. But once again, the familiar does not quite fit any longer within your reality, for figuratively speaking, my friend, what you have created, in a manner of speaking, is reshaping your reality.
Therefore, the shape of your reality now is becoming round, and the familiar of your reality incorporates angles. The angles do not quite fit any longer within the round of your reality now. Therefore, as you continue to force energy and attempt to force the familiar to fit into the expression of your reality now, it does not fit, and this generates frustration within yourself.
LESLIE: Hmm. Okay then, whats the answer to get through this with ease? Just to let go?
ELIAS: To allow yourself to flow with your natural expression of energy presently, to relax. Allow yourself permission to merely be expressing what you are expressing within the moment, without judgment and without forcing yourself into expectations of what you should or should not be expressing or creating.
In this, as you allow yourself a temporary respite, so to speak, allowing yourself to relax and not express the judgments, you may be creating much more of an ease within this time framework which is creating, in a manner of speaking, the manifestation of the emergence, the actual BIRTH of the new reality and new direction of attention.
Previously, I have expressed to you all that you were, in your linear time framework, experiencing the pangs of labor, so to speak, in the analogy of giving birth or the emergence of this shift in consciousness. Now, in the objective insertion of this shift in consciousness into your physical reality, you are, figuratively speaking, creating the actual manifestation, the actual birth or emergence of this shift. Therefore, in similar manner to physical birth within your physical dimension, you create much more of an ease in that action as you allow yourself to relax and not to be creating tension or forcing or pushing your energy. Correct?
LESLIE: Okay, so is that what all the little physical things that are going on, is my pushing?
ELIAS: Correct.
LESLIE: Ah! Okay ... so where is this going? (Laughs)
ELIAS: Into the expression and manifestation of this shift in consciousness in your individual expression and experience.
LESLIE: That didnt tell me anything, Elias!
ELIAS: You are opening the door!
LESLIE: (Laughing) Oh lordy, lordy! Ill have to think about all this, Elias; you realize that, dont you? (Laughs with Elias)
ELIAS: As always! Ha ha ha!
LESLIE: You always give us homework! (Elias chuckles)
How much of what happens - oh, Im not saying little everyday things necessarily, but major things that happen in one focus - how much do they affect the other focuses we have, or not?
ELIAS: The energy is continuously flowing, so to speak, throughout all of your focuses, but the affectingness of one focus in relation to another is dependent upon each individual focus and what each chooses to draw to itself, in similar manner to how you may view your individual physical focus and the movement of your physical body. As you create any expression within your physical body, it is dependent upon what you choose to incorporate that shall be affecting of your attention.
As example, you create movement within your physical body - your physical organs are continuously functioning, your blood is continuously circulating, your respiratory system is continuously moving, your nervous system is continuously offering movement in sensation - but this is not necessarily objectively affecting of you in what you are experiencing, in your terms, for your objective attention is not directed to these functions. This is not to say that they are not incorporated within you and that they are not affecting in their expression, but they are not affecting of your objective choices, so to speak.
But if you are incorporating an alteration of the function of your physical body, and you are creating painfulness or you are creating dis-ease or you are creating tension or restriction in any particular area of your physical body, this shall be affecting of your objective attention. You have created that particular expression to draw your attention to specific movements and associations. Therefore it may be objectively affecting of your choices within a particular moment, but you have chosen in this focus to be manifesting that particular expression.
In similar manner, with regard to other focuses, they may be viewed as a circulatory system or a respiratory system or a nervous system. They are moving within you; they are affecting in the function of essence. But in relation to objective affectingness, they are affecting as you turn your attention and draw to you experiences or associations of the other focuses in relation to your own direction, and moving your attention in this focus in a particular direction to be noticing or exploring or addressing to some movement that you have chosen in this focus.
LESLIE: Now, this particular focus is really focusing on this dimension, correct?
ELIAS: Correct.
LESLIE: Im really singular in that.
ELIAS: Correct.
LESLIE: But do I have other focuses that are focusing on other focuses? Did I make that clear?
ELIAS: Within other dimensions or within this dimension?
LESLIE: Within this dimension. (Pause)
ELIAS: For the most part, no.
LESLIE: So were all just really into our own thing.
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes.
LESLIE: Is there such a thing as imagination, or is everything that we imagine or see on TV, read in a book that somebody else has in their head, is it all based on fact whether this dimension or its drawn from another dimension, or ... do you know what Im saying?
ELIAS: Imagination is reality. It is the expression of choice, and it is the expression of what is known, be it within this physical dimension or another physical dimension or any other area of consciousness.
LESLIE: Oh, okay. Now I need to ask you a question. What would it take for me personally to apply it matters not? What am I missing here to be able to really apply that?
ELIAS: I may offer to you the suggestion to practice noticing the expression of judgment.
LESLIE: Oh boy, I know. (Sighs)
ELIAS: For in noticing the expression of judgment - be it what you associate as good OR bad, right OR wrong - in noticing each expression of judgment, you may practice in each moment of noticing to recognize that either expression is in actuality a judgment.
Let me express to you, my friend, pay attention to those judgments that you deem to be right and good, for these are the judgments that create in actuality a stronger hold in association with your beliefs than those of bad or wrong. Whereas you view any expression as right and good, you continue it and you perpetuate it; as you view any expression as wrong or bad, you also offer yourself motivation to alter.
LESLIE: Thats hard! But you know that. What do you put in place of good or bad? How do you make it neutral?
ELIAS: By recognizing that they are the same, that they are both expressions of judgment. In this, as you recognize that the expressions are both judgments and that they are the same, neither holds significance.
LESLIE: Let me see if Ive got this right. For instance, my cholesterols up right now, and so I hold that as a judgment that thats a bad thing to do or to have. So what I need to do is to be able to look at it as it is what it is, and it doesnt matter what it is.
ELIAS: Correct!
LESLIE: Okay, its the same thing. So-and-so does something I think is wrong; it doesnt matter what so-and-so is doing, it just is what it is.
ELIAS: Correct!
LESLIE: And that goes for every single solitary thing.
ELIAS: Correct.
LESLIE: No matter what it is.
LESLIE: So thats what I need to practice, neutralizing things.
ELIAS: Yes. And the manner in which you accomplish this is to recognize that good, bad, right, wrong, better, worse are all the same expressions. They are all judgments.
LESLIE: Well, that gives me plenty to work on!
ELIAS: (Laughs, and Leslie laughs) Much to practice with, my friend! Ha ha ha!
LESLIE: But thats okay. I needed to know, cause its frustrating. At least now I have somewhere to go or something to do. Do you know what I mean? (Elias laughs with Leslie) I dont know what I mean! YOU know what I mean, though!
ELIAS: Quite!
LESLIE: Im sure Im not the only one that thats a hard thing for.
ELIAS: You are quite correct! Ha ha!
LESLIE: When I disengage, do we get to play?
ELIAS: If you are so choosing!
LESLIE: (Laughing) Wasnt that funny when in my dream I went, Elias? Like a little kid - Lets go play now! Im on your side! (Elias laughs)
Well, I want to thank you so much!
ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend.
LESLIE: I was getting very frustrated.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Allow yourself to be relaxing.
LESLIE: I have that problem, dont I? (Laughing)
ELIAS: Recognize also, my friend, as you create tension, you are also creating another judgment. Judgment is not merely expressed in thought. It is also expressed in action.
LESLIE: How do you get rid of - oops! There we go! We dont want to use that word! - you know, mass beliefs? Say, for instance, the easiest one right now: cholesterol is a BAD thing! Well, here I am trying to tell myself it doesnt make any difference. So how do you get mass beliefs out of your life?
ELIAS: You do not! Ha ha ha ha!
LESLIE: (Laughing) Well, here I go! I want to do the simple way again, huh?
ELIAS: You are moving once again into the expression of eliminating, and this is not the point.
LESLIE: Oh yeah, what you were saying, What they believe, it matters not.
ELIAS: Your beliefs, your belief systems, are an integral design of this physical dimension. They are not being eliminated. They are in actuality an expression of the blueprint of this particular dimension. They are an aspect of its structure. Therefore, you are not eliminating your beliefs and your belief systems.
You are turning your attention to acceptance, which recognizes the existence of the belief systems but is not bound to them, eliminating your choices. You are allowing yourself the recognition of the belief systems and accepting the belief systems, therefore neutralizing the automatic responses and offering yourself choice.
You are not creating the elimination of duplicity, for it also is a belief system. You are neutralizing the belief system of duplicity by recognizing that its expression is judgment and that you are not bound to it, that you may recognize its existence and you may be expressing preferences or associations with good, bad, right, wrong, KNOWING that this is merely a choice, not an absolute, for there is no absolute of right, wrong, good, bad, better, worse. These are associations that are expressed in relation to the belief system of duplicity, and they are judgments.
You are creating an action of acceptance which is lack of judgment. This is not an elimination of the belief system; it is a neutralization of the belief system, which offers you freedom. For in that expression, you allow yourself freedom of choice.
LESLIE: Thats a good word! Freedom is a good word! (Laughs) Oh-oh, there we go again! (Elias chuckles)
Ah! You know what, this takes a lot of work. Do you think Im going to get this right before I leave? (Laughing, and Elias laughs) I can at least work on it, huh?
But, you know, I think thats my one singular goal, if you want to call it that, or that I have. Itd be really nice to be able to actually do that, actually make it it matters not, no judgments or anything else, and just cruise, just enjoy, without pushing and pulling and prodding and all the rest of it. It would be very nice to be able to do that and to be able to use some of the information, some of the talents we have that we dont use right now before I leave. I would love to be able to do that!
ELIAS: Therefore create it, my friend.
LESLIE: Thats probably true! (Elias chuckles) If I want it bad enough, thats what I will do, huh?
ELIAS: Correct.
LESLIE: (Laughing) Okay, but then thats what our conversations are all about - helping me do that.
ELIAS: Correct.
LESLIE: So, thank you very much!
ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend. I express to you as always tremendous affection, and shall offer to you my energy in continuous encouragement of your movement. Be remembering, my friend, be playful.
LESLIE: Oh! When you do things for people, you do lights. You have to do with lights, things that are electrical, right?
ELIAS: Many times, yes.
LESLIE: Well, whos doing the knocking around here, the physical noises, like on the door handle in the bathroom? I keep hearing things, things like the wind cant make. I mean its solid sounds. Whos being playful? (Elias laughs) Is somebody being playful?
ELIAS: I may express to you that in actuality this is a combination of my energy and your energy.
LESLIE: Making those knocking sounds? (Laughs)
ELIAS: Correct.
LESLIE: Okay! (Elias chuckles and Leslie laughs) All right. Well, I think Ive got plenty enough to do!
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. I offer to you great lovingness and anticipate our next meeting.
LESLIE: Me, too!
ELIAS: To you this day, au revoir.
LESLIE: Thanks! Bye!
Elias departs at 11:43 AM.
(1) From , 7/16/98, one version of Elias television analogy:
Now; in response to your questioning - if you are disengaged from this particular focus and are occupying an area non-physically, may you view physical focuses? May you view this particular physical focus? - this is dependent upon the area of non-physical focus that you are occupying.
If you are occupying the area of transition, yes, you may be viewing this particular physical focus and all of your other focuses, although you shall not be so very distinguishing as to each focus.
As I have expressed previously within this forum, within the action of non-physical transition, you may be the room and all of your focuses may be hundreds or thousands of television screens, all upon different channels playing programs of their own, all simultaneously. Therefore, no ONE shall gain your attention more than another. You shall occupy your attention with them all equally, and in this, no one shall seem more significant to you than another.
For other references to the television analogy, see , 9/11/98, or , 9/23/98-2.
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Copyright 2001 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.